What is this bodytype called ?

What is this bodytype called ?

Attached: bestone.webm (972x1080, 504K)

The not attractive.
If you think this manly rock-jawed woman beats Ana de Armas in literally ANY way, I just want to say I'm sorry to inform you you're homosexual.

Exactly what the filename says

It's fuck time, kid.


Th..the best o..one

The best.

>best one
>murdered by an /r9k/ poster who has been shot and stabbed
lol cuckolds.

hairy down there?

Joi is attractive, but she's so cute and innocent that it's almost impossible to actually have dirty thoughts about her.

the best one

You have a hard time having lewd thoughts about an attractive woman because you're a homoSEXUAL.

Joi is "attractive" in that you see a delusional version of yourself in her. This is sadly the only way anyone could find her "cute" or worse "sexy".
You see someone as autistic as yourself projected in her and admire the simple fact that she is competent in her job, a fact that astounds you. She isn't special, Wallace knows it, she knows it (though refuses to accept it), and you know it (same case).
Joi is basically a man, "she" could have been a man and been no different as a character. At best, this is non-binary, which is also shameful.
It's okay to be homosexual, but it is not okay to flaunt your preferences as something they aren't.

You mean Luv?

The best one

Attached: 1507921603634.jpg (1163x1744, 814K)

the thigh gap


Does every single adult female character in this movie have the hots for Officer K?

Actually never mind, I just remembered that Mariette and Freysa don't. At least, not from what I can tell.

dominant athletic

>What is this bodytype called?
In shape

Attached: 1058-no-fat-chicks-round-w.jpg (500x500, 53K)

be stone?

Attached: Sylvia Hoeks dfc.webm (1920x804, 3M)

Attached: luv kick.webm (540x700, 666K)

>those itty bitty titties

Attached: 1518833132985.jpg (800x600, 159K)

nothin' personnel...

*Teleports behind you*

Attached: basedluv.png (1920x796, 1.66M)

Talk about projecting, couldn't even follow what user typed or the movie because you've been waiting to sploog that fucking shit out.