Can someone tell me why they think is is good? I'm not trying to meme I just thought it was really whatever. Nothing was really shocking about it to me or stood out.
Spring Memers
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I consider one of the worst movies I've ever seen, if that helps you.
(((Harmony Korine)))
James Franco is so kino
fuck off shill faggot
you're not fooling anyone
have you seen other films by Harmony Korine? it's hard to answer your question without knowing anything about the person asking it. if you didn't get anything out of the film, that's fine. but Spring Breakers is just another entry in Korine's portfolio that takes a part of American culture and skewers it in an effort to create something dreamlike and surreal. nobody does it quite like Korine, and other movies that implement a similar theme (rowdy teenagers) end up being preachy or shallow in a really unsatisfying way. by comparison, Spring Breakers doesn't try to root its message in reality. it's more like a kaleidoscope for the audience to see reality through.
Because it's beautiful
>dude it's supposed to be vapid and pointless lmao
it was pure, unadulterated shit
I actually havent seen his other films so maybe I'll try and watch a few.
Correct. It was just propped up by the corrupt press.
Sad thing is it's not even his worst movie. Try watching Julian Donkey Boy. Yikes.
>a jew ripping off goyim
Aamazing how this totally indie artist somehow got Disney actresses and James Franco and shitin his crappy movie.
How did he do it? It's a total mystery.
>I just thought it was really whatever.
Basically my feelings after seeing it. Not to mention it goes full retard in the last act, even for Korine.
It has a nice "surreal" dream-like aesthetic to it that people seem to like, but honestly I imagine these people must not watch many music videos. I don't need an hour and a half music video.
I don't think it's awful but it gets tons of praise regardless
It is fantastic to fap to.
>tripfag filtered
KIDS is probably his most approachable credit, though he wasn't the director. Gummo is my personal favorite, but it's a very abrasive film for some people. I consider myself a fan of his, but I wouldn't recommend Julien Donkey Boy, Trash Humpers, or Mister Lonely unless you're very curious. those movies feel more like pet projects than anything anyone was supposed to watch
Unzips dick
Fuck off shills.
And take your manlet gimp charlatan with you.
Classy shills
When all else fails break out the t&a
I know I'm totally distracted now
??? I don't think Korine makes enough money to pay me better than my state job does. keep bumping this thread tho, I like it
damn, if a woman looks like THAT
I gotta pirate this shit
name a movie that better captures the degeneracy of our generation
Harmony Korine was already pretty respected in the film world for writing 'Kids' that alone would make a lot of Arthouse fans check out Spring Breakers, that and it appeals to normies because of the chance to see former Disney stars like Vanessa Hudgens and Selena Gomez in a highly adult role, that and the fact that Korine never makes it 100% clear whether he's celebrating or criticising modern Spring Break culture make
s it highly open to discussion
Harmony Korine has cred with the youth
The trailer to Gummo is unironically total kino
should have shaved better
>that one guy who has an entire cabinet of spring breakers
I think that's the beautiful thing about Korine and why he's so beloved by reknown filmmakers; because he decidedly DOESN'T criticize the shit he films. he just depicts it. it's a sincere and open portrayal of human beings. I imagine some people watch Spring Breakers and think
and fauz intellectuals think
>surely he's lampooning the hedonistic culture blah blah blah
but based on his work so far, he isn't doing anything except taking a setting and putting a live camera on it. maybe that's just my personality I'm reading into it, but I really get the sense that Korine doesn't want to sell people a message about good or bad. he just wants to show you something.
No he doesn't. He's a fraud. Maybe the normie youth can't see through this cult product. But any critical thinker can see right through his bullshit backstory and bullshit 'carreer'.
That and his movies fucking suck. He's the new David Lynch.
People who claim Spring Breakers is "fantastic" or "2deep4u" are the most naïve and ignorant in cinema terms (if so). The meanings of this movie are inexistent, and are only a projection of some viewers ideas due to the confusion generated by the ad nauseum imagery and mediocre aesthetic discours. It is clear that Spring Breakers has a weak plot that is hidden by the ineptitude of Korine when it comes to character development (we never saw what really happened to the characters in their heads, any internal struggle, nothing).
We cannot see for example how the spring break is a particular circumstance. The four girls were already morally broke (doing drugs, assaulting restaurants), so the spring break is just the place they used to live but hotter. James Franco acting is noteworthy, but his character was completely unnecessary, except for the explicit scenes, which themselves, weren't necessary either.
Korine's goal was accomplished. He forced his viewers to think his movie (with all the pretentious background of his prior work) was by any means deep, just because he hid in a very mediocre way, the holes in his plot.
In other words, the meanings on Spring Breakers are made up by his uneducated audience with help of the whispers (an old cliché), the repeated dialogs (almost every movie uses this to show a change in the meaning, but in Korine's case is a complete failure because the characters actually never changed), the pseudo-artistic cinematography, and, overall, the vapidly empty and shallow ending.
tl;dr if you think Spring Breakers is a good movie, you are a plebeian.
Work on your reading comprehension, and post again when you're 18
Shills typing up novels
Muh cine expert
It's ok. All real anons know the deal now.
Feel free to make 50 more posts talking to yourself.
>so the spring break is just the place they used to live but hotter
Not true user, it's clearly depicted that the girls live in a boring, safe college town where they don't really fit in, in contrast the two girls who stay with Alien fit in perfectly with the violence, crime and degeneracy of St Petersburg