Well Sup Forums?
Well Sup Forums?
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Unaffiliated voter here: I don't love her, she was just the lesser of 2 evils.
That's a lie.
Most people want her to get aids and die in a fire.
Nobody believes this shit.
When you have gun to the back of the head and realize your gonna take 3 9mms in your noggin and its gonna be declared a suicide you will say anything...
Why Is Literally Satan So Widely Loved?
At least Anthony Wiener is more likeable than Hillary Clinton.
Ayyyy lmao
because current year and kill list.
that has to be a pisstake, surely
Why would you vote for a criminal?
Everybode read this article, this is beyond satire.
She isn't. The media just creates the illusion that she is. If (or perhaps I should say WHEN) she loses, most liberals will go back to denouncing her as a corrupt bitch. You know, like they were when she was running against Saint Bernie.
wtf is a chimamanda?
And trump isn't a criminal?
But shes the greater of two evils, if she ends up in a confrontation with Russia which is very likely to happen under her rule we could end up in a second cold war. There were a few times we were nearly destroyed in that and I'd rather not have a second. Ask yourself whats worse, having a bigot arsehole for a few years or nuclear annihilation?
no he is not
Congrats. You're a child rape enabler just like her now.
This, apparently: chimamanda.com
I like how clickbait sites tend to stay away from politics, they don't want to offend anyone to get the most amount of clicks.
that is untill they receive a "donation" from Shillary clinton. then all they do is talk shit on trump.
show me when he was under investigation by the FBI and i'll show you who's the lesser of two evils.
>widely loved
her unfavorability rating is over 60%...
Democrats are literally pitching: "we know you hate her, but vote for her anyway"
Not under criminal law, he's being sued.
Clinton is selling top secret Government information to foundation donors.
She's also storing Government information on a personal server to get around Government, and purposely and knowingly deleted information to hide it from investigation.
When people say "The Government is Corrupt", Hillary Clinton is literally a corrupt politician who is actually conspiring against the United States.
She actively manages the media
She has DNC controlling the Department of Justice.
She is controlling and starting protests.
I don't understand at this point why people support her.
Selling your Government and military off to foreign powers isn't progress. It's stupid.
What's it like committing treason?
Oh i'm sorry I thought the right to vote in a democracy meant vote for whoever you want not "vote for who we like or you are a traitor" This isn't a dictatorship.
Then why not vote 3rd party? The idea that its throwing your vote away is whats wrong with the system
Voting for Hillary, you basically saying that wealthy Clinton Foundation donors and Politicians are above the law and have the right to commit crimes and pardon themselves.
That's not a good thing.
Civil crime is still crime.
Gay pride worldwide
>expert at feigning niceness
>totally not a racist bigot and is grown up
OK? But he hasn't been charged with anything.
The crimes he's in court for have nothing to do with politics or corruption.
He never committed a crime while he was in office. He is still the lesser of two evils.
I don't understand how people still justify Hillary as a political candidate. You seem to be more afraid of radical change without realize the consequences of allowing Government corruption to continue.
Yes. And retard femanons like you are exactly why Democracy is a fucking.
Just feed your children to the Queen and be done with it, dumb bitch.
>Then why not vote 3rd party?
Some people live in "swing states." In that case, voting for the lesser evil as a means to defeat the greater evil might be seen as a moral imperative.
Other people do not live in a swing state, their state is almost certainly going to one candidate. In that case, casting a protest vote for a minor party might be seen as a moral imperative.
Circumstances differ.
But I do not see how it is somehow inherently better to choose from three bad choices than it is to choose from two. If you are thinking in termns of electing a President, the answer to "Why not vote third party?" may be "Because they also nominated a moron."
I don't justify here as a poltical candidate I wanted someone like Bernie (yeah make fun of me fuck it I don't care) or Warren who actually had principals but since there was only 2 choices now and Trump is fucking awful I had to do the right thing in my heart and vote for Clinton.
Because vagina.
I'm a dude and I'm never having kids. I don't need kids.
>Trump is awful
>So I should vote for someone who's even worse
low test betas that vote for hillary shouldn't refer to themselves as dudes, time to get on that tren cuzz.
i want to see the faces of these faggots if hillary is confirmed child rapist
>kek will it
But she's not worse.
This is news to me, and the election has been going for more than a year.
That's an odd spelling of graft
Trump is an awful human being, and will be a pretty crap president and will be remembered as such, Hillary is just dangerous, stop falling for the propaganda she cannot be allowed to rule your country.
You seen her rallies?
No one shows up, she is not loved at all.
if the election wasn't rigged it would be a 70/20/6/3 election.
She is a JOKE!
lol nope try again
I was originally voting for Bernie and now am voting for Trump because of how the DNC worked with Hillary to screw over Bernie from the start (there's a reason why there has been 3 heads of DNC in less than 6 months).
Rewarding them with a vote just encourages their shitty deceptive behavior so why even reward them? Rigging a primary is worse than any mean thing Trump has said.
So you'll vote for someone who literally said she "is wall streets representative"?
>fucking leaf doesn't even know his own nation is boned
>now he's ecstatic to see his neighbors start WW3
Loved? 8 years ago she couldn't even win this election from a unknown black homosexual. Obama literally came out of nowhere and stole the election from this bitch.
Obama/Michelle are only promoting her for PROFIT. They will receive millions of dollars from her if she wins. That is the only reason why they're campaigning with her. They don't like her at all, all they give a shit about is money.
I don't get how any Bernie supporter would go for Trump because their policies are nowhere near alike and just for out of spite is a very stupid way to look at it. Would trump ever get us anywhere near universal healthcare? Hell no. At least Bernie is working to hold them to the stuff he got into the democrat platform. If in 4 years she did go back on it we could then do something about it.
Clinton is doing high treason. It's far worst than petty crimes.
>I'm a dude and I'm never having kids. I don't need kids.
Haha oh my God, of course a nu-male like you would vote for shillary
Lol I'll be fine.
Not everyone needs to have kids it has nothing to do with being a nu-male. This aint the fucking 50s.
>is actually evil
>the lesser of two evils
That's supposed to be a joke anyway retard. saw your flesh apart. I command it.
Widely loved for being a dumb cunt
Because they don't want an obviously corrupt establishment president.
>it's le current year
Nice caricature but no one on Sup Forums is this pathetic.
>the lesser of 2 evils
Pick 1
Trump is the lesser of 2 evils, m8.
most people absolutely hate her, just that some people dislike trump more
Basically this for me.
Yeah, but Bernie is telling the truth and actually wanted to do something.
Clinton is just lying, she has no intention of doing anything. If she's going to make "free education", it's just going to be some type of banking scheme that will end up costing everyone more money and making her and her friends rich.
How dumb are you?
Trump isn't awful. Trump has a loud mouth, he's not a politician. He's a spoiled, rich dude from the top 1%.
But Trump is honestly trying his best to explain what the hell is going on in Washington and Wall Street and the collusion and illegal activity without sounding like a "conspiracy theorist".
Clinton attacked Bernie so much in her emails. They have no respect for him. She controls the media, they gave her the debate speeches ahead of time.
Clinton actually is everything Bernie was telling you to vote against. Trump is an insider, but he's the only person with the wealth and connections to actually run for president AGAINST the two leading parties.
If you let Clinton win, Alternative media will be shut down and MSM will become even more censored. You will have an "election" with predetermined results, but no one will ever be able to fight the establishment again.
She will remove anyone who challenged her, including anyone in the FBI.
You have no concept of how terrible things are going to be when she gains power and seeks revenge on the internet, and everyone who spoke badly about her. She doesn't care about social benefits, or social welfare, or stability. She wants world domination with her rich friends.
She's only loved by women
It goes beyond the policies. It's more of voting anti-establishment and providing a temporary self-inflicting wound to make a statement.
Outside the potential supreme court appointing, Trump is going to struggle to do what he wants since everyone in government loathes him. I don't mind waiting 4 years to get better candidates while telling the two parties that we hate what they're offering.
Attached is the reaction I've been waiting to see from elites. I've never seen this kind of reaction towards any other presidential candidates.
>If in 4 years she did go back on it we could then do something about it.
How? She has grand support in Washington and it'd be a tough battle. It's hard to imagine Trump getting re-elected.
You are a traitor.
>people like this legitimately believe someone who is ACCUSED of doing something wrong, and only on a small scale, is a worse person than someone who the FBI is constantly investigating for being everything the Founding Fathers feared but personified
>these people actually exist and they're allowed to decide the fate of our country
>lesser of 2 evils
You're completely fucked in the head
>thinking either candidate is liked
then why do they both consistently poll as the lowest approval rates in American history?
you are fucked either way my rebellious cousin
fake and gay
Like I give a shit people never agree with me anyway.
what a pile of horseshit
>The Atlantic
into the trash it goes
This election has two types of voters, Pro-Trup and anti-Trump. Cynical assholes aren't going to miss the birth of their child to vote, Trump supporters just might. Trump has all the enthusiasm on his side. The only way Hillary can win is WHEN they rig it.
>But she's not worse.
what planet are you living on?
>Yeah, but Bernie is telling the truth and actually wanted to do something.
>Jeopardized naroonal security
>Lies in public, says the truth to bankers
>Massive warmonger
>Possibly a Pedophile
>Lesser of two evils
>Drumpf is soooo mean! I'd prefer someone who is about to go to prison.
Remind me of how Bernie was a warmonger corrupt crony and friend of wall street bankers
sounds like a nigger raped an Asian and had a mongol baby
Proof OP?
There's plenty of evidence that they're both criminals, rapist/rape enablers respectively, fraudsters, and overall liars. At least Hillary will be replaced with a Republican in 4 years.
Lol. Even BBC is not so fucking delusional.