Has a movie ever massively exceeded your expectations?
Has a movie ever massively exceeded your expectations?
Matrix. I expected Johnny Utah does computers, dude, but got a thorough mind fuck instead.
Here we go...
Really good movie.
i really wish there were more fun fantasy movies like this. it's cheesy as fug but it's entertaining and heartwarming
Really good movie.
Try the Dungeons and Dragons films
This. Wasn't expecting much from a sequel to Blade Runner that no one really wanted, and it turned out to be my favorite movie of that year
Good movie, although I saw it when I was young
Holds up just fine on a rewatch. I think I appreciated it more actually.
i hadn't seen Hero in over a decade. i remembered it as a fun action flick, but holy shit it changed my life when i watched it recently
Antonio Banderas in a horribly butchered adaption of Grendel? I'm diamonds just thinking of that last eulogy
The reputation is more due to being a legendary flop than an outright shit movie.
The Three Stooges movie was great. Very true to form.
Same here. I thought that it was flawed, but I was blown away at how good it was compared to what I expected.
I went in without even seeing the trailer and it still has me thinking about it to this day. Fuckin great flick.
I also had the same feeling when I seedn boyhood. fuckin 3 hours long and potentially full of teenage angst. But it was so damn relatable and so many scenes hit me right in the feels.
You guys are just pretending to be retarded, right?
Baby driver
Interstellar. Nolan shouldnt have done a scifi movie that good, its not his genre. but he smashed it.
There was tons of these films made in the 80's. Dark crystal, wicked, all of those crazy terry gilliam films, the never ending story and labyrinth.
I though this was going to be fucking trash but it has became one of my favorites.
Not to mention Princess Bride, which Stardust basically ripped off wholesale in terms of style and tone.
>tfw the extended cut will never be released
The book is good though.
yeah. this.
walked out into the daylight and had to be alone for a bit
Watch Ladyhawke if you haven't seen it already.
I was expecting shit
I unironically like this movie.
I was also pleasantly surprised by this film. I'm only right now realizing that that guy is Owen Slater from Boardwalk Empire.
im looking forward to the next one.
I made the mistake of reading the book first which is so much better than the movie, it's unreal.
every line of dialogue is a piece of philosophy that you can live by.
This. When I saw the trailer I was really worried. But in the end they depicted everything so perfectly. The balance of this horrifying comedy is just perfect.
Expected nothing or harvey birdman attorney at law
The battle against the witches at the end was awesome
Didn't see that coming
Book felt devoided of any emotions, just like everything written by Neil Gaiman
But Princess Bride feels so stiff
What the fuck
I disagree. I read this back when it was released in illustrated form through comic shops in 4 parts. Even had my copies signed by Gaiman. The movie is so much better. While I wish they left in why Yvaine's heart was now useless to the witch, the movie has a much better ending, and I enjoy the overall light heartedness of the film.
Kingsman is probably the last movie I expected to hate but didn't mind.
To me, the book was overall more enjoyable, but there were certain parts that I liked more in the movie. It's been a while since I've watched/read either, so I can't really remember which parts though.
I remember preferring the "final showdown" in the book though.
Oh shit, I fell in love with that movies in some shitty hotel. Was just on tv. Greatest love story of our time.