can't debate this
Can't debate this
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really makes you think
He wouldn't count as white by Sup Forums Nordcuck standards.
Of course they might have proofs that he was blonde and blue haired and the original true Jews are actually the Nordics.
Hebrews = black
well he didn't have a gun on him, so not too black
sorta hope she gets shot, by her own kind ofcourse.. you know.. in the real blackest way.
And his father nowhere in sight.
And his father nowhere to be seen.
Jesus wasn't shot by blacks though
It's shit like this that makes me hate niggers.
It's shit like this that makes racism the redpilled view of life.
How can you call Jesus a black man when he fed others?
>died the blackest way possible
Jesus wasn't hung by a lynch mob after raping a girl.
because its not an argument
Nordcucks were a mistake.
The original niggers.
>jesus never had a dad
like pottery
What the shit are they hiding in those rat nestz?
Why are these white women dressed that way? Is it some Jew shit?
That really made gave me a cranium conundrum
>with his hands up
Uhh they were nailed to a cross
who the fuck retweets this absolute nonsense?
fucking ridiculous, and a testament to the vapid society we live in today.
any pseudo-intellectual statement that sounds cool will be lapped up like dogs by everyone