God I hate arthouse.
stay a pleb then
what's arthouse?
Is it better or worse than Black Swan?
Movies where reality takes a back-seat. And I don't mean that in an autistic capeshitty kind of way. This movie is totally unhinged from anything resembling reality. I guess it's a Christian metaphor?
I take it back, it's the best movie I ever saw.
Was He God?
worse but still good
Great and ambitious film. And yep he was god. She was mother earth. The old couple was Adam and Eve. Her baby was Jesus of course. And so on. Theres plenty of other symbols and references from the bible. Both old and new testamente
His agent was the catholic church/vatican.
What other symbols did you get Sup Forums?
is this even arthouse?
So it's shit
RLM was right, you have to just ignore Aronofsky's intentions and enjoy it for what it is.
I think the baby was any gift nature gives us
If she was Mother Earth then what was the house? A temple?
It's all over the place which is kind of what pisses me off. It means nothing, but it pretends to be so deep bro.
Such a shit film. I think Noah was more subtle than it was.
The baby was Jesus and only Jesus. There's even a scene when they kill him and then eat him
isn't that what we do with nature's gifts too?
she's not earth, she's nature. the house is the earth
A symbol for that is the house itself, which they litterally destroy
this doesn't address my point, pleb
So what was the crystal thing on the mantelpiece? What does it meeeeean?
it means nothing because it's just shitty metaphors. Aronofsky might be the world's biggest hack.
Who was the lecherous guy that called Mother Earth (ME) a cunt when she wouldn't walk with him?
The house is nature or the world, the mother is mother nature she takes care of the house. Every main character is a pretty over the top obvious religious allegory, including the baby which is jesus.
It's the fruit of knowledge.
That was some kind of seed to create the earth over and over again. That means God let the humannity made the same mistakes in every creation.
Was God autistic?
It's the fruit of knowledge, Adam and Eve breaks it and are banished from that room (Garden of Eden). I'm guessing it's all the knowledge from the previous world
no one in particular, any of the guests represent our desrespect towards nature
>Was God autistic?
God is the original autist. He's like peanut butter girl if peanut butter girl was omnipotent.
Apparently Hackonofsky explained everything instead of letting meaning organically develop. Huge mistake.
There was nothing to fucking interpret.
Hey guys, the brother killed his brother then got kicked out. GET IT?
Red Firecracker Green Firecracker
Yeah it's not particularly deep. But he couldn't resist spelling it out because he's so fucking full of himself.
Arthouse is fine, just avoid trash films like this particular one.
>Paramount pictures
>Darren aronofsky
If this film was too "pretentious" for you, you should honestly and unironically stick to marvel.
Are you trying to argue that Aronofsky is not the most pretentious motherfucker working today?
>hates people
>reeeeeees and tells them to gtfo
great film
>There was nothing to fucking interpret.
Not true.
I took the film to be an anti-organised religion film (and I'm a Catholic, before you autists start reeeeing) but the director was telling everyone it's not anti-religion and that it's just mankind destroys nature.
I was giving him too much credit apparently.
The RLM review for this one is pretty good. The only problem is Jay will not shut the fuck up while saying nothing. Mike offers the most salient points but Jay keeps cutting him off.
So what the fuck was the heart of the house. Because that really doesn't represent anything, except maybe the Earth's core. Oh shit, was it trying to make a point about Global Warming?
Fuck this movie
Arthouse = Shit on purpose
I bet you hated it because it uses metaphor as if you're clever for figuring it out.
watch Black Panther instead