Her or Ramona Flowers?

>Her or Ramona Flowers?

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She looks like crud without the haircut

I'll take prime hipster MEW any day

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Knives, you dummy. qt asian that lusts for your heart.


She was the best part about The Void also.

I pine for Kim.

>giant round headed ginger
>disgusting slitmeister roastie with severe mental issues
>pure, innocent, beautiful asian girl
I'm going to have to run a few hundred hours of simulations on my quantum supercomputer to figure out this complex choice


Younger MEW was one of the most attractive women in history. Obviously her

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her head looks so weird. Look how high her crown is above her eyes wtf

>girl with a moon face or girl that HOMEWRECKS

>When you need enormous bangs and hair framing your face on the side just to give the illusion you have a normal head that doesn't make your face look tiny

why is she so perfect

Honestly, Knives > Kim > Ramona, if we are talking about who'd be the best gf.

HOWEVER. I wouldn't resist MEW's semen demon attractiveness and probably end up like Riley.

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Scott fucked up.

I found her much cuter than MEW

This. Knives has only gotten hotter.

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The character is a retard and completely unlikeable, much like the movie.

>only straight white meat eating male in the story
>all he does is fuck up

Bravo, O’Malley.

My nigga, I loved her in that.
Knives all the way, faggots.

Her tits + MEW's everything else = Perfection