Other urls found in this thread:
you either completely missed the point of one of these movies or both of them to make that comparison
>b-but both movies are about people going places
Adulthood is realizing that Annhilation is better
A нy чики бpики и в дaмки
>both are sci-fi stories about people with ulterior motives entering an alien zone where laws of physics do not apply in order to reach it's mysterious core
>both use the sci-fi props as foils for its metaphorical questioning of various aspects of human condition
>both feature giant CGI bears and interracial sex...wait a second
>>people with ulterior motives
this is the source of conflict in just about every movie ever made
>>both use the sci-fi props as foils for its metaphorical questioning of various aspects of human condition
as does literally every good sci-fi movie
a simple plebian can look at these films and think they are similar because they both feature people traversing an alien zone
but in truth, they both deal with different themes
Annihilation is more similar to Arrival than Stalker
Macлинy пoймaл c тeбя, coдoмит.
Why is Hollywood ripping off early 90s videogames?
boring arty farty shit where literally nothing happens
actually interesting with real action and even some gore and sexy scenes
Can you stop reminding me that these people exist?
You know the idea of mysterious zone where crazy shit is happening is too old even for Stalker and Roadside picnic
This. Annihilation is a superior experience in every way.
>a movie based on a book is original
kys my man
Actually more like Solaris, though they both deal with the incomprehensible inhuman phenomena.
And a little bit of body horror like The Thing.
>these movies are not similar because they have different themes
>however this movie is similar to this other film that has different themes
>Patrician writer decides to write and direct patrician film and has the integrity to tell studios to fuck right off
Nice IMDB top 250 taste, Alex
Try the original book. The 'zone'. Alien artifacts doing weird stuff to people, places and things. The Wish Granter. It's got it all.
Roadside Picnic has very little to do with Stalker, in the same way as The Shining
The absolute state of Annihilation Redditors holy fuck
Arty farty
Solaris is his best film
t. Burger
>Annihilation is a superior experience
Watched around 50 minutes. Nothing much happened. All the characters are unlikable. Is there any reason to continue?
>people go investigate something strange in the wilderness
literally every xfiles episode
Actually the movie reminded me of Colour Out of Space by Lovecraft, but the cgi in the movie kinda brought down the movie for me it was somehow less unnerving than the family going insane on their farm
quads of lies, it's every 3rd or 4th episode at most.
>People say Annihilation is similar to The Thing
>Watch The Thing
>Annihilation is nothing like the Thing
>They now say it's similar to Stalker
>It has nothing in common with Stalker not even in the slightest
WTF Sup Forums ?
Andrei Rublev exists
>>It has nothing in common with Stalker not even in the slightest
The basic premise is the same but Annihilation is more influenced by Lovecraft than the Strugatskys/Tarkovsky
>sexy scenes
Oh great, based Lovecraft poster is here to shit things up.
>There is a Zone/area/'Shimmer'.
>It's origins are uncertain.
>In it is a lot of alien weird stuff.
>People go into it for research purposes.
>It is a dangerous area, often mutating or outright killing explorers.
>It also sends them mad, mainly through its alien-ness.
>If you reach the center ('wish granter', lighthouse, CNPP) really special things happen.
>Praise the Monolith.
It's all coming from Roadside Picnic, no Cthulhu or Thing in sight.
>implying watching everyone's favorite jewess getting blacked isn't sexy
>"The Colour Out of Space" is a science fiction/horror short story by American author H. P. Lovecraft, written in March 1927. In the tale, an unnamed narrator pieces together the story of an area known by the locals as the "blasted heath" in the wild hills west of Arkham, Massachusetts. The narrator discovers that many years ago a meteorite crashed there, poisoning every living being nearby; vegetation grows large but foul tasting, animals are driven mad and deformed into grotesque shapes, and the people go insane or die one by one.
>steal setting from Stalker
>steal themes from Solaris
>steal execution from SyFy channel originals
You expose your pleb level every time you praise garbage like this.
Why are you describing Stalker?
>All the characters are unlikable.
Nothing id's people more easily as millennial more than this statement. Needing for there to be something likeable about a production is a childish kind of worldview. Characters don't have to be likeable user. In fact the more shivery masses of twitchy neurosis there are up on screen the more enjoyable the movies tend to be.
It was Stalker + Solaris + Colour out of Space + interracial sex + feminism + CGI +
can someone explain the ending to solaris to me, was he mindfucked at the end?
>Finally comrade, after all these poetry recitals, we have become Solaris.