>Luke's first time against TIE fighters >Hard to aim because they are too fast, he misses most of his shots >It's really hard to destroy each TIE fighter, Han and Luke need to work as a team to defeat 4 of them
>Rey's first time against TIE fighters >Destroys 3 of them by herself with a single shot, her first shot
And people still claim that she's a bad character? She's Luke done right
>The best melee fighter in her planet even though she's just a young girl. >Even though she's only ever used a staff to fight, she's an expert with the lightsaber too >Has never piloted a ship before, but she's an expert pilot who flies better than the first order's best pilots and knows more about the millenium falcon than its owner >Luke's lightsaber chose her to be its next owner >Mastered the force upon seeing it being used once >Went to visit Luke to receive training even though she was already the most powerful jedi to ever live. Trained under Luke for a day and then left. Got praised by Yoda >Can lift heavy boulders without the slightest effort >Loved by everyone around her, even by her nemesis >Has no weaknesses
20 years old Has trained under a Jedi who has renounced the Force for 1 day Yoda wants to lick her clit Beat a guy trained for years by Luke when he was in his prime, who beat Luke, the first time she fought him Pilots better than Wedge Antilles AND Han Solo in his own ship the first time she flies it Shoots better than both Han and Chewie the first time she shoots from it Does more with the Force in two movies than Luke or Anakin did in 6 for fuck's sake Everyone thinks she is the best thing ever Including bitches who knew Luke, Han and other heroes Fucking LEIA thinks she is the tightest shit and Leia can survive a vacuum with the Force Luke dies to make her look like a massive hero Poe is made to look like a fucking moron even though he absolutely should have been the person to step up and become nu-Leia/Han, which only made Rey look better There is an EIGHT MINUTE SCENE where she just clicks her fingers and stares at herself that brings NOTHING to the film. NOTHING.
Matthew Cooper
i learned my lesson. 9 and solo and what ever other shit they shovel can maybe get pirated
Nicholas Reed
>for 1 day They only had enough fuel for like 8 hours. TLJ took place right after TFA. Her 'training ' was those 5 minutes swinging at a rock
Luke Price
>at age 17 michael jordan beat an nba player who had played for the detroit pistons for 4 years fucking mary sue
Brody Walker
I knew something was wrong when I heard mark hamill pronounce the word "to" as "ta" as in...
"Its time for the jedi ta end."
Luis Cruz
more edits
Chase Martin
Now when will one of those WNBA pros beat the worst NBA player?
Brandon Wright
kek I love this
Christopher Wilson
I was trying to be generous about timeframes as they are fucked desu
Mason Martin
>implying being a girl has anything to do with how powerful you can be in the force
Juan King
Was that the first time he played in his life you fucking retard?
are you implying on some junk planet, at the age of 18 rey has probably never gotten in a fight? that she just carrys that staff for nothing? no one ever tried to rape/rob/kidnap her?
Star Wars has always been shit. You neckbeards are just finally realizing it.
Juan Fisher
corporate fanfiction
Bentley Edwards
You think the average bandit on Jakku is as strong as Snoke's elite guards? dumbass
Jason Phillips
he was in 24?
Josiah Hughes
he replaced keifer as the main character
Jackson Young
kek more
Chase Price
t. bitter roastie
James Miller
I can't believe they gave her a tripple kill holy shit this is some anime shit right here
Ryan Green
are you implying that is a realistic scenario to begin with? rey is like an unguarded brick of gold out there. irl, a staff would do her no good because men would come in numbers to collect her and sell her off before havin a poke themselves.
>typical prequel hater friend says episode 8 was bad but better than the prequels >watch it >on par with aotc (the worst one)
Connor Cox
And LeGod was better than most NBA players at the time while he was still in High School. They're considered the greatest to have played the game for a reason.
Justin Ramirez
Because it never happened. That feminine guy(Cory Hawkins?) with the super tweezed eyebrows replaced, Kiefer.
Right, I was just stating that he didn't replace, Kiefer.
Boyega is a shit actor though, and a charisma vacuum to boot.
Tyler Russell
>n some junk planet, at the age of 18 rey has probably never gotten in a fight?
this scenario is unrealistic to begin with. A 7 y/o Rey (or whatever age she was when she got left behind) would have been kidnapped and sold into sex slavery like immediately.
also, she lives in the desert all her life and has skin like that? uh huh fuck right off lmao
Tyler Butler
thanks for explaining I stopped watching 24 when I heard no more jack Bauer
The reason is because of a very superficial reading of Star Wars. What is Star Wars about? Super cool Jedi who can do cool things, and evil Sith, and the Empire, etc.
They then just reproduce all this without realizing that it took Luke like 3 films to not suck.
Samuel Rogers
we wuuz lifting rocks and shieet
Zachary Allen
Thomas Hill
Robert Diaz
>ruins the rotj ending by having the empire be back and stronger than ever >cliff hanger on luke >he's a cranky old man who refuses to help leia >he also has MCU quips "that pretty much is nowhere" >luke dies >8 starts and ends on the run >literally nothing accomplished except the 98% of the rebellion + luke are dead i will never not hate disney
Isaac Bailey
At this point one would've thought the hero's journey connection to star wars was common knowledge and still they somehow managed to create a protagonist that doesn't go through any changes, has no flaws to get over, no stakes, or earns any of the rewards given.
Angel Cooper
Stop thinking about it as Star Wars just because Disney owns the logo. It's not Star Wars. Star Wars is Lucas for better or worse.
Henry Reyes
He spends 3 movies to get where Rey started off, and even then, how does he beat the Emperor? He doesn't. He gets his ass kicked, and his daddy chucks the Emperor off a ledge.
Seriously, not memeing, can someone tell me if this is real, and, if not, what the context is? Haven't seen the movie.
Nathaniel Anderson
Good idea Poor execution Anyone wanna retry?
Caleb Jackson
I don't think the point of light side was beating bad guys in sword fights anyhow. At the end of the day as cheesy it sounds unconditional love and friendship won the day and a father sacrificed himself for his son. Luke came out of that as a jedi master who seen some shit and gained true wisdom from it. It's beyond retarded that they turned him into some old grumpy guy with anger issues drinking milk from the space tit of a sea sloth like he's bumming used cigarette buds from a public ash tray. They threw his whole character development out of the window who would strike down fucking kids because of a bad feeling he had, when he would've rather died than fight his father. Remember the STRIKE ME DOWN shit the emperor used to say and how look won because he didn't? Why the fuck would Luke strike down a kid?
Lucas Gray
to be fair he immediately felt like a piece of garbage for doing it
Jack Carter
Might sound trite but he should've known better. Especially with like 3 to 4 force ghosts giving him constant advice. What happened to them anyway?
Daniel Robinson
i think he closed himself off from the force so they couldn't contact him, which is why yoda showing up was the first time in a while. they should have been there during him training new jedi though
Nolan Barnes
You have to be a real geek to know answers to stuff like this lol
Anyway rey is better attuned to the force than luke was, she has more midichlorens. Theres an entire fucking science behind this.
Mason Hughes
Why would he break his connection with the force?
Luis Morris
he got salty about kylo turning to the dark side, i think it's explained in the movie or maybe it's my head canon (it's also why leia can't contact him)
Ryder Kelly
am i the only one who hates the whole luke would never attack a child, luke was such a pacifist he tried to save vader, luke wouldnt hurt a fly bullshit. i agree luke wouldnt try to kill his nephew in his sleep but luke skywalker killed a fuckload of people in the OT. he shot a bunch of stormtroopers, tie fighters and blew up the deathstar. he was perfectly willing to kill vader. he made several attempts on vaders life.
Isaiah Mitchell
agree'd, he did try to save vader but also almost gave into his rage to kill him, and it's explained in movie that sensing kylo's darkness and trying to kill him was an impulse and he felt bad
Cooper Evans
Yes but seeing the journey of a character who triumphed over evil with Love, to later on just succumb to evil for no reason is inherently unsatisfying.
Leo Reyes
The point is that he got over it and emerged as a true master. Doesn't mean he can't defend himself but he saw through the bullshit of acting out of anger and decided to turn the other cheek instead. Fuck Vader was less grumpy than nu Luke.
I hope they reveal it wasn't Luke but his clone Luuke who stole his identity while the real Luke was trapped somewhere else.
I would actually be ok with a retarded asspull like that at this point. although the main starwars timeline is just ruined forever already. only "it was all a dream" could save it now
Nathan Thompson
No matter what they do, Rian Johnson destroyed this trilogy. He should be banished from our society.