“You fucking bitch! Bitch! Bitch!”

“You fucking bitch! Bitch! Bitch!”
And that’s how you do it

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> remember the 6 million

what does she do then ?

Awwww he's cranky now. You must be hungry

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>Is that how you got your job as a weather girl?
It's over.

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>turns around and pulls down his pants
"Looks like I just stepped on a frog."

"... and then you wake up?"

>Don't tell me you actually believe in that fairytale, Jonah

>...,youre fat lol
-audience goes wild-

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>For your information, I wouldn't even WANT to fuck you. With Brad and Leo in the room, I'd be much happier jerking off in the corner while THEY fucked you instead

Boom, fucking roasted

>funny, i have the same fantasy except its you who leaves


oh my god i think we did it fellas! i mean we've done it like 3 times before but this is the final nail in the coffin!

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Daily reminder that he started it.


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>I think you might be a little too old for Leo

Why did he change his name?

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take out the faggy micdrop shit and this is actually the best one i've seen

Yes Jonah I ashamedly admit in my journey to my position I had to make some difficult descisions that caused me to question my own morality, I felt so dirty and used. But I told myself it was all to have a better life for myself and my family, you see I grew up with nothing so I saw the opportunity to make something of myself and I worked hard for it doing whatever necessary and I am truly humbled and great full to be here today.
>Audience goes insane in a fit of cheers and applause for her bravery
>Jonah Hill is never offered a job in Hollywood again

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What really happened to his brother?

Yeah we know how much you love stuffing your face with meat

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I give up bros

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Is this what Jonahposting has come to?

oh yeah well I bet you voted for drumph

please just let us rest, you heartless bitch

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I always love the implication that this dumb roastie, who could barely even string together her initial attempt at a joke (which she probably rehearsed 100 times beforehand), could come up with any sort of retort beyond stammering and giggling or holding back tears if he insulted her.


>Yeah I got my job by rejecting you and getting to have sex with Dicaprio and Pitt
kys virgin, it's a shit comeback and you know it

And that's all it will be. A fantasy. You want to know why? Because you're nothing. Never have been, never will be. At this very moment, your life has peaked. It's all downhill from here. Yeah, I'm fat, I know. But I can improve. I can lose weight through hard work. What do you have? Your looks? You didn't earn that. Plus, you're losing them day after day. Eventually you'll be nothing. All you'll have left is the memory of the day "I sure showed Jonah Hill!" That's the extent of your life. You can't even predict the weather properly. I pity you.

Shut the fuck up and get back on the treadmill, Jonah


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Actually saying that out loud would be a thousand times more embarrassing than what she said to him

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I would unironically delete my post if I were you.


>I have more power and money than both of you combined. Sit down, be humble

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The best part about this is that she didn’t meant to insult Jonah at all. Jonah’s type of comedy is self depreciation so that’s the person she sees him as so that’s why she made that joke, not to hurt his feelings but to see him laugh. She didn’t expect him to act like a man baby and leave France.

She understood the depth of her mistake once he hired those four gunmen to kill hundreds of her countrymen.

god fucking dammit

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Jonah was the one responsible for the refugee crisis.

This desu


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whats going on here
>inb4 nervegas XDXDXD

"Oh like right now?"

Stand up and leave.

Going to take the Subway, Jonah?

Weak shit, see

>You're a nigger, you know that?

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Fuck off Ornella. we're going to get you one of these days and there's nothing you can do to stop it. just a little more time.

theres been heaps of these types of threads. whats the best we have come up with?


>Oh really
*smiles insidiously*
>You would dare to insult the cosmos
*pulls ancient tome from within his jacket*
*room falls silent as he turns to a specific page*
*lights black out*
*audience begins screaming in panic*
*ominous red light glows from the pages of the tome illuminating Jonah*
*audience begins rioting and destroying the studio*
*studio roof rips off*
*a primordial, coruscating chaos descends upon France*
*audience have epileptic fits from the bright flashing clouds in the dark sky*
*fleshy tendrils sprout from Jonah's back as his face begins to swell*
*the audience dissolves into a stew of screaming meat*
*ascends to the eldritch plane*
*brings forth rivers of blood and oceans of sorrow*
*sentences France to 10,000 generations of subjugation to the dark powers*

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"Im taking my footlong somewhere else"

>you're mom gay

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>You should put it in the garbage and take the treadmill instead.

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That was shit. You are done.

we're fucked mate. We got nothing

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>Jonah, I was told you were supposed to be Lovecraftian, not LoveKraft Mac & Cheese.

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getting rusty, ornella

she hit the wall

Aw, Jonah... then maybe you should ease up on the subway?

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>girl really likes you and the movies you make or your performances
>Figures you're all about comedy so you'll be down for some playful bants
>Makes a joke and you get severely anally ravaged about it to the point where you cancel future interviews

Dude belongs on r9k


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>I have a fantasy about you introducing me to Brad Pit and Leo Dicaprio, and then you go away
>*audience laughs*
>Is that how you got your job as a weather girl?
>*audience goes silent and looks confused*
Is this really what Americans consider a good comeback?

That's one of the oldest ones in these threads.

Yeah, fantasy. A girl like you has no chance with them, let alone with me.

you cant win
you cant win against her

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>Of course that's a fantasy. In reality, you'd have to settle for me.

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not bad at all Jonah

This one isn't bad.

It's still more of an insult to Jonah though.

why don't you post Ugandan knuckles and harambe memes, faggot.

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he's self-deprecating the plane with no survivors

you donut hole filthy lying patience has its limits

I think we did it boys
We found the perfect comeback

>haha that's what my ex said too

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No, but we're getting closer. Just a LITTLE bit more time.

imagine being this weak

>the perfect comeback is Jonah shitting on himself


thats the whole point of these threads, is the bantz on americantz

whats amazing about it is the mystique the french translation leaves on the disparaged jonah, it is like a foot long size hole in his stomach

He humbly defuses the situation
That hardly qualifies as "shitting on himself"
It's masterful. And him being an asshole to her will put him in the wrong. As a man he's expected to take most of the blow but play it off as if he didnt care and turn the situation to his liking which he did by making the hypothetical audience laugh with that comeback

It's certainly the best in the thread but we can steal bigger than that.

>He humbly defuses the situation
no, he just add to it in her favor, he's literally just agreeing with her.
It's a cuck comeback

it is unwise, take the arning from the Icarus myth, dont get too close to the sun

>it's a cuck commeback

you're the oversensitive reactive type arent you?
you need to learn to laugh at yourself

You've spent too much time on Sup Forums. Self-deprecating humour is perfectly acceptable (especially for a fat guy) and not "cuck behaviour."

I agree, but it's all we currently have. We need more time.

It comes across differently "across the pond" even in England people would shit out an egg laughing before they'd get to the "you're joke" part, and crack the shell.

the best he couldve came up with is nah, I can take a hint or even better, I like you for your personality anyway. Just something of a jot, as that beats the wind out of the basking pip

>A crazier fantasy is the one where your body weight settles.

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He could just laugh at her joke and it would have the same effect.
It's not a comeback.