"Dude get Netflix, it's so good"

>"Dude get Netflix, it's so good"
>Haven't wanted to even try it since they shilled for Amy Schumer's standup
>Get the free trial
>Literally almost every movie is only available on "DVD" a service that mails DVDs to your house for $9 a month
>Most shows aren't available or DVD only
>Try to watch 3rd Rock From the Sun
>DVD Only
>Try to watch the Paranormal Activities
>DVD Only
>Surely Netflix has to have the movie Alpha Dog
>DVD Only
>Pull out my giant list of horror movies I haven't seen
>Almost all of them are either DVD only or unavailable
>Look up Steven Seagal old movies like Out For Justice
>DVD Only
>It recommends I watch his newest abominations where he's old, fat and can barely move on the site though
>Get some notification that a new horror movie is on Netflix
>It's one of the worst movies I've ever seen

Please. Amazon Prime surely has to be better, right? Before you say "just go to x streaming site". All of the streaming sites are either dead or don't work anymore. Putlocker and Yesmovies were my go to but Putlocker stopped updating the site a while back and Yesmovies is non-stop buffering.

>Just pirate them
I would really like to avoid doing that. I don't want to download gigs of shit even though my download's fast but I can't find any alternative.

Attached: netflix-logo.png (1100x510, 12K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Netflix has been shit for years my man

Netflix is trash. Most streaming services are. I just use my mother in law’s Netflix account. Fuck paying for that shit.

Yeah and I'm obviously the last one at the party. Do I go to Amazon Prime or just torrent everything?

>I don't want to download gigs of shit

Literally why?

What is the thought process behind this?

Got some dodgy data plan where it'd cost you too much money?

Can't afford a 500GB external harddrive for 20 dollars off ebay?

The convenience of having an interface that lets you watch things on demand. Also, we here in the US have to always worry about getting letters from our ISP if they suspect you're torrenting.

>mfw netflix plebs pay for their shit tier service while I get comfy with my list of nearly 200 pirated films, growing slowly with every day

Attached: 1507081528076.jpg (303x351, 18K)

You can't even pay for the films you're pirating because most of them either aren't on Netflix or are only available via DVD.

>They actually do mail you DVDs if you sign up for that service

Why couldn't Yesmovies just keep going the way they were? Why did they have to turn to shit and buffer non-stop? Yesmovies was the shit.

>Get the free trial
What are you complaining about? If you don't like the content then move on. It was free.

>Amazon Prime surely has to be better, right?
I don't know. Try it...for free. If you like it then great.

>Yesmovies is non-stop buffering.
Works on my machine. I don't know what to tell you.

>Just pirate them
>I don't want to download gigs of shit
Guess what streaming is...you download gigs of shit to your computer. The main difference between streaming and dl-ing is that you have to decide what to do with the video when you are done watching it (save or delete).

A thread died for this abortion of a post OP. I hope you can find happiness in some service, somewhere. What you want to do is torrent but your autism is preventing you from doing that.

Good luck.

popcorn time works

>tfw lots of buffer on the best private movie torrent site and can start watching a 1080p bluray rip immediately thanks to sequential downloading

feels great man

>Works on my machine. I don't know what to tell you.
Yesmovies works for you lately? For myself and others, all the streaming sites are just non-stop buffering and seem to use the same servers.

Gib site


>Yesmovies works for you lately?
The night before last I watched The Force Awakens. I have never had a buffering issue with that site. It has disappeared on me, it has stopped working...but any issues go away in a day or so.

It is a streaming site so I expect it to bite the dust eventually. But it has lasted pretty long compared to other sites. I'll use reddit to find the next site when it goes down.

I'm trying hdmovies.ch out right now and every movie I've clicked on so far loads instantly with no buffering.

>The convenience of having an interface that lets you watch things on demand.

How is having to rely on a shitty webplayer that's dependent on your internet connection, internet speed and the sites stability more convenient than using a media player which is on every computer/laptop/tablet/smartphone?

You can also look up very easy to follow guides on reddit on how to stop jew companies from catching you torrenting.

The player on Netflix is really good. I click 1080p, it loads instantly and no issues. It's just their library that's shit.

I munch from my sister's Netflix account and it has almost nothing I want to watch. They had MASH and when I wanted to watch it again they removed it.

I appreciate netflix, for 2 reasons, unique kino that they make, and that it is instantly piratable rather than having to wait for the scene guys.

Amazon Prime gets a lot of stuff I like. Hulu is decent if you don't have TV but it takes them forever to update new seasons for a lot of stuff. Netflix is only good for some of their original stuff like Geralds Game and Devilman Crybaby, also for situations like Annihilation but all that stuff is so rare you can just pirate when something good comes along.

if you look here layer13.net/browse scene is usually very fast to get new releases up, but if you only use shit sites like tbp it will take a while before they pop up there

>The convenience of having an interface that lets you watch things on demand.

You mean a folder with movies on it?

watch terrace house

Hulu is the future

Is star trek still on Netflix? That's really all that matters to me

If you think Netflix is bad wait til you experience Amazon prime

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