:Dishonest cinematography through video game iconography

Add a 'Press X to Skip Cutscene' and this could've been a next gen title.

Attached: bladerunner.jpg (710x473, 95K)

Other urls found in this thread: gen/

>Lays down in the snow and dies, Harrison Ford walks off and meets his daughter
I literally got out of my seat and left the theater then and there, what an awful fucking movie.


Attached: vvv.jpg (1920x1080, 339K)

You can tell which one is the real one by how far forward she leans.

Attached: 1501968584025.jpg (1707x1651, 1.24M) gen/



What the fuck does dishonest even mean? What are you retards blabbering about?

And yet you're here, I'm glad you find my posts that engaging user.

>shills get BTFO in a SW thread
>anti cinema thread raid for hours on end afterwards
Every time


>15+ pages
Jesus fucking Christ

The approach to filmmaking that lacks honesty. Notable examples include the works of Denis Villeneuve, PTA, Inarritu, and Refn.

You're a proud pseudo-intellectual eh?

You are aware that you sound extremely dumb when you say things like that?
I would bet that you most probably never talked about films in real life with anyone whatsoever.

Honesty in what motherfucker? Its a shit armchair buzzword

>when you've been drenched in dishonest movies so long even the word 'honesty' no longer makes sense to you

Attached: the_man_who_sold_his_honesty.jpg (600x600, 147K)

>next gen
>naughty dog kinetics
>deus ex
OP is a mentally challenged videogame manchild with the vocabulary of 12 words which he just rotates in every thread.
Probably doesn't even watch films released before his birth year, considering that he can only talk about video games and nothing else

You have failed to elaborate AGAIN.

Obviously you are a buzzword spouting moron.

If 'psedo-intellectual' is when one engages in a specific and critical discussion of ideas then I'll wear the bonnet gladly, although I'd have you know it is a buzzword used squarely by insecure adolescents - the sort that swarm to Vilenueve.

You know it's pretty damn obvious you're that 'ReviewScrew' call of duty playing Sup Forumsedditor but without the trip. Not even trying to hide it either. What an utter embarrassment

The failed proto-soy project of conflating my voice with this infant is dull, and intellectually offensive. Reviewscrew makes no comment on the failed aesthetic of Blade Runner and its kinects as ghastly video game voyeurism. As expected a comic book and reddit fan.Next time you attempt debate do it honestly.

This isn't about Villeneuve, this is about your fragile ego that you feed by talking to people in a condescending manner, using "big" words while believing in your own illusion of intellectual superiority.

Basically you're a cunt.

>Vilenueve sycophants are THIS Neurotic.

This proves why I'm needed here.

Is this the most dishonest shot of 2017?

Attached: 5BR.jpg (1280x835, 91K)

your bump attempt is pathetic my dear videogame manchild

'Joi' scene was by far the most manipulatively shot.

another even more pathetic attempt to bump your thread while replying to yourself, this is now beyond embarassing

Thanks doggie


curb stomped

Villeneuve Sup Forumseddit fanboys are the worst, the insecurity and arogance in their post its really offputting. Check reddit, they were voting for their favourite director, guess who was on top? Denis "Hack" Villeneuve and Christopher Nolan.