Why does he wear the mask?

>why does he wear the mask?

Attached: 1521087829352.png (335x265, 187K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw if you pause at 0:12 on the webm going around you can see that is head is just like picture related
and no this movie isn't worth watching

Attached: Trance.2013.720p.WEBRiP.XViD.AC3-LEGi0N.avi_snapshot_01.08.07_[2013.07.05_19.11.27].jpg (1280x528, 41K)

>If I pull that off will you die?

Attached: 1521087581245.webm (854x478, 1.98M)

RIP desu

The video is fake af.
There's a very long pause between him placing the gun to shoot himself, and him pulling the trigger. It's to make the transition as smooth as possible. He placed a dummy there and shot it. Notice how the video blurs at that point too. He also wore a mask so that it would be easier to conceal the dummy.

VERY fake

How many threads do youplan on starting to shill this fake video?


>tfw the meds made jokes about his room
Literally the only thing stopping me from killing myself. They'd see all the cunny folders and depraved porn i have and tell my mom about it

Attached: 1517905673385.jpg (474x426, 23K)

These shills are fucking retarded.

They overplay their hand every time.

See this idiot's post

stop posting this