ITT: Movies where you genuinely think the "worst" one in the franchise is the best. I'll start. Temple of Doom is totally the best Indiana Jones. It's scary, the love interest is a much more interesting character. The plot seems much more involved than the muh Nazis generic shtick of the other 2.
ITT: Movies where you genuinely think the "worst" one in the franchise is the best. I'll start...
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Plus it’s a prequel
I was always a big fan of Rocky 4. I think Ivan Drago is the most compelling villain in all of them. I like that it was social commentary on the major issues of the time. That and I think it was just a much more interesting and nuanced movie. All the others felt like a re-skinning of the same product with only a different villain.
Crystal Skull was the worst. You're a faggot if you think otherwise.
That said, I really like Temple of Doom. I remember hating it when I was a kid, but as adult, especially one with a firm grasp on the shit these movies talk about, this movie was amazing. It just gets overshadowed by the other two because they're just that much better.
I still love this one though. Even Willy's annoying shittiness wasn't enough to ruin this movie.
I liked Doom especially when Indy turns evil and the kid has to snap him out of it.
I've always genuinely thought Episode 2 was the best Star Wars Prequel. It has the best action scenes (arena), the Camino aliens were cool, you begin to see the rise of the Empire. Anakins arc is beginning to grow dark (despite Hayden being an incredibly poor actor). I appreciated the sand people massacre. Don't get me wrong, it has it's fair share of problems, mainly in Hayden's bad acting and clunky dialogue (particularly love scenes, Lucas cannot write a love scene to save his life).
Episodes 1 and 3 are *okay*, but in my opinion, they're much weaker movies. I also think A New Hope is, by miles, the best Star Wars movie. It blows Empire out the water.
rocky and rocky IV are the only ones I'll watch out of the entire franchise.
The opening scene (and CIA) has put TDKR above BB and TDK in my personal opinion.
The sacrifice scene with the lava has always stayed with me.
I feel like an asshole talking about the best and worst indy movies since the original three are all great movies that I grew up with.
I mean of those three movies the "worst" one is still miles ahead of the BEST entry in most franchises.
I have always thought it was pretty fucking weird that Temple of Doom was a prequel though for seemingly no reason.
i can only suspect that they made it a sequel because they had other plans for Marion (as evidenced with CS). also it was a way to avoid the nazi's being rehashed so soon.
Short Round was the best sidekick, sucks that he was never referenced again considering his relationship with Indy.
>avoid the nazi's being rehashed so soon.
Its not like there were Nazis in india at that time. The closest thing to the war they would have seen was the nips in burma I think.
I know it's supposed to be set a year before Raiders but does anything within the movie itself state this?
Which is the “worst” Star Wars?
Anyway, Battle of the Five Armies is my favorite Hobbit movie. It’s a clusterfuck of awful and I hated the battle in the book, as well as the movie, but the tension, Punished Thorin arc, and the destruction of Lake Town is too good to pass up. This shit hit me harder than Boromir.
Absolute fuckin’ shame about Alfrid.
Temple > Raiders > Crystal Skull > Crusade
Crusade is kinda shite honestly.
If it sequel in the timeline that mean Shanghai will be by Japan
Hey there kiddo. Being 12 it must be hard for you to imagine there was a 17 year period of time where Temple of Doom was seen as the "worst" of the trilogy
Kek. Fuck I'm retarded
Doom is kino
>best short-round
>best jonesloot
>worst girl
I wouldn't worry about it too much. Thats literally the only time you see the date and two seconds later dude is stabbed by a flaming shishkebob so its easy to ignore.
I grew up with these movies and never noticed it was a prequel until years and years later.
I've always thought that Temple of Doom was the most fun one of the original 3. Raiders and Last Crusade seem too epic and world ending, while Temple felt like an adventure that Indy would go on in some sort of serial adventure series.
Was Drago a villain at all? I mean, it's not as if he wanted to kill Apollo Creed. Dude just happened to have a paper mache head.
The original LOTR was actually worse than the Hobbit movies (not saying much tho) and people just have nostalgia goggles, look at this shit
And tell me the Hobbit didn't do it better
No. Your thread was about mememing a shit movie into being "le great mobie you guysss xD" while this thread is about the actual best movie in a franchise that brainlets don't realize is the best.
Yeah, he struck me as a pacifist as well.
For me Transformers The Last Knight.
Mostly for Cogman and Nitro Zeus.
Fuck off tumblr