Should the personal life of a director have any impact on how you feel about their work?
Should the personal life of a director have any impact on how you feel about their work?
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If you want it to sure. If you don't that's fine too.
It shouldn't, but it does.
how? Polanski is a despicable human bean but Ghost Writer and China Town are two of my favorite movies of all time
Mel literally did nothing wrong.
Only soyfags have anything againts based Mel
If it cuts them a residual check, then yes. Bryan Singer for example ran a child sex ring and repeatedly got accused of molesting boys and several of his friends accomplices were either convicted of child rape or accused.
Yes, which is why I love Gibson's work
>one guy calls jews out for the degenerate christ killers they are
>the other two are degenerate christ killers who molest children
really makes me think
not necessarily, but it can provide context into the artist's intent. Understanding the artist informs the art, and can add another layer to the work that wasn't there before.
So if you like a piece of work and want to understand it better, you can always learn more about the director and watch their other works. In terms of having a moral obligation to boycott art from shitty people, I'm not so sure about that. Films in particular are collaborations, dozens or hundreds of people make any single film and the actions of one person shouldn't exclude you from enjoying the film they worked on.
That said its weird watching Woody Allen films when you know his life. Before you think there's all of this nuance to his stuff, but after you sit there and think to yourself "holy shit does he want to fuck some teenagers"
>conflating two sexual predators and a wrongthinker
hmm i wonder who is behind this post
if you head over to Sup Forums you'll see those cunts love mein kampf
sure, if they fuck children.
Hitler was a vegetarian but I still loved the holocaust.
If you have the emotional intelligence of 11 year old, sure.
Otherwise you'll know to separate work from author.
Yes when it's a goyim
Hahahahahahaha that's great
nice gaslighting, jidf
No. Same with actors
>johnny depp calls for trump to be assassinated
>that's okay, I'm still fine giving him my money
>"holy shit does he want to fuck some teenagers
like every other honest man in the world
>all those kikes
Then yes
You can enjoy a work without giving money.
Both Polanski and Allen represent everything that is wrong in the industry. They are truly despicable. That they are still applauded as great artists by most tells you everything you need to know about modern society. Gibson is a man who merely speaks his mind and is practically hung in effigy for it. What a world.
>saying something bad about jews while you are drunk is just as evil as molesting and raping children
what did they ((())) mean by this
Polanski had to flee the country and hasn't set a foot on America since the 70s you dumb Sup Forumstard
Yeah I guess thats why he isn't able to work anymore you fucktard.
Allen did nothing wrong
Unless you would rather believe a psychotic
harpie who cries abuse then phones up to arrange her costume fitting for the next movie and offers to drop charges for 7million
He won an Oscar for The Pianist. Not saying it wasn't a great film, but he was literally applauded by Hollywood. You dumb soyboy.
Michael Jackson was accused of being a pedo. Did everyone stop listening to Michael Jackson? No. All this shit going on now are a sign of the terrible times we live.
>That they are still applauded as great artists by most tells you everything you need to know about modern society
Polanski has two children and is married. His victim is a grandma and has publicly stated that she's moved on. If you can't repent for your sins over 4 decades after the fact, and after proving you're not a further menace to society, and by contributing to society via family and art, then why even bother with the judicial system? It's not black & white, and you don't have to excuse his actions to accept this.
Nice try. That wont even win you the home game version.
You do the crime, you get your cheeks busted and your wig split. It's the American way.
>and rapist
kek'd so hard
We cheer for rapists and murderers as long as they kick or thow a ball into or at something. Why should tv and film be any different. All entertainers should be exempt of crimes equal to their current popularity.
A court found him innocent
that is all i need.
He´s only Polish, being born in France doesn´t mean he´s French
court found OJ innocent too
There's an awful lot of cosplaying christcucks on Sup Forums lately
no a jury found OJ innocent
>being born in a country doesn’t mean you’re from that country
Court of Law: an official group of people (such as a judge and jury) who listen to evidence and make decisions about legal
>dressed as a Catholic Priest
damn, he's really rubbing it in
>ran a sex child ring
Oh you deluded pol/tard
If a White man is born in China, is he Chinese? No
Strictly speaking, the way Woody produces the films has certain degree of benefits on those who get involved with the industry in one way or another. Not those are the rich & famous, though. Having numerous times of production being run definitely makes job opportunities. The other two are definitely the artist for sure, but I really don’t know how much ppl should give in on the issue. Of course, they all are terrible for what they may have done.
Thanks to swaglord's partners over at r/The_Donald.
you're just being pedantic
I'll rephrase that
All the evidence pointed to Oj being guilty so he was tried
All the evidence pointed to Allen being innocent so he was not, no charges were ever leveled at him
Of course. Mel's work has only become more based in my eyes.
>Polanski: ugly and elitist horror movies reveling in the perverse and the grotesque
>Allen: narcissistic and self-indulgent therapy sessions about pathetic and dysfunctional sexual neuroses
>Mel: awe-inspiring and life-affirming epics about universal civilization-building moral values like honor, integrity and self-sacrifice
Based directors should get better ratings.
Cucks should get none.
>He's never seen the documentary An Open Secret
His friend/accomplice Mark Collins-Rector, who pled guilty to sexually abusing child actors after he was taped recorded admitting it and claiming he's killed people while threatening a victim to remain silent.
>2 child rapists
>a guy who said mean-yet-sorta-true things to a cop while drunk and then the cop illegally gave confidential records to paparazzi
Well child sodomizers should be looked at only for their work but if someone gets drunk and says bad things about Jews?
Fuck them.
>be a kike
>fuck (under age) and marry (of age) step daughter
>make pedo themed shit, everyone knows you're a pedo
>people see this as equal to saying something bad about jews while drunk
Raping children kind of kills the deal, Mel is entitled to his opinion and has first amendment rights to express them.
>Make a religious porn movie that only rednecks and white trash like
>Get drunk and when a cop pulls you over you express your love for sand niggers
>Beg your Jewish overlords for forgiveness and apologize multiple times, but they show no mercy and kill your career
>Become an even bigger alcoholic in your depression
>Your wife cucks you for a nigger
>You get caught on tape crying about how upset you are that your wife is cucking you for a nigger
>Now trying to appease his masters by making an anti-war movie glamorizing a soldier who refused to kill the enemy, starring a Jewish actor
>Now further trying to appease leftist hollywood by making a police brutality movie. #BlackLivesMatter!
Is there a bigger cuck in Hollywood than Mel Gibson?
>all evidence
No. there was reason to believe the evidence was tampered with.
If a judge wants to, he can throw aside the the jury's verdict if he believes there are grounds that it's completely incorrect. He didn't
As long as they're not pedos I'm okay with it.
Yes. It does.
It takes a real piece of shit to affect me to the point I don’t like their art. Clapton is the only one and he’s a musician no directors do that to me. Clapton has a special place in hell
>only rednecks and white trash he tips >his fedora
In other words Christians.
>Your wife cucks you for a nigger
And now he gets women far better than that bitch ever was. I only pray he doesn't marry any of them.
In one.
>he thinks Based Gibson's personal life shouldn't get him even more praise
It depends doesn't it.
I mean think of all those hardcore LostProphets fans who got tattoos of ian watkins and felt like he was really speaking to them through his lyrics,
then finding out he tried to fuck a baby.
No, but it should change the way you feel about the person. Idiots like Meryl Streep, who somehow consider themselves feminists, applauding Polanski sicken me.