How badly has Sup Forums got you fucked?

>be black
>switched from calling people "niggas" to just straight out "niggers" in public
>called my family and friends niggers
>they grow distant
>gain more white friends tho
>they start calling me nigger
>all cool tho, I call them white cucks, crackers and shit
>openly support white nationalist views
>wear a MAGA hat when going out for a get together
>started to stray from degenerate white girls and leaned towards the superior light skin indian/asian gril meme
>tfw I lost all my black friends and replaced them with white boys
>tfw family thinks I'm an uncle tom
>tfw I'm just doing it all for the lulz and dont actually mean it but in too deep and don't know how to make my life normal again

What about you user?

>Becoming a respectable American for the lulz

I jokingly told someone once that they would be the first I'd kill on the Day of the Rope, which I couldn't really explain afterwards

I always thought I'm white but it turns out I'm not.

>looting Frostweave in the desert
C'mon now

>>tfw family thinks I'm an uncle tom
how come every time a black man wants to be a respectable member of society, the black community resorts to this? what makes them so self destructive?


Lol OP you are funny.dont take Sup Forums seriously

Forgot to upload picture, no bully.

Follow Black Jesus armundus

I'm also a nigger. This is what happened to me except I like my mom (no idea why the fuck she things Hillary is a good candidate however). This life is better than the one I abandoned, I can be as offensive as I like with my white friendshirt, everyother male nigger I've met has been a sensitive loser in every regard. Nigger bitches are absolutely atrocious inside and out.

Oh, I guess I'm also a first generation american. I dont know if that changes anything.

What do you want most in life?

Armin trap

>How badly has Sup Forums got you fucked?
I'm about to go spend the better part of a year in England almost entirely because of brit/pol/.
Not quite fucked, but it's a hell of a commitment to make solely on banter and shitposting.

>>gain more white friends tho
>>they start calling me nigger

Just kill yourself you dumbass coon.

>>tfw family thinks I'm an uncle tom
Didn't lose anything anyways, homie

Wait, are there actually legit red-pilled niggers?

Post proofs

>ice in the desert
Because we need the reparations
Boondocks. Best anime I've ever watched :^)
>implying I am not black jesus
Hey user don't call yourself a nigger now. Gotta look tough in front of these white boys. They will pounce on you if you show any form of self-loathing.
But user, armin is female.
why the fuck are you going to brit? What on Sup Forums made you do this?
I love you too white boy

you'll love the media

If you truly held white nationalist views you would off yourself or move to Africa you smelly nigger

I said I support it. Having pride in your own race is a good thing and so I respect white nationalism. Doesn't mean I am a white nationalist.

And africa is shit desu senpai. I'll stay here.