'member when Sup Forums was mostly progressive lefties sjws?
'member when Sup Forums was mostly progressive lefties sjws?
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Remember when they mostly had a future?
It never was. It was liberal at its most leftist.
kek oldfag kys
stupid idiot brazil
that never happened
Sup Forums was neo-atheist nerd le hacker type of environment
it was a bit leftist (as in people hated Bush), but it wasn't sjw
Remember when Sup Forums was just simply contradict and just generally edgy?
They still are and always will be. After 6 years of trump amirifats will root for any leftist democrat. Because it's against the mainstream.
Unless Trump starts hanging nikkers and traitors.
Chanology sucked ass
They're still here. A quick stop by Sup Forums and Sup Forums will prove that.
Have you seen Sup Forums? 4/5 posts in political compass threads are in the green quadrant.
No, but there used to be a lot more anime reaction images.
The only people who believe this meme are babbies born in 1999 who think that old Youtube comments are indicative of actual opinion.
Somebody remember those?
member when Sup Forums actually celebrated it's pedophiles
Pedro is right. Sup Forums was always anti-SJW before that term was coined and was to the left on the political spectrum. Although a lot of the leftness of the boards was just being anti-Bush.
From 2010
>Sup Forums revisionism
I hope Ben "DESTROZA AL BRAZUCA CON SU BAZOOKA" Garrison visits your favela.
member when hillary wasnt a criminal?
Yeah, but thanks that nigger Obama, the tables were turned. The enemy is the SJW narrative and PC culture.
Sup Forums is more sjw now than ever.
member when member berry was used to almost fill up on an episode of south park.
Member rage faces?
It was always a bit of a mix.
>still posting ancient as fuck shoops
Get the fuck out
>Sup Forums
lmao, kys you dumb cuck
Never progressive and never sjw
I was here, hell I was pretty liberal like 9 years ago when I started coming to this shithole.
The world has completely gone to shit. That's why it's swung right. We can't afford to fuck up anymore.
it was literally the SJWs that turned Sup Forums right
Sup Forums is counterculture.
Try saying that on Sup Forums, see what will happen.
Holy shit you people are fuckign retarded, I see this dumb meme all over the place
Sup Forums supports whoever supports 4channers, the majority of 4channers are young straight white and male
When Bush was in power and Republicans were being dicks about the internet and porn we were anti-Republican
When liberals began being anti-white and anti-male we became anti-liberal
This is not fucking hard to understand- people act in their own best interests
there are many sjws on Sup Forums. the kind that cheered when gamergate discussion was banned. they pretend they're edgy centrists who don't care about anything but really they're on the left and want to ignore the problems on the left
I'm a girl
Yes, the "Atheism is cool God is lame" faggot age, yes, I remember that fucking despicable decadent Satanic Jew inspired era all to fucking well.
no not really
>im a grill!
Nobody gives a fuck, faggot.
Sup Forums is clasically liberal
Member Ron Paul 2012?!
It was also Fedora tier
i may agree about being leftist, but Sup Forums is 100% against social justice because it sjws hurts vidya
Sup Forums was always predominately right wing, mostly because of Sup Forums
Repeat after me: Sup Forums is satire.
"alt-right" is a meme that some bigoted dipshits have picked up on and made into a real movement.
Which one of these doesn't belong:
Waffen SS symbol
A swastika
Burning a cross
Celtic cross tattoo with shaved head
A cartoon frog
Sup Forums is a traditional monarchy under the great king hiroshima, the successor of the great king moot.
I swear I see these kind of post more often. When somebody claims Sup Forums was originally a progressive safe place or like this and only Sup Forums's influence turnedinto it's current form?
Are shill try to misimform the newfags.
If anything the old Sup Forums was libertarian with raids ,trolling radom people and with the >"LOL MOM NO XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD"
attitude overall.
... i member...
no, i remember Sup Forums being mostly anarchistic and at best, organized contrarian.
>he still thinks Sup Forums posters are ironic
welcome to 2016 oldfriend
>'member when Sup Forums was mostly progressive lefties sjws?
Literally never, stop spreading lies.
PS: have been here since 2004
Sup Forums is naturally contrarian so it goes the opposite of the norm to counterbalance. When the republicans were being retarda Sup Forums swayed left, now the libs have gone turbocuck and Sup Forums sways right. It is the natural order of things
posting the weak imitation version
2004 Sup Forums - lol i drew a dick on something fuck society stream your suicide or gtfo anarchy rules
2005 - lets provoke scientology and pretend we're freedom fighters
-mainstream attention starts here-
2007 - epic win for anonymous! memes amirite
-decay sets in-
2010 - same as above but post quality is shit
2012 - shit we're not all 15 years old anymore lets pretend to be interested in politics
2016 - well reddit and us are exactly the same now so lets all be normalfags and vote for trump
Sup Forums sucks
It never was, but as usual libkike shills trying to revision everything.
Talk about trying to correct the fucking record. Fuck off huenigger. Fucking zikababby.
I honestly can't even remember if fedoras were a thing back then for those people.
'Member when huemonkeys beat Hitlerrr? Ooo, oo, 'member when OP's faggot-ass thread got pruuuned? I 'member!
mine is from 2010. That nigger meme appeared at most two years ago.
Not really a surprise that Sup Forums turned strongly to the right desu. The SJ narrative of today is all about how "you can't say this" and "you can't say that". As laughable as it sounds, Sup Forums was always all about saying whatever the fuck you want and then getting called a faggot for it. It was clear that with the internet becoming completely normie-fied and the clear SJ dominance going after everything a typical Sup Forums user would enjoy that there would be a clash sooner or later. It's just that Sup Forums is leading the charge, since Sup Forums hasn't been relevant since half a decade and effectively useless since almost a decade.
>lets all be normalfags and vote for trump
The media hates trump so how are we normalfags if we vote for him, auss.
Kill yourself.
>> member things that never happened?
Man the shills are getting more and more delusional.
Na, Sup Forums is MOSTLY anti-SJW, but the board has become pretty normie infested. Weebs are the only demographic that are almost all anti-SJW.
w/e i still want him to win but Sup Forums would never have bothered a decade ago
>nigger meme
It's Tyrone, nigger meme is your nation
>2005 - lets provoke scientology and pretend we're freedom fighters
Yeah, no, that was later. 2005 was still ancient weeaboo and lol so random times, with the occasional site/board/forum raid here and there.
>nd was to the left on the political spectrum
meh not really, with all the nigger memes around.
But yeah it was mostly anti bush, like its now anti obongo.
Spoken like a true nigger
i member when i thought obama was going to bring peace and prosperity to the planet thanks obama you saved me from those idiotic thoughts and i now see the world for what it truly is. not happy about the crippling depression though oh well c'est la vie
Chanology was a government psyop that only newfags fell for.
It was meant to be a newfag weeding out program, unfortunately it instead ended up luring in even more even newer even faggier reddiggiters niggers like OP while at the same time driving the original userbase out to alternative chans in an attempt to get away from all the invading newcancer.
i thought that date might have been a bit early but the truth is i can't even remember anymore
but normies are voting for trump.
also no, 90% of Sup Forums is anti-sjw, even if half of them shitpost ironically
I miss when more people were independent like me instead of extreme because I get blasted to hell by one extreme when I agree with something from the other extreme. Now it's mostly a bunch of Trump shilling / Anti-Hillary shit.
Yeah, we all grew up.
It was never leftist. The problem was that Bush came into power and apolitical retards misunderstood what they were seeing. All the true conservative paleoconservatives hated his liberal neoconservatism but since to your normal retard republican = conservative, anyone hating Bush must be a liberal, ergo, the site was liberal.
>Sup Forums would never have bothered a decade ago
Answers it self. We evolved but only to be more degenerate. +Trump wasn't aiming to be president over a decade ago
I don't have any saved in my older folders but I'm almost certain that it is at least 4 years old.
Sup Forums's was economically liberal and socially libertarian. This doesn't overlap with SJW shit, contrary to what people want to think.
Also checked
The bulk of the anti-SJWs used to be hardcore lefties, including myself. Then we saw the liberals turn into marxists and we started to wake up.
Yeah, nigger memes were prevalent, but even then the board was mostly left. People were just honest and not PC.
I remember /pol to be more David Duke-style radical with more conspiracy theories adepts. It never was left, the bunch of leftist that really was here migrated to Reddit.
You remember these?
I thought Sup Forums was always libertarian.
Sup Forums was never SJW. It was always politically incorrect.
i always thought Sup Forums was full of leftists who ironically shitposted as rightists.
Sup Forums was never progressive or full of SJWs you dumb cuck.
It was a lot edgier in the past, but a lot of the userbase had leftist opinions, because a decade ago it was the right-wingers coming after our anime, video games and porn, and leftists wanted to defend said things for free speech. It was around 2008 when the opinions of Sup Forums started to change, which is also when the right-wing started to care more about freedom and beign less authoritarian, and leftists started becoming whiny cucks who wanted to get rid of anime, vidya and porn because MUH FEELINGS.
>Sup Forums between 2003-2008 was leftist because right-wingers were coming after vidya, porn, and animu because MUH VALUES
>2008-2010 was the start of an ideological shift
>Sup Forums between 2010-2016 became right-wing because leftists wanted to censor our vidya, animu and porn because MUH FEELINGS
>but even then the board was mostly left
take it from an avowed loser who's been here forever
there has never been a 'left' board on Sup Forums, it went from more or less apolitical to Sup Forums. you'd never have ever seen social justice be popular on here
Brazil is quickly becoming the new Canada.
I like how Sup Forums complains about immigrants not assimilating and shitting on the countries they move when they ended up doing the same shit on Sup Forums.
>hates anime and lolis
>immigrate to Sup Forums and r̶a̶d̶i̶c̶a̶l̶i̶z̶e̶ redpill users
>moot was forced to make a s̶h̶a̶r̶i̶a̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶t̶r̶o̶l̶l̶e̶d̶ ̶b̶o̶a̶r̶d̶ Sup Forums controlled board so the m̶u̶s̶l̶i̶m̶s̶ Sup Forumsacks don't sperg on the rest of the site
Sup Forums was never liberal
In the beginning it was contrarian. It was the bush era and post 9/11 america essentially sucked so of course people hated bush.
But hating bush does not make one a liberal, old Sup Forums had no political ideology and would likely think the existence of Sup Forums was retarded and against what this website was about.
Sup Forums will always be anti-wathever the MSM is trying to shove down our throats.
If the MSM is right, Sup Forums will be left.
If the MSM is left, Sup Forums will be right.