


Attached: 0373C285-9212-4078-9336-A75F69638D31.jpg (896x587, 139K)

>one month
>3 years

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Trailers accumulate most of their views in the first week. It ain't growing that much higher.

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>damage control
damage control for your autism

11 million views in one month versus 44 million views in 11 months

>being this stupid



>He thinks that the 44 million came at a steady 4 million a month rather than being concentrated in the first month like every other trailer
What a dumb fuck

exaclty, they all came in the first few months in heavy numbers

...which makes you a dumb fuck lol

You are genuinely stupid.

Tell that to Infinity War.

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how? you're clearly being a dumb fuck and you cant argue it

whew, lad

you still understand how that doesnt work, right?

We neva freeze.

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Op is a fag

If those 44 millions were concentrated in the first month like most trailers, let's say 2/3 in the first month, then it means it got approximately 1.3 million views in each subsequent month. Based on that trajectory Solo could expect to max out at 25.6 million. Which it won't because we're using a hypothetical massively weighted in Solo's favour.
First week is where most of those numbers come from. Dumb fuck.

>If those 44 millions were concentrated in the first month
>let's say 2/3 in the first month

you need proof to back that up, not supposition chosen to advance your hypothesis

>massively weighted in Solo's favour.
no no no guy, thats all bias until you produce reference numbers
into the trash until then

They should have used CAPS like R1

None of that is real tho

see this


Historically the channel's video views peak every time a trailer is poster then plummet the month after. Dumb fuck.

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Oh wow these movie trailers have been watched a certain number of times I must start a thread about this immediately and use the most obnoxious opening post in the history of nu-Sup Forums.

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>That pitiful peak for the Solo trailer
Oh nonononononono

This is gonna be a fucking disaster.
I can't wait lmao

>linear growth

Should cross off 1.1

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1.Less marketing
2. no girl power in it cause thats one of the themes they are pushing
3.This movie has been wanted for a long time. people who want it. know it and will bring people.

Cant wait till hollywood has passed this phase so we can have boobs booms and boozin' again.

I'd honestly just settle for watchable movies again. God, I hate Hollywood. Hurts when I used to love film so much.

Dont worry little user the kikes want our shekels more than anything.

Shut the f up you virgin autist

I dunno, dude. The films on offer make me think of Network when Mr Ruddy gives Howard Beale his personal philosophy to sell and then doesn't give a fuck when the ratings tank, he insists he stays on.
It's about something other than money pushed from the people who can afford to lose some.

If the mouse uses not farm they can get a steady number of monthly viewers

Why bother with that argument? Seriously, why? You can't believe it. Regardless, statistics don't support it.

What causes the millions of negative views?

No idea. Probably a server issue or something at youtube.

at the moment it is.
but they cant do this forever. their reserves are depleting.

>People loose interest in Star Wars as soon as a White Male is the lead again.

Tell me something I don't know. Making a White guy focused film was obviously a huge misstep.

With Black Panther reaching a billion proves that audiences no longer want brown haired quip happy planks of White wood as leads anymore. It's just not profitable.

I'm glad Sup Forums agrees with me for once.

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you are memeing and being ironic for baits but you ultimately hit a truth

I'll tell that to Kanjiclub

Kek, Thor actually beat BP in the foreign box office? Black people are for American movie goers like what Transformers and fast cars are to the Chinese it would seem.

Sorry, but if we are being reactionary here and only look at the last big movie, then Wrinkle in Time negated all of what BP did last month and now proves the exact opposite.

All Wrinkle proves is that there will be more diversity. Just no films that aren't Disney safe films. Like diverse animation films (Coco). Diverse live action remakes (Alladin). Diverse Super hero films (Black Panther). Diverse Star Wars films (Last Jedi)

No more risky films like Wrinkle in Time.

>Bad films bomb
Wow, what a revelation. I guess this proves the opposite for White leads too since we've had decades of shitty cgi movies featuring them.

What the hell happened in January? Did people somehow unwatch the trailer?

Are you really this stupid? Thor has been out for months and wrapped up it's run already while BP is still in theaters and is only 4 million behind Thor.

yeah its almost as if you dont understand how well marketing works.

Nazis did markering so well they made people not care when their life long neighbors and friends went missing.

>an SJW bait movie beats a good and a bad movie in 2018

who da thunk it.

Black Panther will literally pass Thor internationally by tomorrow

So we're having autism attacks over trailer views on youtube now? What the fuck happened to this board?


Yeah, well statistics supported a Hillary Clinton win, so I wouldn't use your argument either.

based panther poster

They do it too much people will catch on.

Seriously the only reason The Last Jedi did well (but underperformed) was because it was FUCKING STAR WARS.

Black Panther, MCU, that's guaranteed to make money blacks or no blacks. Aladdin, not even out but it's based on a famous beloved Disney classic so it will make money. And Coco, well that movie actually appealed to people and was well received so there you go.

I dunno how Wrinkle in Time proves there WILL be more diversity in the slightest.

>capeshitters and starshitters post infographs back and forth
nuke this board

And the oscar for the dumbest thread of the year goes to..... OP!!!

BP is riding on Infinity War hype.

I can hardly imagine what it must feel like having so bad taste that you actually consider one of the movies in that image good.

This, but I'm sure an even dumber "OH NO NO NO" thread is just around the corner.

This is the most obnoxious type of thread and people like the OP should be put in concentration camps.

>waaah stop liking things I don't like

Also, are you really referencing the "no no no cat" with these opening posts?