This wasn't even that bad

This wasn't even that bad

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But this was

>"I'm putting p in v, baby!"

I never understood this. He is celebrating getting married as autistic as he is.

Meh, if I found legit, mutual love I'd probably loose my shit too.

Dude that is in the cringe HoF

What terrible shilling

It was a brainwashed manlet over-acting trying to sell his fake marriage.

I never got this or the Howard Dean "freakouts." People at sports events act crazier than that.

I don't think you know what shilling means

I actually watched it recently and he's literally just happy and excited. People made it out like he started defecating on her couch and then broke her wrists while laughing maniacally

Attached: somethingsfucky.gif (350x302, 1.45M)

back in the day you weren't allowed to act retarded in public

People were much more into "decorum" before a certain guy came along

The lad was just in love

Attached: 1480552676621.jpg (284x178, 19K)

You must be happy then

It was forced and awkward but relatively forgettable on its own. What made it a big deal was the Matt Lauer interview just days before and his public mental collapse.

Attached: 1242911076001_4727068880001_et-trending-mattlauer-012816.jpg (1280x720, 88K)

oh sick burn my dude

Now that you mention it I don't even think it was a "certain guy." It was smartphones and fucking youtube culture.

Shilling Tom Cruise is pointless you know.

Even total normies know he's brainwashed and in a cult.

>implying based Tom needs shilling
Now why would you do that? Why would you do that? That's incredibly rude.

TC is maybe the least cool person on the planet.

A living marionette.

You're jerk... you're a jerk!

Stop talking bad about Tom Cruise.

>norm "please fuck my ass Islam" ies being the authority on cults or brainwashing

Literally everyone on earth disagrees with you. It isn't even up for debate. Go huff farts under a thick blanket, you nerd.

>Howard Dean "freakouts."
In this case it was a calculated smear campaign by corporate media to sabotage a populist candidate by taking a minor awkward moment and turning into his defining feature.

You live in a bizarro ultra-contrarian reality that you created for yourself. You might be legitimately insane at this point.