Was he a faggot?
Was he a faggot?
That’s disgusting. Imagine how many black cocks she’s sucked
imagine it was the other way around
>Have a chance to kiss katy perry
Hes actually gay, and no, you faggots would be wetting your oversized cargo shorts to even be in the same room as her so dont pull that fedora tipping 2/10 shit
>that busted hag
>worth shit
if it was prime Perry I'd be jealous but not this
Fucking mobilefaggot talking shit.
>he actually thinks there's anyone special in the world
Is he 12 or do Americans unironically believe in Disney movie morals of "The One" and "True Love"?
I'd rather suck cock than be anywhere near that cock carousel.
>cock Is better than a girl whose taken lots of cock
Noone in their right mind would want to kiss her in the current state of decay