Why do so many movies like this get made?

Why do so many movies like this get made?
Anything with Seagal, Austin or Michael Jai White is straight to DVD/filmed in a dark warehouse, cheap shit action crap.
Where do these films get their profit from?

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I'm pretty curious too but as long as /myguys/ make money I don't feel like snooping around desu

Money laundering schemes.

Seagal has a cult following who buy all the garbage he makes

its probably this, like the producers etc
no one buys them
they dont get released at the cinema
the leads dont even get paid much

what the fuck is going on here

That's probably it. Most of the Seagal DTV movies have big movie producers involved, guys like Avi Lerner who make big money with dozens of other productions and don't need such stuff.

But for some people that is also a form of artistic expression they can't do in cinema/have not a big enough name to get enough people in the theaters. Dolph Lundgren and Van Damme are examples of that, JCVD was direct to DVD and is probably the best Van Damme movie, Lundgren uses this medium for his wish to direct movies (for which he has obviously talent, the Mechanic is great

But when it comes to half assed lazy Seagal shit, yeah, money laundry.

rednecks buy them at Walmart or rent at redbox

remember how Asylum films make money?

they make money buy making a movie with a name similar to a major movie that's out at theaters

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michael jai white deserves better

Some movies just 'exist'.

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danny trejo makes about 17 of these a year

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the fucking hell?

Sometimes watching these movies feels good. But not all the time.


>Royce Nelson wearing a mullet
>Motherfucking Royce Graice

Holy shit. Michael Biehn and Rutger Hauer are also in that.

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He used to kick the shit out of then UFC champs Anderson Silva and Lyoto Machida in training:



And he famously taught the EXACT KICK that won them both belts:

Training Anderson on the Segal kick: youtube.com/watch?v=ySdcKWnrQWE

Training Lyoto on the Segal kick: youtube.com/watch?v=NBYzI7APiKc

The results:





The Seagal front kick is fairly standard now, but was completely unheard of in MMA in 2010, people flipped their shit. Anderson's kick was the very first front kick KO in UFC history. Machida's was second.

He also trained Manny Pacquiao:



Seagal is no joke.

>Seagal is no joke.

Yes he is.

What do you mean why? Because people want to make them, and then consumers buy them. You have no idea how many people you can see just walking by in walmart or target who will look through the bargin bin, see something that looks "cool" to them and chuck it in the cart, either as a gift, or just to watch with their family or friends.

If there was no market for them they wouldn't be getting made.

direct to video action has been a thing since VHS got huge, are you fucking retarded.

>not watching Scott Adkins kinos

>this is the sequel to a prequel to a sequel to a spin-off of a sequel to a remake of a remake of an adaptation of a book

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Maybe but have you ever watched boomers watch TV? They fall for anything. They watch knock offs not even realizing its a knock-off. Think sci-fi made for TV movies. Like Transmorphers or some shit a Transformers knock off. They barely notice through their recreational and non-recreational drug haze and years of abuse to their brain and vital organs.

This but also how netflix is becoming. People just want new media so they watch anything that comes out. Those rednecks live in the country without internet so they have to take what they can get.