Will Wreck-It Ralph reach this side of the internet

will Wreck-It Ralph reach this side of the internet


>How did the emoji movie fuck up such a simple consept so much

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hey mom iwant that cool of duty gon


>SAO poster

wew lad, no wonder he wanted to stop living

What am I looking at?

Some guy killed himself on Sup Forums.

i have the webm but i wont post it because of ban

Sneed poster ending it all after he got put in his place by a based mod.

Was it at least kinda cool??

He wasn’t on b and he was talking to r9k you moron

it was super cool take a trip to /b there is a 1 hr long livestream where some bitch is crying oon discord tellin him dont do it then his mother found him and freaked out and called the police

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He memed himself to death.

No. The camera's auto focus messes up when he sits back to pull the trigger.

How bad were his injuries?

his mother was saying to the police there is brain tissue all over the room so illl guess the injuries wasnt that bad

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post it on /gif/, please.

Just google "r9k shotgun suicide"
some fucked up shit m8

some alt-right basement weeb killed himself

Why did he an hero?

dios mio...

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Yeah I'm watching the 'liveleak' vid now. Pretty shitty.

>cops laugh once the mom is not around

What did they mean by this?

>Apparently kills himself due to issues with his mom
>Leaves a note telling his mom not to let the kids see
>His mom lets the kids see

What did she mean by this?

Link to vid?

Weak faggot. You don't do that shit to your family. Go get lost somewhere and do that shit.

It's shitty and not because of the death (the aftermath). Look for the vimeo link (I'm not posting the direct link):