We need to find out what purpose Room 322 at the Hotel ZaZa serves

We need to find out what purpose Room 322 at the Hotel ZaZa serves.

Hotel ZaZa is a stylish inn located in Houston, Texas. While the hotel is known for its luxurious suites, a recent post on Reddit revealed the existence of the mysterious “Room 322”. This room it is not advertised on the hotel’s website and, in short, is the definition of creepy.

The person stated: "stay here frequently when on business. Hotel was booked solid and my colleague managed to score a room unplanned. We all had normal zaza style rooms (swank) and he ended up in this goth dungeon closet.

Seriously- the room had a chain holding the bed to wall, pictures of skulls and a creepy, incongruous portrait of an old man. Room was about 1/3 the normal size with the furniture blocking part of the TV, bed and window.

We asked about it at the front desk and the clerk looked it up and said ” that room isn’t supposed to be rented.’ and immediately moved him."

Unlike any other room in the hotel, the floor is cold, hard, dirty concrete

The room is about a third of the size of other rooms in the hotel and is the only one with brick walls. The mirror is embedded in the brick wall, leading some to believe that it is actually a two-way mirror

The bed is chained to the wall. Why?

Skull frame on the wall. Rather appropriate since 322 is the Skull and Bones’ sacred number.

Those that are aware of the occult elite’s symbolism know that 322 is the “sacred” number of the Skull & Bones secret society (to which belong the likes of George W. Bush, George Bush Sr. and John Kerry).

Overseeing the room is the picture of a suited man. Appaerently, it is Jay Comeaux, President of Stanford Group Company. Why is this random elite guy on the wall? Does he have something to do with the Skull and Bones?

When the story came out, people from the hotel’s PR responded that room 322 was a theme room entitled “Hard Times” and was meant to recreate a “prison experience”.

But this looks nothing like a jail cell...

Other urls found in this thread:

















Thank God.

Praise kek rolling for dubs


I remember this being on the /r/Houston subreddit. That's a two-way mirror presumably for watching sex acts or the like.

looks kinda cozy.

WTH hasn't anyone tried to prise the mirror off & prove it, then??




Did you read my initial post?

This has something to do with the Skull and Bones.

GWB is part of that secret society.

This is political now.

bump for max kek

polite bump

Is there anything about them on W i k i leeeeeekz? I know they have some stuff on secret societies and fraternities etc.

U fuckin wot m8

This? No.

And please stop thinking that Wikileaks is some end all be all fucking place. It isn't. Assange is a cuck. Snowden could bury Clinton more so than Assange and his team of autists ever could.

They're not focused too much on the emails. They're focused on the Foundation and the CGI.

Jesus OP, if you're going to out yourself as a faggot, you have to wait for at least 75 replies


















>produce things

like arts and crafts?



get on tripadvisor tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g56003-d641273-Reviews-Hotel_ZaZa_Houston-Houston_Texas.html

and post a review with these pics attached



Mistress closet


You're a goddamn genius, Italybro.

Former FBI Agent Ted Gunderson on Satanic Abuse Cults in America

Thank you

bump for goldmine of data

I remember this too. Pretty sure the guy who posted it claimed someone PMed him offering money to take the post down.

I've stayed at ZaZa. It was built in a historical building that's been a part of Houston for longer than you've been alive. If they had somehow altered the floorplan, there would be some documentation other than some fag on reddit making wild claims. You can't even fill a pothole around here without inspectors and regulators poking up your ass to make sure everything's "up to spec."

>doesn't realize how stupid he sounds.

Shut the fuck up, LARPer.

Did you stay in Room 322?

This article is about the planned EMP nuking of the USA that was stopped… 1-11
Obama’s Failed Nuclear EMP Attack and more On Who He Is!
Published on Dec 8, 2013
more info hereyoutu.be/2MBrCjB9uOw
This video should be getting seen too. It has Obama saluting the Queen.youtube.com/watch?v=LRklv…
Thanks tofreedomoutpost.com/2013/11/oba… for the graphic
thanks toyoutube.com/profile_redire… for “The Sun’s Magnetic Field is about to Flip” –nasa.gov/content/goddard/t…
thanks tocoasttocoastam.com/show/20… and Jim Garrow for the contend.
Three individuals have just saved 300 million lives in the past 2 weeks. They saved the 90% of the population that would be dead if Bathhouse Barry had not been stopped from using 3 nuclear devices against the American populace. 2 Army Generals and 1 Navy Admiral, whose duties included the safeguarding and oversight of the nuclear arsenal. Obama ordered that 3 nukes be transported in a major breach of protocol and safety regulations of long standing. He wanted it NOW, and these officers were made aware of what the intention was.

The admiral had the one Navy nuke taken 600 miles off South Carolina and detonated deep in the ocean. The other 2 nukes disappeared thanks to the handiwork of the 2 Generals, the numbers 1 and 2 men in charge of the Army ordinance. These three men are heroes of the highest order. Look up the events of 2 Generals and 1 Admiral being dismissed in the past two weeks and you will find their names. They saved your lives and the lives of 300 million of your fellow citizens.
Mr. Obama’s intention was to set off the three nukes to devastate all computer related systems on the continent thus taking America There is more to be considered:morethanyouwantedtoknow.com/talk/

It appears that the stolen Malaysian jet is being repainted and is to be used in a false flag NUKE operation. Looks like they are going to try again to NUKE the USA.
Malaysian aircraft was electronically high jacked and landed on usa military island base.. was to be painted and used to detonate EMP nuke over the USA..
Please go to this link to learn more about this.

My uncle stays there a lot with some musicians. Its a theme room that is on reserve for a specific guest in the event he makes a sporadic trip to Houston.

It isn't fucking special.

This has been /x/ material for years. It's related to Skull and Bones for sure but I have seen no evidence for anything more substantial than what's listed here.

I can only add, the name of the hotel, ZaZa is also the name of a demon known to some occultists, also known as ZoZo.

How the hell am I supposed to remember which room I stayed in?

And I don't even have to point out the irony of a tripfag who cites to reddit calling me a LARPer.

It's just a weird shitty theme room. The hotel owner was probably part of the Skull and Bones. Maybe they rent it to whores and watch through the glass.

If it had some nefarious purpose, it wouldn't have the standard guest placard in it.

Really happy to see the FBI civil war spill out onto our happy little bunghole on the internet. Thanks. Appreciate the risk and hard work you guys are doing.

>tfw born 3/22

Wat do?

>doesn't remember the room he stayed in
>claims to know everything about the hotel

Okay, burger.

Ha, cute. Very very fucking cute, muricunt

Yeah sure. That's why they don't allow hardly anyone in it.

Moving on.

What really happened on 9/11? The story of the century isn’t about the hijackings of US commercial airlines, it is about the US government using thermal nuclear bombs against another civilian city, for the third and fourth time. This time the 2 nuclear bombings were treasonous – against the US people and on US soil. ~ This is an excellentMUST READarticle by Paul Kincaid! – SeeVideos – Photos
U. S. President Harry S. Truman authorized the US Military to use two atomic bombs against the Japanese civilian cities of Hiroshima, August 6, 1945 and Nagasaki August 9, 1945.
U.S. President George W Bush authorized the US CIA to detonate two atomic bombs (thermal nuclear devices) in New York City on September, 11, 2001.
It is this disclosure that forced Dick Cheney to go public to distract the public from the irrefutable evidence of nuclear detonations and say he ordered Flight 93 shot down.
The US government of George W Bush and Dick Cheney used thermal nuclear devices on US soil, against US civilians, on 9/11. The US government killed thousands on September 11, 2001.
They are the ones who attacked the US and the US people.
They are the ones who brought down the World Trade Center Towers.
Osama bin Laden, Islamic extremists, al Qaeda, the Taliban, and Saddam Hussein hadnothingto do with 9/11.George W Bush and Dick Cheney planned it, ordered it, executed it and killed US civilians, on US soil, on September 11, 2001.

Ground Zero describes the point on the Earth’s surface closest to a nuclear detonation. In the case of an explosion above the ground, ground zero refers to the point on the ground directly below the detonation.
On 9/11 the World Trade Center complex became ground zero – the epicentre of a nuclear bomb detonation.
At the bombs hypocenter or ground zero of a thermonuclear explosion a temperature is generated of 500 million degrees Fahrenheit. Everything vaporizes instantly at the center of one of these blasts.
Underground nuclear detonations of low depth produces a mushroom cloud and a base surge ( a base surge is a cloud which rolls out from the bottom of the column produced by a subsurface burst of a nuclear weapon.), both seen here in the above photo taken on September 11, 2001.

One the greatest tragedies resulting from the Sept 11, 2001 attack on the WTC towers in New York City is the plight of the heroic rescue workers who saved thousands of lives on that day.
A study published in April of 2010 found that about 20% of the 14,000 responders havepermanentlung damage.
A large number of those 9/11 first responders has contracted blood cancers at an unusually young age, and top doctors suspect the disease was triggered by an unprecedented “synergistic mix” of toxins at the World Trade Center site.
These growth of these cancers among Ground Zero workers, and others, are consistent with exposure to radiation contamination.

The WTC Medical Monitoring Program is now studying a group of Ground Zero workers, including cops, construction workers and volunteers, suffering from cancers such as leukemia, lymphoma and multiple myeloma. The blame has been placed on the ‘toxic dust’ clouds which engulfed the area surrounding the towers.
While there is little question that particulate matter such as pulverized concrete impacted the health of those who were standing in the blast radius of the falling towers, the huge number of responders who contracted illnesses including rare cancer types is more akin to those who survived the nuclear bomb detonations in Nagasaki and Hiroshima Japan.
How does this comparison make any sense? The 9/11 Commission Report officially stated that the city of New York was hit with planes, not a nuclear missile. As it turns out there is a dirty little secret omitted from the 9/11 Commission Report.
The World Trade Center Towers were brought down by explosions containing a large quantity of uranium – from underground nuclear detonations. Experts have always said that the towers were intentionally collapsed by controlled demolitions.
Structural engineers from around the World have said that it is impossible to cause a collapse of a skyscraper from a fire caused by an aircraft impact.

Holy shit that artwork is some real nightmare fuel right there.

On the foggy morning of Saturday, July 28, 1945, a U.S. Army B-25 bomber smashed into the north side of the Empire State Building. The majority of the plane hit the 79th floor, creating a hole in the building eighteen feet wide and twenty feet high.
The plane’s high-octane fuel exploded, hurtling flames down the side of the building and inside through hallways and stairwells all the way down to the 75th floor. The plane exploded within the building.
One of the engines and part of the landing gear hurtled across the 79th floor, through wall partitions and two fire walls, and out the south wall’s windows to fall onto a twelve-story building across 33rd Street. The other engine flew into an elevator shaft and landed on an elevator car.
Some debris from the crash fell to the streets below, sending pedestrians scurrying for cover, but most fell onto the buildings setbacks at the fifth floor. Still, a bulk of the wreckage remained stuck in the side of the building.

After the flames were extinguished and the remains of the victims removed, the rest of the wreckage was removed through the building. The plane crash killed 14 people (11 office workers and the three crewmen) plus injured 26 others.
Even though the B-25 bomber had impacted the building at a high rate of speed and the high octane fuel exploded and inflamed 3 floors of the inside of the building the structural integrity of the Empire State Building was not affected.
More recently, on Feb. 12, 2005 in Madrid, the Windsor Tower burned for over 20 hours, which led to a fire stronger and hotter than that in the WTC, but even the collapses of the Windsor Tower caused by the very strong and long-enduring fire were minimal and limited to the upper floors.
These known facts explains a great number of anomalies present in the analysis of how the World Trade Center Towers fell. One of the common questions that has puzzled many independent observers was how jet fuel, which burns in open air at about 300 deg C, was able to compromise the integrity of steel, which melts at 1,000 deg C. The presence of depleted uranium at Ground Zero settles this conundrum.
According to Rudy Giuliani, the mayor of New York City on September 11, 2001, the fires raged at ground zero ‘for a hundred days’ after the towers were hit. The presence of a high-energy compound such as uranium helps explain how this was sustained long after the jet fuel would have been gone and how the health of so many 9/11 first responders was devastated.

Can you confirm if the insider threat in agencies is yet compromised or yet ongoing

>Hasn't ever been to the hotel
>claims to know everything about the hotel

It's the room where (((political elites))) can rape little white bois with impunity, while others watch from the other side. It's room where they deflowered Johnny Gosch.

You don't have to.

Put your finger on the mirror. If there is "space" between your finger and your finger's reflection, it's a mirror.

If there is no space, it is a 2 way mirror.

You can prove a one way mirror by putting your finger up to it. OPs friend should have done that before he left.

I...I can't. I just can't.

On August 29, 1949, the USSR detonated its first nuclear fission bomb, dubbed “Joe-1” by the U.S. It produced the same type of mushroom cloud and a base surge as witnessed by billions of people around the World on the morning of September 11, 2001.

Storax Sedan was a shallow underground nuclear test conducted in Area 10 of Yucca Flat at the Nevada National Security Site on July 6, 1962 as part of Operation Plowshare, a program to investigatethe use of nuclear weapons for mining, cratering, and other civilian purposes.
The 100 kiloton Sedan nuclear bomb was buried at a depth of 635 feet. The detonation produced a mushroom cloud and base surge – typical of shallow-buried nuclear explosions. The cloud is highly contaminated with radioactive dust particles and produces an intense local fallout.

Experts, both military and civil engineers, have concluded that the only plausible explanation for what happened to the World Trade Center Towers on September 11, 2001 is that small underground nuclear detonations were involved in the collapse of the WTC towers.
The over ten million degrees of heat created by a thermonuclear detonation sublimated all water within the concrete of the structure in a moment. Water explodes extremely quickly into 24-fold volume and totally pulverizes the concrete.
Burning radiation is absorbed in steel so quickly that steel heats up immediately over its melting point 1585 °C (approx. 2890 °F) and above its boiling point around 3000 C (approx. 5430 °F). Super hot groups of steel pillars and columns, torn from wall by pressure wave, are sublimated.
They immediately turn into a vaporized form, binding heat as quickly as possible. Vertical bursts are not possible for a gravitational collapse or for cutting charges which are used horizontally but on the morning of September 11, 2001 we saw exactly that – a nuclear detonation.

fuck off back to ribbit and work it out with your buttbuddies

not politics

saged & reported

What's going on, user?

What in the motherfucking hell

Sorry, we've already got our hands full trying to bring down an international child sex trafficking ring.

Try I hear they go in for this oogey boogie cult bullshit.


Sage deez nutz

Project Plowshare
The following video discusses the Plowshare Program – a program that promoted using the energy produced from nuclear explosions for peaceful uses and applications – Nuclear Excavation


How did they plant the nuclear devices? They drilled a hole in bottom of the elevator shafts of the WTC and lowered the nuclear device into the drilled hole. They used oil rig drilling type equipment to drill the hole to the required depth wherein the nuclear detonation can excavate the WTC and yet produce very little nuclear radiation fallout.
Proceed totime stamp 10:00to see this being done in Operation Plowshare.Time stamp 11:30shows them lowering the small nuclear device into the drilled hole.
The elevator shafts were intentionally selected to channel the nuclear explosion and intense steel melting heat.

The elevator shafts were used like a chimney – to control the detonation and demolition, to create a heat sink using the steel structure of the elevator shaft, to cause the nuclear fission of the steel, to cause an implosion and to vent the intense heat and flash upwards through the center of the building and out of view.
Concrete evidence of nuclear detonations at WTC on 9/11
Many have wondered what caused the steel beams of the World Trade Center Towers to instantly disintegrate? Instantaneous rusting effect of a nuclear detonation explains this.
Add the amount of heat generated by a nuclear detonation and you have an instantaneous vaporization of all material (steel beams, concrete, glass, sheet metal, desks, phones, computers, papers and people) within the epicentre of the blast (ground zero).
Cast iron melts at approximately 1,375 °C (2,507 °F). It’s boiling point is about 2862 °C (5182 °F). The heat inside a nuclear explosion can reach millions of degrees Fahrenheit – between 50 and 150 million degrees Fahrenheit.

There's a war on for your mind, user.

oops i meant


I was willing to believe the things you were posting until you went all 9/11 conspiracy theorist on us.

Then fuck off, burger.


I'll continue to post until someone shuts me the fuck up.

>Nuclear detonation instantaneousrust effectat ground zero New York City

When I was 15 I thought eternal hellfire was too harsh a punishment.


Focus on the shit that matters, like bringing down Hillary rather than trying to promote an incredibly unlikely 9/11 story, as interesting as it is.

Notice that the fire truck wasn’t hit by debris from the nuclear excavation of the WTC Towers. It was parked beside a building that is still standing. Windows in the building have not been blown out. The front tires are completely gone while the rear tires remain. Dust could not melt the tires. A nuclear detonation heat and shockwave does this type of damage.

She was part of 9/11, you fucking idiot.