Need to pick one to watch.
Which one is more entertaining?
Need to pick one to watch
watch bumfights.
Left is for the critics, right is for the fans.
Jumanji was pretty good but only in that 'they don't make adventures anymore' sort of way
Though generally it's worth it just to see Jack Black play a 16 year old teenage girl
>tfw you will never be raped by Karen Gillan
whats the point anymore
Shape of Water, Ive already seen Jumanji
Jumanji. Saw Shape of Water its fucking weird and uncomfortable to watch with people. They will think youre retarded or have bad film taste.
>more entertaining
One got awards at the Oscars, that should tell you which one is more entertaining. Think carefully.
One is for women the other is for men.
of course fucking Jumanji you absolute muppet
literally the littest flick
Shape of water = pretentious "fairytale" from a fat manchild with a reptile fetish
Jumanji = didnt see but it has Jack Black and The Rock so it has to be somewhat entertaining.
But man I really wanted my money back after Shape of water.
disliked both of em
No one asked for your opinion, filthy little mudblood
you said pretentious
you lost
delete your comment.
Jumanji, funny as shit and a little heart warming towards the end.
Jumanji by far. Shape of Water is so fucking by the numbers it hurts.
unironically Jumanji
Left is shitty right is litty.
>pretentious "fairytale" from a fat manchild with a reptile fetish
But he's too much of a cuck to make it about a fat janitor self-insert raping a qt mermaid.
Only seen SoW, so based on that I'd say watch Jumanji
Jumanji is alright, I guess. But even though it isn't perfect, I find Shape of Water more entertaining.
Both enjoyable but as far as fun entertainment goes Jumanji.
Littymanji by a mile
Jumanji, but unironically.
Jumanji it is
Why is Jumanji more favourable?
I fucking hated it