KKK Officially Endorses Donald Trump


How is Trump not a racist again?

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BLM probably endorse Hillary, so I guess she's racist too

BLM is not racist though

Finally! Now I can vote for him.




KEK will smite thee

Explicitly targeting white cops and citizens and encouraging the burning down of white neighbourhoods isn't racist?

ok m8


Lol, just what trump needed at this crucial moment

But the KKK is the militant wing of the democratic party.


you fucking faggot op fooled me into giving tyt a view

fuck you

The awkward moment when Hillary cheated on Bill with the KKK leader she worships.

"Why do you disavow me, user?"

DJT is actually the leader of my KKK Org. We're starting Rahowa Nov. 9th.

Stay tuned.

They dont, they endorse hillary
The grand dragon, leader of the kkk supports hillary and they were friends for years


I think you're posting this in the wrong place ctr

and Donald Trump officially tells them to fuck off

Trump never endorsed the kkk or anything racist.

KKK has 6000-8000 members please explain how they are relevant in a country of 300+ million people. Also, fuck off.

Almost makes you think maybe she used them to publicly endorse Trump it would cause his campaign more harm

If a girl likes me that doesn't make us a couple you retard.

The KKK has endorsed the republican nominee for many years.

The KKK is a movement that sprung from the democratic party

You know, it's a funny thing. The KKK is racist, and there might be some toothless cunts in it, but I don't think they're too retarded to understand how the rest of the country sees them. Indeed, I'm sure that they're well aware that any endorsement they actually give either candidate would work against that candidate, and neither candidate is nearly as racist as they'd want them to be.
So we have two possibilities.
>The KKK wants Clinton to win, for some reason.
>Someone, who has a personal interest in keeping Trump out of office, has them by the balls.

dlet this

Even stupid hick racists know this country is doomed with Clinton. How can she explain herself?


You support Hillary and she's not a faggot (just a pedo) so I'm missing how your argument stands.

Neither is the KKK

I am a literal nazi. I endorse Clinton. How's it fell shill?

KKK endorses Trump != Trump endorses KKK

When are the msm going to break out the Ouija board to prove that Hitler endorsed Trump from beyond the grave?



>KKK hasn't lynched niggers in years
>KKK is still evil somehow
>racists like Trump so that makes him a bad candidate somehow




>rioting in the streets and chanting "kill whitey" isn't racist
The word racist needs to be scrapped wholesale. It criminalizes a brand of cunt and then treats another, similar brand of cunt as if it's some sort of justice. A cunt's a cunt, regardless of the words you dress it with.
I for one have never met a racist who's done half of the appalling shit that BLM has done. They don't riot, burn down businesses, clog up important road ways, or any of that.

What kind of ism would be so twisted in meaning? If it's a race based issue, it's racism. That would be it's objective definition. End of story.

This is some kind of spanish catholic thing. Those chipmunk cheeks are qt as fuck but you know your sons will grow up to be feminine. I'm so conflicted with girls like this.

Just another Democrat group joining the Trump train.


>I don't think they're too retarded to understand how the rest of the country sees them

Uhm.. nope. Seeing how stupid, out of touch and delusional they are I don't think they have an idea as to how harmful their endorsement is to whoever they support.

Mentally deficient person.

I hate niggers,though. There is simply no point for you to make here.

And BLM / ISIS endorse Hillary. So what?

b8 so good I don't even care it's b8


Your logic doesn't follow. Therefore I claim this to be bait.

Fuck off with that shit


Who is this semen demon?

>People act like every president is going to serve two terms

fuck off pedo

Sauidi Arabia endorses Hillary, how is she not a wahabbi again?
Yes, this is how stupid you sound

Eat shit, mud dweller, giving your country internet access was a mistake

That's it. I'm a cruz missile now.

Another proof that KKK is a democratic controlled group.

Unless they're completely retarded, they know their endorsement can only hurt a candidate, not help. So if they're publicly endorsing Trump, it means they actually want Hillary. Which makes sense because the Democratic party is the one that keeps black people dependent and under government control.

Who fucking cares? The KKK is dead.

Communists endorsed Crooked Hillary
Also, the KKK is owned by the government.



Not even the kkk want Hil-
wait they're trying to discredit him

>racism, sexism, bigotry

do they not realise that all the spout is buzzwords?

The only thing they can hold him for is misogyny which is not really that bad

They aren't KKK
They're Spanish Catholics

>mexican intellectual

I hate niggers, and I endorse everything you do. You're the best.

Tell me... How are YOU not a racist?

>Seeing how stupid, out of touch and delusional they are I don't think they have an idea as to how harmful their endorsement is to whoever they support.
That's because you're a stuckup git who doesn't understand the base cunning that just about any grown human with no brain damage has.
You're in good company. Suburbanites are victimized every year because they misunderstand the threat that that welfare monkeys and trailer trash actually pose to them. "Eh, my windows have locks, it's not like every fucking meth head on this side of town has sliders or anything."

This is ignoring the fact that their leaders are decisively not stupid by any metric. They're not fucking rocket scientists or anything, but they at least have the basic cognitive abilities that would go into accounting for something like that.
For instance, the current webmaster for Stormfront was a Grand Wizard. He has a degree.

>Implying this is a bad thing

White people can't be racist.


how many are non-government employees?

>uhhhh, you don't say, the KKK endorsed Trump of all people????? my my, what a shocker, who would've thought
I fucking hate these sneering, ignorant retards, as if this somehow validated their ridiculous, "literally Hitler" stance on Trump. Their favorite, Sanders, had been endorsed by multiple communist organizations during the primaries, yet I don't think they ever read much into that.

A message can resonate with a wide range of people on the political spectrum, including the fringes, that doesn't necessarily make the message radical.

>Literally hitler
>Right wing
these fuckers need to pick one.

It was well known

>implying they don't

nice shoop my non-melanated friend

now fuck off

If KKK endorsing Trump proves he's a racist, then my endorsement of the KKK proves they're weeaboo faggots who like buttstuff?


we knew that the Ground team FBI agents supported him already.

The LGBT community has officially endorsed your post!

So how is OP not a faggot again?

Just because they endorse him doesn't mean he likes them.

>The Young Turks
opinion dropped

I endorse OP as the faggiest faggot. How is OP not a fag?

Step your game up user!

You can't help who endorses you, but he disavowed it anyway. Meanwhile this woman is an actual Clinton surrogate: twitter.com/lenadunham/status/793929098926166016


I'm in the KKK I support your post.

You're racist now! Congratulations!