>Sometimes a horror film comes along that you just feel will change the game. Ari Aster's "Hereditary" is just that movie, a spooky, hypnotic film that feels like the culmination of the last 50 years of horror. >This remarkable directorial debut from Ari Aster builds on classical horror tropes... to craft its own unique spin on terror. >A deeply unsettling film... an absolute nightmare. >... a seemingly endless series of unexpected directions over two breathless hours of escalating terror that never slackens for a minute. >Collette's performance is staggering. >Hereditary takes its place as a new generation's The Exorcist -- for some, it will spin heads even more savagely. >It's pure emotional terrorism, gripping you with real horror, the unspeakable kind, and then imbuing the supernatural stuff with those feelings. It didn't play me like a fiddle. It slammed on my insides like a grand piano. >Hereditary is so scary relatives five generations back will be able to sense your fear. >[Toni] Collette gives an absolute tour de force performance of a woman who slowly becomes unhinged. >Hereditary's horror functions on multiple levels. What we see is undoubtedly terrifying, but it's how we see it that truly distinguishes the film. >... a must-see for horror fans. >a mind-blowing wallop of an ending that's on par with the likes of Carrie, Kill List, Possession, The Witch, or even Sleepaway Camp. >Tries to be ROSEMARY'S BABY for the 21st century and, incredibly, more-or-less succeeds! >Hereditary burrows deep in the brain... >... a fascinating hybrid that nourishes our desires to be entertained, thrilled and emotionally impacted all at once. >... fresh and electric. >... a merciless film, crafted for maximum effect. >This is just a great horror film.
23-0 on RT so far. Critical reviews aren't the be-all, end-all, but it is a good sign.
Can it possibly be THIS good? Do horror fans, after decades of mediocrity, finally have a real reason to be excited?
I love it when reviewers use a gigantic wall of text to say absolutely nothing about a movie. >It's pure emotional terrorism, gripping you with real horror, the unspeakable kind, and then imbuing the supernatural stuff with those feelings. It didn't play me like a fiddle. It slammed on my insides like a grand piano. >Hereditary's horror functions on multiple levels. What we see is undoubtedly terrifying, but it's how we see it that truly distinguishes the film.
What the fuck is this shit even meant to mean? It's verbal diarrhea.
Michael Johnson
protip: try reading the full review instead of bitching about the excerpt RT took
Man, that trailer look intriguing, but I've been burned by so many recent horror releases. It doesn't even have to be a five star film for me, I just want it to have unique ideas and good execution.
I hope it's as stupid as it looks, but in an enjoyable way.
Liam Parker
I know it's asking for a lot, but try not autistically latching on to some meme concept and just watch the trailer. I hear ya, I can't think of anything that's truly stuck with me in the last two decades outside of House of the Devil and The Witch. Maybe The Wailing, but I wouldn't describe that as true horror.
Lucas Adams
is The Ritual worth a watch? it's on Netflix
Adrian Nguyen
I did. it looks every bit as disappointing as it comes at night
Gabriel Rodriguez
Who watches this garbage? >So spooky ghost >Muh spooooker dollhouse >Some rando kid we're supposed to care about because she's going to get possessed
Ghost are about as scary as zombies.
Ayden Price
lol now that you mention it, I did think It Comes at Night had a promising trailer. The movie itself was mediocre, though, and definitely not horror. More of a slow-burn post-apocalyptic thriller. You can reduce anything to the point of making it sound silly. Are you saying ghosts/possessions aren't ever spooky?
Wyatt Walker
If enough ghosts rape a roastie, will her orgasms scare away more ghosts or summon them to her?
Jonathan Martin
>Are you saying ghosts/possessions aren't ever spooky? That is exactly what I am saying. Just like zombies are never scary.
Grayson Ward
If you're itching for a horror fix it has its moments, but it won't change your world or anything. You could definitely do a lot worse. A bit divisive around here from what I've seen. Interesting creature design for sure.
Josiah Hughes
gotta let yourself be taken for a ride, mang
Jaxson Carter
>look up Ari Aster's directing credits >The Strange Thing About the Johnsons Holy shit
Is this that fucking short film all the black kids were going insane about way back when?
Brayden Gray
That kid is unfortunately ugly.
Ian Thomas
That's the one about the kid who is masturbating and his dad comes in to tell him it's normal and shit and he leaves and the kid pulls out a picture of his dad, right?
Jacob Jones
Yes, also the son ends up raping his dad.
Carter Lee
It'll probably be shit just like every horror movie shilled on here and get okay to good reviews for not being a "typical" horror movie like Shit Follows and The Bobaduke
I read the plot After he gets caught his son goes full psycho I guess and ends up repeatedly raping his dad over x amount of time. Dad is a fucking beta poet so tries to tell his wife with a poem but son catches and says there will be consequences if he tries to warn her again. Breaks into dad having bath and fucks him I assume. Dad later tries to tell wife again (with the same poem he stashed under floorboards??), son catches him, dad runs out into street and gets hit by truck. Mother finally decides to confront son now that her cuck husband is out of the way and kills son. GG
that's the ugliest kid I have ever seen on a movie
Joshua Morris
It looks intriguing and trippy, but then again so did It Comes At Night At this point I trust A24 to not put out abject trash, but I'm not 100% sold on it being a new genre-defining classic
Owen Nelson
The hype could very easily be wrong but for better or worse it has one hell of a good trailer.
Adam Fisher
It Follows and The Babadook are great.
Hunter Martinez
Critics shill pretty much everything A24 shits out
Eli Hughes
the trailer for this is actually sick though. the "observer of the supernatural dollhouse" theme is unsettling and hasn't been done all that much
Landon Lopez
I agree on It Follows but The Babadook was overrated. I get what they were going for with the mother projecting grief and all that but eh. The only thing I particularly liked about it was this scene. youtube.com/watch?v=Qzm2UkmT8qk
James Garcia
Reminds me of that Are You Afraid of the Dark episode where some kid was stuck in a "game" and watched by some old dude as punishment for something.
Sebastian Smith
>the "observer of the supernatural dollhouse" theme is unsettling and hasn't been done all that much
It's one of the most played out cliches in the entire genre. The reason it isn't done that much now is because it's a fucking meme that was done so many times in the past everyone got sick of it.
Gabriel Hill
Mason Cruz
Amityville Dollhouse.
David Johnson
I think he's asking for a bunch of examples. He initially said "the "observer of the supernatural dollhouse" theme is unsettling and hasn't been done all that much". So he obviously agrees that it's not completely new. He seems to be arguing that it's hardly used.
So i'd say give like 5 examples?
Joshua Cooper
Yeah don't just throw out some bullshit w/o giving examples. The only similar one I can think of is that weird scene in The Shining where Jack sees his wife and son in the labyrinth miniature model.
Isaac James
The Shining. Fuck there was even a Simpsons episode.
Chase Bennett
You're really going to site a goddamn 1996 DTV sequel as proof it's a "fucking meme" and "done so many times in the past everyone got sick of it" Really?
Parker Green
>I Just Got AfterFX and Learned how to do Le Creepy Smile, the Movie.
Mason Flores
you're retarded lol
Camden Sanders
>That's the one about the kid who is masturbating and his dad comes in to tell him it's normal and shit and he leaves and the kid pulls out a picture of his dad, right? >Yes, also the son ends up raping his dad. >After he gets caught his son goes full psycho I guess and ends up repeatedly raping his dad over x amount of time. Dad is a fucking beta poet so tries to tell his wife with a poem but son catches and says there will be consequences if he tries to warn her again. >Breaks into dad having bath and fucks him I assume.
The Twilight Zone, Night Gallery, The Outer Limits, Tales From The Darkside, Friday the 13th The Series pretty much all the horror anthologies even Are You Afraid of the Dark and Goosebumps have done a take on the supernatural dollhouse.
Brayden Mitchell
yeah that's really not all that much and almost none of those actually include an observer manipulating the supernatural dollhouse
Evan Bailey
That's just a voodoo doll combined with a dollhouse.
Camden Murphy
nice, sounds like a fresh take
Gavin Garcia
>all the horror anthologies using the same common theme isn't enough to make it cliche
Most of those came out in the 20th Century and I'm not sure how much of a dollhouse trope they used (haven't seen any of them, and aside from The Twilight Zone, I don't think many people still watch these) plus I can't tell from this trailer how the dollhouse is being used here.
Jack Reed
>t didn't play me like a fiddle. It slammed on my insides like a grand piano I had to check if that was a real quote.
yeah and Lord of the Rings was just about some guys taking a walk, like what's the big deal?
Nathaniel Gomez
Slammed on my insides is pretty vivid imagery imo.
Colton Richardson
It's not my fault no one gives a shit about an episode of Friday the 13th: The Series from 1989.
Zachary Walker
It wasn't something you were suppose to give a shit about, it was an example of cliche, shows people don't give a shit about are the ones that most commonly overuse cliches.
Connor Turner
>>... a seemingly endless series of unexpected directions over two breathless hours of escalating terror that never slackens for a minute. ARONOFSKY ALREADY DID THIS IN MOTHER
Colton Martinez
what a terrible fucking post
Landon Nelson
Why does the score sound like a Nintendo Switch commercial? youtu.be/V6wWKNij_1M
Daniel Cox
i'm not a doctor so make sure you get a second opinion, but i think it's because you're autistic
Nolan Anderson
>feels like the culmination of the last 50 years of horror. shit?
Julian Johnson
>it's SOOOOOOO good you must watch it >don't rush a bad opinion >why don't you watch the trailer, user?
Yeah, Maximum Shilling again, on this shitty place.
Nathaniel Robinson
>if people are excited for or like something, they're shills >they can't be possibly be posting on a board dedicated to the thing they like hoping for a discussion on said thing I know on Sup Forums you guys don't actually talk about the topics your board is supposed to represent, but most other boards are pretty good at it. So please go back where you came from and don't come back.
Oh look, it's another horror film that's gonna 'change the game'. Not had one of those in a while...
>The VVitch >Get Out >You're Next >It Follows >The Babadook >It Comes At Night >Cabin in the Woods
And yet rhe game remains unchanged. I'll file this one under 'probably another boring thriller that we're labeling horror because we've not bothered giving it an ending'.
Landon Harris
>gib more spooky loud noise movies wah
Carson Bell
What the hell is the plot even?
Nicholas Bailey
>Gib moar boring films to make me feel intelligent and arty wah
I can meme too.
There's loads of great horror getting made, but nobody hears aboutnitnor talks aboutnit because the media is too busy sucking the prick of these 'genre defying' pieces of shit, because it appeals to their sense of intellectual superiority.
A Dark Songnisnone of the finest horrors made in years, but nobody wants to talk about it because there's no room for critics to flex their 'interpretation' peen. A solid story and satisfying resolution is terrifying to critics and reviewers, becausenit puts them out of a job when audiences can make theirnown minds up, rarher than being confused at half-written stories.
Kayden Edwards
>A24 is this why people are circle jerking this movie? I remember the same thing happening with It Comes At Night before it released and it ended up being a generic mess.
Nathaniel Powell
This guy gets it. The people who write "OMG SCARIEST MOVIE EVER" reviews are most likely never actually fans of horror. If horror fans wrote reviews for these kinds of movies, nobody would go see them, because the truth would get out that they're boring as shit. From now on, I skip trailers and reviews, because nothing is marketed accurately and all the most highly-praised "horror" films of late turn out to be depressing drama whatever that people label as horror because they're pussies who get triggered by everything. If the premise sounds cool, I'll watch it. Fuck off with this "it was so terrifying that people had to turn it off without finishing" buzzfeed bullshit. Make horror scary again, and if it's not horror, then don't categorize it that way so real horror fans can enjoy real horror.
Anthony Richardson
> from the producer of ....
Why do they think that is relevant?
Lucas Morgan
Watch it up until they get to the cabin and wake up in the morning. Then just stop. It's better to let your imagination fill in the rest, because the movie really drops the ball after that.
Juan Parker
>House of the Devil good shit
Sebastian Walker
>A Dark Song Is that even a horror? Tried to see what it is about, and it doesn't seem like much of a horror.
Sebastian Miller
What a pleb view.
Angel Perry
So what the fuck do you categorize as 'real' horror? 21st Century movies only plz.
Dominic Lee
"meme company"
What does that even mean? It has had multiple successful releases so now it's bad?
Nolan White
Nathaniel Cook
That's where you go to blindly call things memes mate.
James Perry
That's where you belong when you instinctively use actual quotes instead of greentext, mate. Run along now.