White women don't have big asse-

>white women don't have big asse-
*bloccs you're path*

Attached: oj.webm (1156x650, 1.79M)

too bad she's completely fat

queen of Sup Forums

Attached: 1482404170361.webm (1280x720, 1.61M)

nigga you gay

ever heard of the term PAWG, whiteboy? we love loving your women, and without a doubt, they lvoe loving us back ;)

Isn't this bitch really fuckin fat now?

Attached: 1520207569212.jpg (645x773, 48K)

Attached: thiccer.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

Ay Cuz, imma need to know why u put two C's, u banging??

Imagine being white (or at least not black) and typing this bait post.

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she was then

how she going to wipe her ass

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holy shit how did she get so fucking fat?

Attached: barf.gif (375x211, 954K)

can't believe i'm saying this, but that's too thicc

Attached: thicc.webm (720x1280, 1.64M)


Disgusting. You absolute fucking niggers.

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dat tummy

who is this braphog?

Attached: cassie0pia.webm (320x240, 451K)

why are women such attention whores? like literally there's always these cellphone vids of these women showing their goods


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only blacks like this disgusting shit desu

>your dick not being body positive

Attached: WarlikeGlitteringAchillestang.webm (640x800, 1.45M)

Stop being a faggot.


men forces them to

stop being misogynistic, incel

this woman is a living goddess

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lucy noooooo