cast him
Cast him
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Seriously? Is this real?
was that one of those kel tec double barrels?
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Idris Elba
Is he okay?
Idris Elba
Idris Elba
Idris Elba
I used to be able to watch all kinds of gore now I can't even muster the will to watch this
thats nice
god I wish that was me
>Anime pictures on the walls
>anime posters on the wall
The Bjork Stalker
me on the left
Budd Dwyer
who tf would have uploaded this vid
stop giving him the attention he wanted
I never look at gore and it did not bother me.
he livestreamed it
too late
Was it the HD that turned you away? I know seeing HD ISIS videos really turned me off of gore. It was easier watching a 140p video in a postcard size on the screen, rather than fullscreen HD shit.
It's not even in focus. It looks staged even though it isn't
>has a shotgun capable of shooting 15 times without reloading
>doesn't go on a rampage before sudoking himself
>TFW you likely would have talked to him even though he's a disgusting weeb but he was probably too shy to even talk to people online
>soy looking numale
anybody in Sup Forums tbhwyf
Hey CNN whatcha doin?
the spic from Napoleon Dynamite
you're right. now is not the time to let him get a big head.
beta faggots don't die like chad
Any vid links?
>when someone else buys the last figurine
Freeze frame that shit at 11 seconds.
He was literally on video chat with at least 3 other people when he did it.
this desu
>muh CNN
lmao at the imaginarium Sup Forumscucks share
He was La Creatura though
He was a spic
Seeing that video makes me think about killing myself too.
Been thinking about it for a while, would maybe like to live stream it to my bros at Sup Forums too.
All americans are la luz extingudo
>tfw the meds made jokes about his room
Literally the only thing stopping me from killing myself. They'd see all the cunny folders and depraved porn i have and tell my mom about it
suicide is one thing but it's sad when someone young like this probably killed themselves over such juvenile reasoning.
what a waste