Was he a faggot?
Was he a faggot?
That’s disgusting. Imagine how many black cocks she’s sucked
imagine it was the other way around
>Have a chance to kiss katy perry
Hes actually gay, and no, you faggots would be wetting your oversized cargo shorts to even be in the same room as her so dont pull that fedora tipping 2/10 shit
>that busted hag
>worth shit
if it was prime Perry I'd be jealous but not this
Fucking mobilefaggot talking shit.
>he actually thinks there's anyone special in the world
Is he 12 or do Americans unironically believe in Disney movie morals of "The One" and "True Love"?
I'd rather suck cock than be anywhere near that cock carousel.
>cock Is better than a girl whose taken lots of cock
Noone in their right mind would want to kiss her in the current state of decay
>implying its not Chad like to save yourself until marrige
I would but only because I have a thing for corrupted girls
>19 years old
>"i can't kiss someone if i'm not in a relationship"
What a fucking faggot. This is your brain on America.
Wow you are fucking desperate
this is fair though.
roasties shouldn't get to force their slutty lifestiles on people who don't believe in it.
If he was Muslim there would have been public outrage.
It was literally rape and the whore Perry should be whipped naked on live tv as penance
A quick peck on the lips with a bunch of rich Chads laughing at you doesn't really sound like a fun time.
It was too quick and unforeseen for it to be enjoyable, and at the same time it removed his chance of sharing his first kiss with someone he liked in a way that felt good.
She stole from him what he had been looking forward to as a great experience, and left him with an embarrassing experience where he was made to look like a goofy faggot being used for other people's entertainment.
He'll never get this back.
>I've never had a blowjob, Katy
If the genders were reversed would this be ok?
A old man whore kissing some virgin innocent teen girl?
>one cock
>vs hundreds of cock
Can't blame him considering how awful she looks these days
the boy has honor.
You are a boi-roastie.
>teen girl
No, he still is.
>muh first kiss ;_;
Imagine being such a sensitive little bitch.
>teen girl
how I know you are an incel froglet
Well it is >current year
Don't think he realises if he kissed a regular girl and told her she was his first she'd immediately think he's a lower for not doing it earlier in life
>calling me incel froglet
>you can't even imagine in a hypothetical situation where girls are virgin and innocent
Yeah I'm the jaded incel who thinks all girls are sluts and fuck chads while I beat off to Tyrone
I know girls aren't virgin and innocent because of how easy it is to fuck them, you're the one putting the pussy on a pedestal
Your virginity is showing
She should be forced into a tight latex catsuit, thigh ballet boots and an armbinder, then locked to the local sybian in the town square for no less than 24 hours.
yeah, she'd immediately think of him as a beta and breakup/friendzone him as soon as a better guy comes along
It was a hypothetical situation. Do you have autism.
>Sup Forums brainwash victims LARP about conservative values 24/7
>young man actually has conservative values
They're coping incels and seeing this kid get called a faggot reminds them of how pathetic they themselves are.
I was a socially autistic retard and still made out with a load of women before the age of 19.
This brother is wise
The people will judge this impudent slut
But this is Sup Forums not Sup Forums retard
He was saving his first kiss for his sweetheart. Instead it was stolen by some pop-thot whose mouth has, in a conservative estimate, sucked AT LEAST 750 different cocks. Yes, of course this man has every right to be disappointed and sad.
Nobody here actually believes any of the Sup Forums shit they say, it's all satire
Is he pressing charges??? No? Okay moving on.
t-that only makes it hotter
>he even stutters online
or was it a premature ejaculation
And she'd be right.
Also putting so much importance on a kiss is just weird.
My first French kiss was when I was 13 and playing Spin the Bottle with ~17 year olds. I made out with the ugly ones and the pretty ones (they told me I was a bad kisser though).
This is a different sub with its own views and users. Not everywhere is full of Pol subs. You have to go back.
Eh, she's a slut and she looks hideous without makeup, the boy is wise in being uncomfortable.
You're the disgusting faggot imaging this.
kys nu-pol faggot
same thing, reddit.
Meant for
>I was a socially autistic retard and still made out with a load of women before the age of 19.
that's because you're a poorfag, you belong in a lower class of society than most of Sup Forums
You're right, you don't get to be more upset than the victim. So let's focus on what an entitle bitch she is.
It's true. She's been stretched to hell and back by all kinds of dick. Don't you even try to deny it on your head, you know it's true.
>misquotes a post
>messes up the order in the post where he tries to fix it
are you seething rn, or crying?
it's clear that you're emotional if you mess up even such simple actions
makeup does miracles
Get the fuck out redditor scum
Why don't you go ride one of the town bikes. My cool guy.
can you catch kuru from a kiss?
>an anime poster is too autistic to recognize even the most obvious of bait/jokes
not very surprising
why the fuck did katy kiss this fag anyway? like what's the context? i know all this shit is probably staged but it's still random af
Can't really blame him. Kissing a coalburner is one of the worst feelings ever.
Imagine thoughts about black cocks racing through your mind whenever you kiss a girl and thinking that she's the one that has something wrong with her.
Sup Forums for ya.
He went to kiss her on the cheek and she gave him a peck on the lips instead.
That's literally it. She didn't fucking force her tongue in there or do it with unbridled passion.
Can you fucking read? It literally says in OPs image
No it doesn't you retard.
> Big non white dicks and roasties live in your head for free.
> Trying to make others imagine this too.
what a faggot, I hope they beat him up at school
She literally made a tweet about loving bbc kill yourself cuck
katy perry is gross as fuck
>woman kissed a man
>not even a French kiss, just friendly
>it's a big deal
This timeline is fucked.
i don't think she ever fucked a nigger. any proof? pics or it didn't happen
> So, you're the one banging on about it and imaging how she sucks them.
Those in cuck sheds shouldn't throw stones. Now go find the tweet to strawman and say we're aruging over wether it happened or not, instead of you being a goo gobbler milo fanboy faggot.
If it was a dirty slut and a old man it would be sexual assault and there'd be more #metoo
>made a joke tweet
>guys like this take it seriously
>now it's an affirmed fact
Cuckfags are literally like densest fucks, easily
He wasn't a faggot before but now he had some taste of dick I'm sure he'll come around.
There's literally nothing wrong with the taste of cock.
that guy is considered white in america
alright, Katy Perry is pure, she never sucked a cock in her life, I'm sure :^)
These retards who constantly moan about feminism and try to use their own tricks against them don't realise that it just breeds more effeminate men.
Quite honestly this kid should be getting called a faggot. He deserves the title until he mans up. Its a fucking peck on the lips done as a form of greeting, its not even a proper kiss.
Neither should be a big deal.
he wouldn't be uncomfortable if it was prime katy
I didn't say there was. Why are you projecting your insecurities?
that's irrelevant
>it's in the news so it must be a big deal
>it's in the news and the news reflect what 90% of the population would think
it's the retards like you who make it so that we can't have nice things, all the while claiming to not be sheep
>but what about if it was the other way around
is the lamest shit ever
Yup, he should have just carried on and not made a scene over it, now he's just broadcasted to every girl that he's a beta and now none of them will want to date him
brb going to kiss your slut of a daughter or do I have to make a booking
Just grab a number. There's quite a long line.
>shy 16 year old blonde girl says she's saving her first kiss for her sweetheart
>moments later a fat, sweating, and visibly drunk Axl Rose roughly grabs her and plants a long leering kiss on her mouth as she struggles helplessly against him
Half the crowd would rush the stage to attack him screaming "Rapist!" the other half would by trying to dial 911 through their tears.
Based Katy Perry's dad
>it's in the news so it must be a big deal
supply and demand son.
>it's the retards like you who make it so that we can't have nice things, all the while claiming to not be sheep
You're part of it too now, doofus. Or it doesn't count because you only post here ironically?
he is now
This dude is 19 you fucking moron
or let him be a movie producer for decades