Who would he be voting for?
and what would he of thought about this election?
Who would he be voting for?
He would have voted Trump. No fucking way on earth Patrice would vote for some white bitch to order him around
Trump easily
Patrice was an uncle tom in the best way possible for both races
I think so too.
He didn't like white women and he went on Alex Jones.
He always had some weird obscure view though
He would vote for Trump because he's based and because during the end of his life Patrice started getting into the redpill as well as the Alex Jones nwo shit which he stated depressed the fuck out of him. No shit Patrice would've voted Trump. Also
>implying he would've voted for a bitch like Clinton
I can easily see Patrice going toe to toe with other comedians blowing them the fuck out for supporting Clinton instead of Trump.
I know faggots always say this but
Fuck it would of been great to here what Patrice thinks about Louie on Conan
He was such a genuine motherfucker that Schumer and Louie wouldn't be able to bullshit against
He would have loved the "grab her by the pussy" saga.
In his mind deep down all women were lying manipulative sociopaths and men were being pussified into hiding their inherent love of sex, success, and racism. I think he'd say that the 2016 election is the ultimate battle between women and men, and that Trump is an asshole but we need an asshole to bring America back on top. Patrice hated political correctness and was a self-proclaimed racist. He also had respect for white guys like Nick DiPaolo or Anthony Cumia for being open about their prejudice.
Damn, he would have loved this election
You forgot to mention how much he and everyone else loved Gregg Opie Hughes
>Damn, he would have loved this election
Made me sad.
As a follower of Patrice one thing i kinda picked up on after listening to him for so many times is Patrice was insecure about not "making it" when compared to other people who have made it. The only thing that makes Patrice stop for a second is comparing his career to other comedians who he personally thinks (and rightfully is) better then but hates how they're millionaires for kissing ass and playing the game Patrice was a true based as fuck mother fucker but didnt get him anything for being real.
Thats literally the only thing that fucks Patrice up, all Schumer and Louie would have to do is compare Patrices career to theirs and he shakes a little. But that's the path of a ENTP.
As Patrice would say, it was the righteous path.
Who was he racist against?
Havn't seen his specials in forever but i remember him just shitting on black people, and telling white people to not be so scared of being PC
Patrice didn't sell out because he knew the Kike's ways. He named them.
Anons have been confused between racist and racial realist. You can know all about everyone and not wish them harm.
This. And I think he would've enjoyed Trumps 'no fucks given to the political establishment' attitude. Didn't always agree with Patrice, but most of the time and he was always on his best game on O&A.
this is a classic
Patrice made me rethink how I thought about niggers.
I used to absolutely hate them with a passion, but after listening to this guy just be a real person for a bit, instead of some social parasite politicizing every negative thing about niggers I started to see his pov a bit. Even if I don't agree with him.
Trump, obviously. He was going full Alex Jones a few years before he died, so I have no doubt he would have wanted Trump in, but would still be a little scared of how racist white trump supporters are behaving (just like he was always a bit wary of his O&A fans). Motherfucker would have probably voted for Obama again if he could, though, just to annoy whitey. God bless him
Probably wouldn't vote.
I would guess that Patrice would be a Trump or a Johnson guy. On an unrelated note though, this one hour bit he did on how Hollywood/fame actually works behind the scenes is one of the most redpilled things I've ever listened to.
Trump. He thought for himself and hated PC bullshit.
The moment I heard him casually mention "high level jews" was when I knew he was redpilled
>he named the jew
And this is why he never got as famous as he deserved to be. He's alluded to it in other videos but the reason other entertainers like Chris Rock and Will Smith got so big is because they were willing to dance the dance for the jews. The reason he loved Mel Gibson and Charlie Sheen is because they were willing to stand up to the powers that be even if it meant they'd be destroyed.
The pussy comment alone would have garnered Patrice's vote
he would have despised both
Him and Chapelle are both redpilled as hell, also the best black comedians you can find
>press F for redpilled radionig
Don't really need to ask 2bh, you already know
>I started to see his pov a bit. Even if I don't agree with him.
Literally this. Patrice gave the best black perspective ever, i remember he stated that during the OJ trail black people knew he was guilty but they just wanted to see a black guy get away with it since in their perspective whites "always got away with it" and it was empowering to them. I thought it was fucked up and wrong but i "get" why blacks acted the way they do.
Probably Trump.
he always had an odd unique opinion
I think Trump is a safe bet but I could see him thinking it's a fucking joke and disliking Trump as well
I know for a fact he wasnt havin no bitch runnin shit.
dassabesso, just chillin and fuggen
Yeah, I could see him go either way, or maybe third party.
He would have voted Trump 100%
Black Phillip Show crew waddup
you guys are retarded. patrice is black and loved black peple and didnt like whites
at the end of the day he would vote anti white everytime
Also: he was redpilled AF (even though a complete degenerate when it came to sex)
Same sempai
Died before the fun
Patrice could never vote for a goofy hoe, he'd vote for the billionaire pimp mack no question
>RIP Patreeky
He wouldn't vote for either of those clowns.
Probably wouldn't vote at all.
>at the end of the day he would vote anti white everytime
not true he had criticisms of obama
>Im in BJs I saw a box of a toy kitchen and A BOY WAS ON THE FRONT! theres a little sissy on the box!
my face is hurting
bullshit, he'd love Trump
sup, must have listened to it 10+ times in the last 5 years. Time to listen to it again I think.
Don't care.
I just want to hear what he would say about all the comedians who went full SJW when they get their own movies and TV shows.
It's almost like they became influenced by a minority over represented in the movie and TV industry.
Patrice threads always make me sad.
this is really good, haven't listened to it all the way through before, it's better all the way through
>listening to the 12 hour O&A video of Patrice talking movies
>see this thread
Patrice was always in favour of grabbing the pussy.
this. patrice was a conspiracy nut, he would be all over the wikileaks shit.
If Patrice was still around what radio/Tv/movies would he be on?
My guess is he'd be in the anthony cumia, gavin mcinnes crowd.
>tfw torrented all of the eps and listen to it once a year
there's cro-magnon in the back with his caymra
>loved black peple and didnt like whites
You've never actually throughly listened to Patrice have you?
anthony and opie would still be around and he'd be on. He was finally getting his 15 minutes right before his death so he'd do a lot more standup
Dude was a bridge between the American White and Black societies. He was always willing and able to call bullshit on both sides, accurately. I miss him terribly.
>someone care about a dead nigger
fuck off
Patrice hated women WAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY more than white people.
He probably would have been a BLM fag though because he "didn't get" why whites hate black people and claimed that "black should be flying into buildings like Al-Quaeda but we're not because we're peaceful."
Patrice would've voted trump without a doubt. RIP in piece based radionig
no, he'd love what trump says but realize the man is a walking catastrophe
If you're Black and on Sup Forums, think WWPD. I feel that honesty was always his priority. Whenever he spoke on a racial topic, I always felt that I understood significantly more afterward.
He was honest, and demanded honesty in return. Because of that, actual dialogue seemed to happen with him.
Why was it Patrice? Why couldn't it have been opie or bobo? WHY did patrice have to be taken from us?
He'd call Trump out on his flaws for sure, but he'd definitely be into ripping apart how corrupt Hillary is way more than going after how less than politician-like the Don is
>posting one of the best patrice o'neal bits of all time
I miss him so much... He was the only think keeping Louis CK from going full Louis "CucK" Cuck King mode
Easily Trump, because Trump's come to embody a more palatable form of Patrice's bold, disillusioned, anti-establishment, no-fucks-given, womanizing attitude.
agreed but tearing apart someones opponent isn't an endorsement of the other
somehow thats lost on people
He would have really hated hillary. I don't know if he'd vote for Trump but he definitely wouldn't vote for hillary.
Listen to his hollyjew radio story. He, at some level understood, how powerful groups operate.
>Why was it Patrice? Why couldn't it have been opie or bobo? WHY did patrice have to be taken from us?
The saddest part is the way he died... He couldn't speak for his last week on earth. He had to write his final words, fucking weak man
>On October 19, 2011, O'Neal reported being unable to move his legs. He was rushed to Jersey City Medical Center, and later Englewood Hospital, where doctors performed surgery to remove a blood clot. He lost his ability to speak, and later his ability to move, for a time communicating by eye movements before losing that ability as well. Doctors warned that if he survived, he would likely remain permanently paralyzed and unable to speak.[7]
Initially, the family made efforts to keep news of O'Neal's illness quiet. On October 26, 2011, it was announced to the public on The Opie and Anthony Show that O'Neal had suffered a stroke a week earlier.[26][27] At 7:00 am on November 29, 2011, he died from complications from his stroke
Racism is just collective reputation. It exists whether or not you ascribe to or judge people by the reputations their fore-bearers constructed. Hatred along those lines is entirely different than simply acknowledging their existence.
holy fuck that gay shit he gets into at about 30 mins is on point
I wish we had decent stand up comedians here. Patrice was fucking based; he's pretty much one of the few black comedians I like because his act never revolved entirely around the whole "blacks vs whites" trope that every other black comedian does.
I like to rip apart all politicans equally from an objective perspective, I like to be impartial in my analysis of the political landscape
That said, Hillary is on the record a lying crook, while at best the Don has some interesting practices with his closing of some of his past LLC endeavors.
I'll take the less experienced fool over the career politician competent criminal anyday
i think he'd vote for Hillary, almost begrudgingly.
Patrice was one of the most redpilled, talented and raw comics, but i don't think there's enough in his humor to suggest that he'd go full blown conservative to the point of voting for Trump
Blacks have a very strong attachment to democratic party
as a dead black man he will be voting for Hillary in this election.
Alright faggot you've gone to far
I'm a huge fan of Patrice, god rest his soul
But if you think I'm giving up the classical beauty and genius of which is Bobo, for some fat fucking spade your wrong
I take Bobo over Patrice any goddamn day of the week. I take Mr. Maloonigans over Patrice
bobo army nigga
I cry every time lads
Heed vote fer for his mane nigga chippy d and shit tss
>"Gas the kikes whitey"
Good old days ..
Could he vote. He had a rape conviction
Here m8, on his site
There is no fucking way in hell he would vote for Clinton. If you've listened to Black Philip you would know this.
poor guy
good on conan for carrying on though
Calmo, calmo.
that's too close to home senpai
i remember trying to smash my dad's head in with a bat while he was sleeping while i was six because he was such a cunt
were you born in aus
i cant see bad shit happening in the netherlands, it looks like paradise
there are angry stressed out drunks everywhere
Wait, sherrods black?!
I'm not sure, if he is, he hasn't mentioned it
For whatever fucking reason you guys are good at kickboxing
maybe you guys do have some pent up anger
He would have been all in for trump and it would have been fucking glorious to behold.
The fact that he's not around to weigh in on the election is one of the few flaws in this timeline tbqh
>you will never watch Patrice O'neal blow CNN shills the fuck out like he did to this cunt:
feels bad man
This clip personifies the bullshit from PC culture
He handled it so fucking well
There's this strange two sided thing going on here I think. On the one hand we're really tolerant and peaceful but when I tell foreigners we used to attack other classes in the schoolyard with screwdrivers and shovels and battered each others with bicycles and jumped off of roofs on people's necks and broke arms and hands and legs and noses when we were about ten years old people seem surprised.
Lower class Dutch are brawlers. I've seen kids ram each others head on the curb until they lost their teeth in middle school.
goddamn, he was fucking based
Bas and O/A, you got good taste user
Bas is a banterous lad, his stuff on Rogan's podcast is great as well.