God I hate arthouse.
stay a pleb then
what's arthouse?
Is it better or worse than Black Swan?
Movies where reality takes a back-seat. And I don't mean that in an autistic capeshitty kind of way. This movie is totally unhinged from anything resembling reality. I guess it's a Christian metaphor?
I take it back, it's the best movie I ever saw.
Was He God?
worse but still good
Great and ambitious film. And yep he was god. She was mother earth. The old couple was Adam and Eve. Her baby was Jesus of course. And so on. Theres plenty of other symbols and references from the bible. Both old and new testamente
His agent was the catholic church/vatican.
What other symbols did you get Sup Forums?
is this even arthouse?
So it's shit
RLM was right, you have to just ignore Aronofsky's intentions and enjoy it for what it is.