Yes yes well done Drake well done, however

Yes yes well done Drake well done, however...

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>tfw miranda cosgrove made out like a bandit, stayed hot, and never went crazy

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at least drake got to sniff Daniella's armpits

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Yay !!!

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I see why he was cut off.

fucking faggot

Damn that sucks for him assuming this is real. Why wouldn't Drake be invited??

Why would he be? Just because they worked together? Kind of presumptuous.

I always thought they had a cool bond going...
Damn I realize how silly that sounds in retrospect

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Drake kind of seems like an idiot whose life is in shambles, maybe a drug issue as well, so I'm sure that's part of it. Josh has said multiple times in interviews that he doesn't want to work with Drake again.

>Tfw Dan "get in the van" Schneider was invited to the wedding but you weren't
Must suck to be Drake Bell

La fantasma de la USC...

Why is Stamos there?

Drake "I sleep soundly knowing Dan Schneider is going to burn in hell" Bell

Josh Peck and him were working on a show.

Why do I get the feeling Drake watches old reruns of Drake and Josh and cries himself to sleep knowing he will never be able to live in the past anymore?
I feel bad for the guy. Shoot, I'd live with him.

Thats weird, he now almost looks like chester bennington with long hair

I think drake made more money with his music career than josh. Maybe the money is stopping now since hes no so relevant anymore but overalll. Josh has what red dawn flop that killed his big screen career. Nows hes shilling for wallmart on his instagram

Well, drake is still in the tv business because he does the voice for many animated characters


You do realize he put that to drum up sympathy from the Drake & Josh fans right? It's a quote from the show

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I dont watch faggotkino

He's gonna be the n MTV's Champs vs Stars soon (Challenge spinoff) competing for charity and rumor has it he got kicked off for doing something unspeakably bad.



details on this? Never heard of this show or anything he might have done

He does that whenever he tries to grow his youtube channel

I'm only going off the thumbnail here but Josh looks like such a manhandling Chad there.Look at the way he's got his arm wrapped around Drake's pussyboy neck

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The Challenge was originally a Real World spinoff it's been on MTV for 31 seasons. The Challenge now has a spinoff where the Champions of the Challenge season compete against professional athletes and washed up celebrities in mental/physical games of all kinds for charity. It's actually an insanely good show. No clue about what Drake did but I'm excited to find out

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lol hes looking like "How could i disrupt this shit in the most heinous way?"

La creatura...

But any details of him doing the unspeakably bad things? And what were they exactly?

>>Shoot, I'd live with him.

>"Uh, yeah user, I have rent money, just been so busy with all these gigs, ya know? Just gimme a few days, I'll get it."

I know he'd be good for it. I have hope that the guy I watched as a kid would eventually be able to get himself into a good financial situation.


Seriously curious

Well according to the vevmofags who are lefty as fuck he may actually be based and apparently refuses to use a transgender person's preferred pronoun so wtf I love Drake Bell now


Also maybe a cheating scandal of some variety. Either way I'm watching

where is she now?

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If this is the case I'll go buy some of his shit off iTunes in support


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>never went crazy
nothing official, but heard she is a massive coke out slut at her college though

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>51 Miranda Cosgrove exaggerated her medical expenses after a tour bus accident 3 years ago -- this according to the truck driver who's being sued by Cosgrove for her injuries.
TMZ broke the story ... Cosgrove claimed she was "disfigured and disabled" in August 2011 when her bus slammed into an overturned tractor-trailer that was laying across the highway. The singer and "iCarly" star is suing the drivers of her bus and the semi.

In court docs, Cosgrove -- who suffered a broken ankle in the wreck -- claims her medical bills added up to $184,490.16.

The truck driver has filed his own docs now ... saying her medical bills were NOT calculated properly ... and he questions whether all her treatments were related to the accident.

He also denies Cosgrove's claim that she lost a lucrative sponsorship with Neutrogena after the crash.


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It's amazing she still looks like a normal person after all the things Dan did to her.

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