Inclusion Riders

>Matt Damon, Ben Affleck Become Next Stars to Formally Adopt Inclusion Riders

>Frances McDormand really set Hollywood’s talking point for the next year when she ended her best-actress acceptance speech at this year’s Oscars with these two words: “inclusion rider.” The actress left the room abuzz, while viewers at home frantically began Googling the phrase—which refers to a contractual stipulation that stars can include in their contracts, assuring that their film sets are inclusive both on and off-screen. On screen, specifically, the goal is to reach at least 50 percent gender parity, with 40 percent inclusion for people of color, 5 percent L.G.B.T.Q. inclusion, and 20 percent disabled inclusion.

>If major stars in Hollywood start adapting these riders, they could help to normalize inclusion until the practice actually becomes the norm. Following McDormand’s call to action, Michael B. Jordan got the trend going in earnest, formally announcing that he would be using inclusion riders for all forthcoming projects he produces. And now, his decision has directly inspired a few more big stars: Matt Damon and Ben Affleck.

>On Monday, Fanshen Cox DiGiovanni—the head of strategic outreach at Pearl Street Films, Damon and Affleck’s production company—tweeted at Jordan, saying that the company would be following in his footsteps and adopting the rider as well.

You guys realize that tons of actors aren't going to bother adopting this and maybe Entertainment Tonight or something will bitch about it for a couple days but then they'll forget about it and those people will make the movies they want to make. So what if Matt Damon and Ben Affleck don't? Do you know how few films they even make to begin with? It's a couple of drops in the pond.

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About. Damn. Time.

White people need to learn their place.

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>Hollywood continues destroying itself

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Yeah man, because Hollywood didn't just make a billion dollars on Black Panther. Keep waiting for Hollywood to "die", any day now right? Pathetic.

They're just one bad year away, cap it :^)

>B-b-b-b-b-black panther will fail, cap it!

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>autistically screencapping one autistic user

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>You guys realize that tons of actors aren't going to bother adopting this

So, now the narrative is that actors are just too lazy or uninterested to do it instead of studios kicking off stars to the curb if they adopt this policy?

>one studio makes money on a movie
>durr movie sales haven't been trending down for a decade
>durr nothing but capeshit, and blockbuster series like Fast&Furious can make any money

The future of film is through companies independent from the major Hollywood studios, you can already see it happening with Netflix and Amazon

>no source for your bullshit

Right wingers cry just as hard about Netflix and Amazon shows and movies being "leftist propaganda" as they do with Hollywood stuff. Go take a look at Jessica Jones threads and you'll find more crybabies than you can shake a stick at

This is fine for already big name actors like Damon and Affleck, or minority actors, but how fucking shitty would it be for up and coming white actors? If they aren't legacy'd into the business, what chance do they have at all now when they're basically discriminated against?


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>implying acting wasn't already like this

>20% disabled
Maybe in Hollywood where everyone is a retarded marxist, but that number is orders of magnitude larger than normal society.

Every actor who doesn't adopt this horseshit will have hundreds of buzzfeed articles like
>ugh, Ryan Gosling is really being a nazi right now
written about them until they give up


>Director-producer Paul Feig has adapted the inclusion rider as part of all the feature film and television productions at his Feigco Entertainment.

>The move came a week and a half after Frances McDorrmand sparked interest and support for the term after she concluded her Oscars best actress acceptance speech by saying, “I have two words to leave with you tonight, ladies and gentlemen: inclusion rider.”

>“Thrilled to announce that Feigco Entertainment is officially adopting an #inclusionrider for all our film and TV productions moving forward,” Feig wrote Tuesday on Twitter. “Thank you to @Inclusionists and Stacy L. Smith for their guidance and inspiration. We challenge other companies and studios to do the same.”

Show me one case of something like this ever happening in the past.



How was life under a rock on the Moon for the last 2 years?

So you can't show me an example and respond with deflection. Seems I struck a nerve.

>You guys realize that tons of actors aren't going to bother adopting this

People who don't have leverage, sure. That's given, because they have no negotiation power. But plenty of stars with clout have been already started doing this in the past week and a half. Damon, Affleck, McDormand (whose Oscar win will give it a ton of power), Michael B. Jordan (who is a rising star), Brie Larson, Paul Feig...

Ashley Judd went as far as tell her agency WME that she wanted them to be 50/50 male-female including all ethnicities, races and sexual orientations. And the 50/50 needs to be included in all decision-making levels, which means they would have to add two females at the top. For context, this is the same agency that had Mark Walhberg get millions more money for the reshoots for All the Money in the World, while not doing it for Michelle Williams who they also represented.

To be fair that agency fucked up majorly so they brought this upon themselves.

Every actor that worked with Woody Allen after the Farrow allegations was pressured to denounce him, those who worked on his most recent film had to donate their salaries

well speaking of Matt Damon, I wonder why he went with this inclusivity thing
hmmmmmmm really gets you thinking

>Realize you're being a dumbass
>Make a course correction after having a moment of self-realization


Jessica fucking Jones was aggressively anti-male. Even episodes without the villain would shoehorn in some stereotypical douchebag for Jessica to beat up in an unrelated scene.
The cast is mostly female and they still gender switched the lawyer boss character into a strong lesbian.

I loved the Bendis comic series, but the show was lazy virtue signalling at its most blatant.


Yeah, he's totally not forced to change his beliefs in order to retain his career, for sure

not him, but you can't be serious.
brands cave to SJW pressure all the time.
and celebrities apologize to sketchy allegations and questionable accusations every week.

>at least 50 percent gender parity
isn’t this the maximum

ironically, that assumes two genders

Has anyone ever tried an exclusion rider?

Or an inclusion rider for a minimum non-Jewish whites?

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>making prison drama
>must include equal men and women

>making WW2 film
>must include equal men and women

>making Roman empire drama
>must include at least 40% blacks

movies are about to get really good yall

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>isn’t this the maximum
No because the numbers are calculated in relation to whites in the movie. A movie with 80% non-white cast is 80% diverse, a movie with 80% white cast is 20% diverse

Unironically can't wait for this trend to get bigger. I stopped taking Hollywood seriously long time ago, and now every movie is going to be a clowncar meme galore. We'll finally get black transabled Hitler we always deserved

They knew and aided and abetted.

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>Thank you to @Inclusionists and Stacy L. Smith for their guidance and inspiration
Oh, so it's all just part of Hollywood accounting, disguised as a social cause. Well that makes a lot more sense.

More women of color getting bleached on screen confirmed

>making Roman empire drama
>must include at least 40% blacks
Already happening user.

>prison drama

Plenty of ways to do this. Even shows like Oz had plenty of strong female characters.

>WW2 film

It would be nice to see WW2 movies with more women parts instead of yet another warfare oriented approach. Would actually force film makers to innovate and tell more diverse stories. Like maybe do a movie about the Night Witches.

>Roman empire drama
>must include at least 40% blacks

What are nubian slaves? Or, you know, you could do what plenty of Shakespeare adaptations do in order to save money and transfer it to modern setting, and this stops being an issue.

>pandering to people who only watch Marvel capeshit films

ah yes I see no way this could possibly backfire

The one time where the inclusion rider forcefully hires more white men

>Oz had plenty of strong female characters
I can think of three.
It had like 50 male characters.

>force film makers to tell more diverse stories
You sure know how to get good creative writing: force diversity.

>stop making movies about what you want and cater to our very narrow specific demands

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>Michael B. Jordan got the trend going in earnest, formally announcing that he would be using inclusion riders for all forthcoming projects he produces
since when is that kid a fucking producer

oh fuck are they going to recast everyone in the Spy sequel?

Sister Peter Marie, Shirley Bellinger (death row inmate), Diane Whittlesey (the CO McManus was fucking), Dr. Gloria Nathan, Claire Howell (the fat chick banging inmates)... And those are just the ones with prominence that are easily memorable. The show also had more than a few minor female characters in reoccurring roles, like the big tits puppet TV show host who hooks up with whatshisname. It's entirely doable to do prison movie with more female roles. Girlfriend, wives, sisters, prison and government staff, etc.

He has his own production company. Unless you're an idiot, the best way to remain a viable A-list star for a long period of time is to produce your own shit.

well, good for him i guess.

okay so let's say the next Shawshank Redemption is in the works. You want to focus on the friendship between two inmates, and the dirty deeds of the warden and guards. Wait, gotta shoehorn in equal screentime to women, so write in awkward visitation scenes with wives, girlfriends, and storylines that will pad out the movie and throw off the pacing.


Except you can just make the warden and some of the guards, or even the support staff like secretaries, etc. women. Wasn't that fucking hard.

>40s prison drama
>make the warden and guards women
I'm going to stop taking the bait now.

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I hate that cunt so fuckin much. Imagine the shit films we're gonna get just because she wanted to have a moment of virtue signaling.

BBC rider

There's nothing left to watch that isn't propoganda. I'm at the point where I'm just going to throw out my phone and disconnect my Internet

>NOOOOOOOOO! Black Panther was supposed to flop! Where did we go wrong, pedes?

Why would it have to be specifically set in the 40s?

It's pretty wrong-headed. Nobody should be looking at population demographics when deciding their cast, it's not how stories work.

They're putting the cart before the horse. Inclusion is nice and all, but it can't come before the point of the production, which is making a movie. Movies can't just be platforms for signaling your virtues.

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RIP single set/single actor movies

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So, inclusion rider excludes any story about a 40s prison?

40s prison movies don't automatically have to exclude women and minorities getting roles either. Something like Shawshank could easily be transported to more contemporary setting without losing anything pivotal.

I wonder what would happen if you included that no more than 10% of the cast or crew should be Jewish. That's over 5 times the proportion of the population they make up in the US but I still bet it would cause a lot of shit to fall on you.

Any actor that has an inclusion rider / preaches politics / makes comments about white men goes on my list of 'never getting a cent from me again'. There's too much media out there for it to even bother me writing them off

>Latest Bourne

>Live by Night

Later bo

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I don't look hispanic to most people. How do I play up my diversity enough to get hired? Should I only write scripts pertaining to latin culture?

Looked up his comment:
>Damon spoke on the topic of sexual assault last month in an interview with ABC News, where he discussed the numerous allegations of sexual harassment and assault against Harvey Weinstein and said that he felt men shouldn’t be grouped together for their bad behavior instead of being judged on a “spectrum.”
>“You know, there’s a difference between, you now, patting someone on the butt and rape or child molestation, right?” he said. “Both of those behaviors need to be confronted and eradicated without question, but they shouldn’t be conflated, right?”
Matt's pretty liberal though, if I'm not mistaken, so he probably really did just correct his wrongthink and start virtue signalling to save face. Likely sincere, but still pathetic.

What you're saying is that shawshank redemption couldn't be made today.

Not that guy, but you're missing the point. The fact that concessions have to be made is damaging enough. You can't box art, the whole point of art is to be outside the box.

of course they did, ugley is a harvey fuck, they knew the cards to play with a visionary pug

I don't like this #metoo and inclusion rider stuff. The only place where you can fire experienced and talented men and replace them with inexperienced and overconfident women of color and expect it to work out is in the upcoming movie "Dreams: Based on the Novel "Slam" by Sapphire"
That is it can only work in a fictional world of unicorns and magic fairies

>Get me Al Pacino or Mindy Kaling...ya know, whatever

There are like zero of them besides this and Locke.

This could either end hollywood because people aren't retarded enough to just swallow such blatant bullshit, or it could essentially rewrite history and reality because people are in fact that retarded... Or they'll just stop making movies based in tried and true stories and do something original to be diverse lol. Also, there's no reason you can't have a movie with 100% white male actors with no white people behind the scenes or doing the writing, which I think is as big of an issue they go on about as affirmative action casting.

I thought we were talking generally, with Shawshank as just an example of a typical period prison movie. And you're wrong, you could still remake Shawshank today, inclusion riders don't magically stop movies like that being made. That's pure hyperbole. And acting like adapting it today and making some changes to reflect the times the movie is made in, which always happens with adaptations, is somehow inherently bad is silly.

Inclusion rider is an idea to combat the institutionalized disparity when it comes to what types of roles and movies Hollywood puts out, because studios for decades have insisted that unless you have a predominantly a white guy oriented movie, it doesn't sell, and that's why women and minorities have getting the shaft, with very small portion of movies actually having casts and crews that aren't largely male and white.

And movies like Locke is still entirely doable because the phone conversations can be played by non-white actors, and you're being a retard if you think somehow single person movies cannot exist when they crew could be the one that is covered in the inclusion rider. These things are negotiable when need be, yet race bait alarmist act like it's literally killing movies.

>this post
>reddit spacing
you need to go back princess

How much are they paying you for this?

yeah but, i mean, don't you see?
you're gay, dude.

>because studios for decades have insisted that unless you have a predominantly a white guy oriented movie, it doesn't sell
nigga which decades are you talking about, 40s and 50s? movies have been inclusive as shit since I can remember and I'm thirty fuckin seven.

>Business insists that their way is making them money, but we think their way is wrong so they have to do it our way
That doesnt make sense, if anyone knows what makes money in the business is the studios actually making said money in the business
Having said that, i dont think they "insist" that white males bring most money, they just go where the money is, no matter the sex or color, it just happens that white males were traditionally most profitable
Why? I dont know, but it is what it is

Anyway, i think that the narrative is changing and stupid, at least on the surface, things like inclusion riders and stuff are good business wise for studios because its modern and hip and that means the money is to be made
So when studios or whoever finances stuff, makes decisions incorporating more women or blacks or whatever seemingly just for the sake of diversity, they are doing that for money, end of story
They dont really care if youre man or a woman or black or white, just if you make them money or not, essentialy being by far the least bigoted, racist, mysoginist or whatever people in the whole hollywood - they just see the money

xi/xer isn't paid, they just now believe that now that (((media))) has has done its damage and made society in its image it's time for society to make media in its image and further lower the standards.

Why is it called inclusion rider? Where does the rider part come from?


>if anyone knows what makes money in the business is the studios actually making said money in the business

Yeah, that explains why Wonder Woman was one of the biggest hits last year and now Black Panther is closing in in making Avengers level money.

Studios just stare at spreadsheets and act conservative as hell, refusing to take risks and never taking the right lessons when somebody contradicts their data because their biased POV makes them think only X sells.

what's the message of this vid? they're watching 40 year old movies ffs

Think you forgot to read/comprehend the rest of what he typed.

Fuck conservatives. Ruining this country.

They weren't forced to do anything, it's just a virtue signal. Timothy Chalamet is a New York crypto kike you think he's not a hardcore leftist?


>Frances McDormand
>On screen, specifically, the goal is to reach at least 50 percent gender parity, with 40 percent inclusion for people of color, 5 percent L.G.B.T.Q. inclusion, and 20 percent disabled inclusion.
I can't think of a single Coen bros film that meets any of those criteria

The music industry is the biggest satan pit on planet but Hollywood is a close second.

Why are you trying to justify making every film production even more of a bureaucratic nightmare than it already is? This is why I can never be a leftist, they love big government and bureaucracy and they infest everything with it. Just leave people alone.

Good thing they didn't agree to this then.

>at least 50 percent gender parity
What did they mean by this

She's married to one of those guys and stars in half their movies

Doesn't matter, they didn't agree to it.

The Coens specifically spoke out against this sort of crap in an interview for Hail Caesar, they're based. I don't think any genuinely talented director would support this as they tend to be smarter and more serious about art than the rest of Hollywood.

ironically McDormand is married to Ethan