What is your opinion on K-ON! Movie?
What is your opinion on K-ON! Movie?
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I would say it is the best movie ever made.
But I might be biased.
There was a movie?
I hate it, just like the animated series.
Look at your keyboard between T and O
K-On is unironically a masterpiece. Thank you for posting this thread OP.
It warms my cold cynical heart, just like the show.
does it get lewd?
If there was cute girls doing cute things then that's all anyone ever asked of it.
it's moekino
Can't spell kino without k-on
Why do grown men watch shows about animated little girls doing normal things?
Does someone throw acid on their faces?
Our lives are empty.
it makes my penis become hard
Watching real little girls doing normal things is illegal.
a suggestion
Anons Who Should Kill Themselves: The Thread
Yui is best girl btw bros
10/10 i LOVE whores
I'd never watch something as gay as k-on. I prefer watching muscley cgi men and women being blacked in my media.
i get it! zui
how diverse is this movie?
*cute* animated little girls sir. There is a distinction.
K-On! director Naoko Yamada top 10 movies
The Color of Pomegranates, Sergei Parajanov
Innocence, Lucile Hadžihalilović
Alice, Jan Švankmajer
Picnic at Hanging Rock, Peter Weir
Valerie and Her Week of Wonders, Jaromil Jireš
The Holy Mountain, Alejandro Jodorowsky
The Virgin Suicides, Sofia Coppola
Tokyo Story, Yazujiro Ozu
Belladonna of Sadness, Eiichi Yamamoto
Nausicaa in the Valley of the Wind, Hayao Miyazaki
Is she /our girl/?
I wish I had friends
>watching inferior moeshit
>not watching the show of patricians
back to your faggot board .
I’m something of a semi-animefag, but can’t stand moe/SoL or this art style in general.
Not sure why so many insist that this series is kino, and I have no interest in finding out.
oh it shows
If anything your dragon show is more pleb than ever
Serious question, since we're not on Sup Forums and there's a chance for a legit answer: is K-ON actually any good?
holy fuck!
how did you do that?
unironically kino
Its the only anime you'll ever need, seriously.
K-ON! isn't just an anime, it's an experience.
>anime girls go on holiday
Maximum comfy
Its humanity's finest accomplishment
it's garbage. dont believe the weeb memes
>no BvS
>Sofia Coppola
Moeshiteaters will defend this
Only mexicans and chinks liked this shitshow
i fucking hate that there are 5 people in the band, the beatles where 4, led zeppelin were 4, pink floyd were 4, why the fuck u need 5 people for, it triggers my autism
they needed to appeal to the black haired jap demographic by having two of them
It was good and my wife Mio is very cute.
Everyone knows that Azusa was a mistake.
>japanese girls go to london
>dont get raped by pakis
very unrealistic
Because they want to be little girls
>the target country's population liked a show made for them
wow, what's next, water is wet?
I agree, Mugi was pointless.
Really, really loved the series and the movie as well, though I think the finale should have been something different than a re-narration of the second season's ending.
Cant't believe it's been nine years already.
Chinamen, retard.
>Cant't believe it's been nine years already.
Kill me jesus fucking christ it really has been that long
Not really, I mean we're talking about a show that aired on Disney Channel. It has a certain element of romance in that each of the girls clearly has the hots for at least one other, but it doesn't get lewd as far as I can remember (I watched K-On like a decade ago so I my memory of this show is a bit fuzzy).
Hello. I come on Sup Forums every so often and usually don't enjoy my time here. I assume, since this is a thread about my favorite series, I will have a better time here than being called a cuck in Sup Forums. My name is Hunter, and I'm a huge fan of anything DW-related. I have all the Faction Paradox stories as well, and a bunch of miscellaneous books, comics, audios, and DVDs that seemed interesting. I hope I can feel more acquainted with you all than in the other sections of this God-forsaken website.......
Make way for the waifu to end all waifus
Is there a dubbed version?
>Hello. I come on Sup Forums every so often
>usually don't enjoy my time here
Yes, the movie is available in many languages.
Mugi is /ourgirl/.
Azusa was the only one who wanted to music. Did nothing wrong.
came here to post this
She's Sup Forums's bitch, along with Kirino.
true kino
Any other shows that scratch the schoolband itch other than K-On and Sound Euphorium?
I dont speak soccer, care to translate?
>cute girls doing nothing interesting because it's cheap and easy and Japs and retarded gaijins will eat it up
yes! fucking BASED my brothers!
for me, it's nodoka-chan
I thought the subtext was only between Ritsu and Mio.
Though; Ritsu was actually the straightest of the group. Would probably end up marrying some beta nip.
Because the animated little girls are free from existential horror, threats to their nation-state, bills and taxes (federal, state, local, sales, use, and other taxes, automobile registration, auto/home/life insurance, etc.), annoying bosses, stupid co-workers, incompetent subordinates, and their friends' biggest flaws don't outweigh the benefits of maintaining those friendships. Why wouldn't you want to be the little girl, or at least observe an idyllic world vicariously through her?
You need a very high IQ to understand slice of life.
"What a qt, with her we're going for the league!"
>It has a certain element of romance in that each of the girls clearly has the hots for at least one other
I like it but the series is better
Only because of what happened in the match between Sup Forums and Sup Forums in the first Sup Forums cup.
>ywn cum on mugi's fatass eyebrows
I always thought this shit was garbage liked by mentally ill people
but after watching it because my friends was pushing me I really liked it, the direction is legitimate good
yurifags ruined Sup Forums
There's no sexual subtext between Ritsu and Mio. They act like best friends.
Bang Dream?
Literally everyone who shits on K-On hasn't watched it. After they do they end up liking it at the very least
I know user; that's why I said Ritsu was actually straight.
Ritsu and Mio like each other, Azusa clearly has a crush on Mio, Jun seems to like Azusa and Ui both, Yui has a thing for Mio at first and later Azusa, and every fucking one of them likes Yui. I remember there being some debate way back in the day over who Mugi is into, and most discussions concluded that she wanted to fuck everyone.
can't ruin what's already a cesspool. stay mad though self insert hetfag
K-on kino
>it's a "social retards mistake normal teen female interaction for lesbianism" episode
The girls are just friends user. The yuri stuff is just for jokes and cute fanart.
Why is she so perfect
it's a moe girl anime directed by an art film buff (see )
it's unironically kino
Best Japanese Movie ever.
>grown men
They might have the physical appearance of an adult, but mentally theyre not all there yet
Ichiban Ippai is easily the best k-on song
I still need to watch the second season of K-On before the movie, but loved Tamako Market/Love Story and A Silent Voice. Yamada is so talented. Hopefully her Hibike Euphonium spinoff movie is good; some of the new character designs are jarring to see, at least in the trailer.