i'm black and i unironically think this is a bad movie. like, legitimately and objectively bad movie. what the fuck is wrong with me?
I'm black and i unironically think this is a bad movie. like, legitimately and objectively bad movie...
>hating standard, generic capeshit means something is wrong with you
what is wrong with the world
no one cares.
whats wrong is that none of your post is true and you just wanted (you)s and absolutely no level of actual discourse.
You're not black, you wouldn't be on Sup Forums unless you were a total masochist or nerd. Nice LARP though.
Why did you think it was bad?
bad thread
cliched, straight forward without any creativity, foreseeable as fuck, acting was awful. honestly i think it was degrading black people and for the love of god i can't figure how no one else thinks that.
>degrading black people
At least you can say you hate it, if I do it, I get called racist. This actually happened when talking to my unviersity classmates about the film. I kept trying to point out the movie's flaws and why I hated it and they kept saying but MUH BLACK CAST.
The only thing wrong with you is you're trying to get brownie points from /poltv/ like a pathetic sycophant.
Your first three criticism are essentially you saying the same thing. And telling a non-revolutionary story is fine as long as the execution is there. What about the acting bothered you? How was it awful? Lastly, how is this film degrading to black people? I thought it captured the cultural divide and reality (Western blacks) of the black existence well enough. Killmonger is a product of his environment. How do most people like him turn out? He just had something to fight for and a vengeance to settle. Was it the African traditions? Do you expect a people to abandon their culture and heritage just because they have technology?
>cliched, straight forward without any creativity, foreseeable as fuck, acting was awful
I think all those things have more to do with the fact that it's capeshit than the fact that the cast is all black people.
Not him but he's not wrong. my biggest problems with the movie was that It was just a meshing of a bunch of random African cultures together instead of making a unique Wakandan Identity. The fact that the Villain was just Black Vegeta and that it was a legit blaxploitation movie that most blacks payed to see it kek
i'm white and i unironically think this is a good movie. like, legitimately and objectively good movie. what the fuck is wrong with me?
Probably that you think any capeshit is good at all
>what's wrong with me
You're black, obviously. Nigger.
Here's your (Jew)
>talking to my unviersity classmates
>mfw graduated a bunch of weeks ago and finally done with this shit
Out of curiosity, what circumstances led to you seeing it?
how did your wife's boyfriend like it?
Well she is just one smokin sassy babe
well you're wrong to begin with.
it's not bad, it's just not great. it's still a competent movie. but there is truly terrible movies out there, this is just another movie.
>what the fuck is wrong with me?
You have good taste
>it's still a competent movie
>implying that's good enough
fuck "compentent" movies. As if making a movie was just yet another bullshit exercice. If that's all you've got, just not make a movie to begin with, okay?
>it's still a competent movie
On what regard? the setting is retarded, the dialogues make no sense everytime they bring up slaves/colonism and the action is boring.
>mcu movie 47
aside from muh diversity thats all it is
capeshit movies are always shit
i am white and i don't care if you make superhero movies with the whitest blondest most blue eyed man in the world killing minorities for 2hours, i will still not go see it, because capeshit is awful
how did you know my wife has a boyfriend?
t. Uncle Tom
Go back to black Sup Forums.
OP never said he hated it because the cast was all black people. He said he hated it for being capeshit. The correct inference to make is "Oh he hates it for being capeshit and doesn't understand why it being all black cast makes that okay".
Then you delve into "Why the fuck do they keep bringing up slavery and shit? The fuck is this garbage?"
>How do most people like him turn out?
You should think long and hard about the implications of this query. Not even baiting.
>what the fuck is wrong with me?
internalized racism
>i'm black
Stopped reading right there bucko
Are you Armond White?
>no family
>terrible environment
>low income
>no guidance
is it any wonder why he was so bitter and resentful?
You’re not blinded by overrated Disney capeshit.
Good on you.
What a coon
Black Panther is the movie people talk about is racist to critique, but I've yet to see an example of such a thing except from those that want to feed their victim complex.
Black Panther is a boring movie for the same reason every other super hero movie is boring. The cinema is becoming a non-stop conveyor belt of PG-12 super hero shit.
I thought it was interesting because it was different, I thought the world building could have been done better and maybe avoided the fight for power that was anti-thesis to the main character's values earlier in the series.
But I won't support it because right now every medium from Netflix, TV to the movies is being filled with franchise universes.