What would you have done if you were in his position but it was your family?
The Killing of a Sacred Deer
I probably would have killed the daughter then immediately afterwards kill the little shit that ruined my life and harmed my family.
Another question about this movie; why wasn't the wife physically effected like the son and the daughter?
sex with raffey!
Kill the wife
Even if you can stomach killing one kid the other two would hate you for it
I wish more people would acknowledge this movie and discuss it, I thought it was very interesting and bold.
Fuck my daughter and kill myself
It's weird, I watched it because I kept seeing it recommended on Sup Forums, but all the threads for it are always dead.
Fuck my wife and then my daughter. after I planted my seed inside both of them, kill myself
The entire movie pivots on the shotgun scene which is clearly supposed to have you on the edge of your seat, all the emotions in the film have been building to this thrilling scene...except there are no emotions. Every character is emotionless, so why make the whole point of your movie a "suspenseful", "emotional" scene which has zero tension, emotion or weight to it because none of these characters are real human beings. There is no joy or happiness in this movie, even before the illness takes hold of Farrell's family. There is no pain without happiness. There is no happiness without pain. This movie is 100% fedora, monotone, autistic, emotionless dialogue. I'm already emotionally numb by the time we got to the shotgun scene.
The cinematography is very cringe inducing too. So many shots where the characters are barely in frame. The director thinks he's being so clever and artsy, he's a fucking joke. If he took the fedora off the lens maybe this film wouldn't be such a piece of shit.
the posters are better than the film
>I bet you thought this was going to go in an interesting direction but NOPE! Subverted
Yorgos is a hackier Rian Johnson.
I loved this movie. Sup Forums is full of plebs.
>"emotional" scene
It's not supposed to be "emotional" you dumb ape, it's a take on the greek myth of Iphigenia, that entire scene is clearly supposed to be absurd, not emotional. Uncomfortable and absurd.
The rest of your points are none arguments, the same dumb meaningless points which casuals give for Kubrick, like Kubrick even intended for most of his films to be extremely emotional.
>The cinematography is very cringe inducing too.
Please do tell me where is the "cringe" part
The same reply for a dumb pasta post.
>It's not supposed to be "emotional" you dumb ape, it's a take on the greek myth of Iphigenia, that entire scene is clearly supposed to be absurd, not emotional. Uncomfortable and absurd.
The knowledge this is supposed to be "a take on the greek myth of Iphigenia" does not at all refrain the quality of this movie, neither does it give it any more substance or credibility. So it's a metaphor for a greek story told through fedora vision? I don't want to watch someone with the mentality of a pseudo intellectual 13 year old boy retell a greek story. The movie wasn't uncomfortable. It wasn't absurd. It was literally nothing. There was no point to anything. No attachment to the story or the characters. Knowing it's a metaphor for a greek myth doesn't excuse the piss poor faults.
>The rest of your points are none arguments, the same dumb meaningless points which casuals give for Kubrick, like Kubrick even intended for most of his films to be extremely emotional.
Ironically enough, this isn't an argument either.
>Please do tell me where is the "cringe" part
I watched the movie once when the torrent first came out, will never watch it again, the movie is too forgettable to name specific instances. I remember there being many shots where the characters are barely in frame or sometimes only half in frame. The director is trying so hard to show he's a filmmaker and be unconventional but he's just outting himself as an autistic faggot. Feels like he's fresh out of film school.
>The same reply for a dumb pasta post.
Just like yours. Thing is, I'm copy pasting a bulletproof criticism of this film. You're copy and pasting arguments which you got BTFO'd on. Embarrassing.
The cinematography, the acting and the score are the best things about the movie.
I as well didn't care for anything. Nobody was at the edge of his or her seat during the shotgun scene. I don't think you were intended to.
>the acting
Only an autist would think this. Everyone was monotone, autistic and emotionless. It takes zero talent or effort to act this way, to spend the whole movie with relaxed facial muscles and zero inflection in your voice. Obviously they were directed to act this way by the awful director, but to say the "acting is the best thing about this movie" when it takes zero talent to act the way the director instructed, get your head out of your ass. The cinematography is too try hard. Seems like someone who belongs in film school, trying way too hard to be unconventional.
>Nobody was at the edge of his or her seat during the shotgun scene. I don't think you were intended to.
So what was the point of that scene?
Better question, what was the point of the scene afterward? I literally did not get it.
The wife advocated killing one of the children. She was basically a bitch who needed to go anyway (even ignoring the hand jobs she was giving out).
Nice projection princess. I lost my virginity at 14 because i'm not a plebeian aspie. Meanwhile you can't talk to women because you won't shut up about pleb shit like Korine or Wes Anderson.
All of you are plebeian, boring, casuals who spend every second of their day talking about shitty superhero films. You are everything wrong with the board. Honestly, have any of you ever seen a French New Wave film? I mean, I guess it’s okay for fifth graders to have taste like this but you guys take it to a whole other level. This is even worse than playing Call of Duty all day.
Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much a true cinephile. I live in a booming city and work at an arthouse cinema. What do you do other than shitpost and talk about Hobbits? I also got straight A's at film school and have a banging hot blu-ray collection. You are all plebeians who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
I would've seriously tortured that kid. Not just a few punches, power tools would've been involved. Then I would've killed my daughter. Then killed the kid.
dude greek tragedy lmao
dude minimalist theatre acting techniques lmao
>ywn ride in the night with a qt hugging you from the back
I can't figure out why you would have killed the daughter.
I spend a lot of time on this board and I remain consistent in my negative opinion of Paul Thomas Anderson. That's all there is to it. I am no "troll", I am not "tricking" anybody. I just dislike your favorite director and apparently that gives you hurt feelings. If you don't like my opinions then you're free to dismiss them. I will however not stop posting them as they are my authentic opinions. If any poster here turns a blind eye to people wrongfully praising an undeserving director and lets the inauthentic discussion go on undisturbed then they are inauthentic about film. It's as simple as that.
If everyone stays out of threads pertaining to media they don't enjoy and only discusses directors their like then this place becomes a circle jerk. If you want to praise PTA in peace then you're on the wrong website. This isn't some "good times cinema talk" forum. This is a battleground. Authentic thought vs inauthentic thought. Art vs entertainment. Neurotypicalism vs Autism. PTA and his disciples are my enemies and I will continue to fight. Call my battle strategies ineffectual, ignorant and misguided if you wish, but you will never take away my right to voice my opinions. You're not downvoting anybody into silence here.
>trying way too hard to be unconventional.
That's just you.
Wife is someone you love, she gives you sexy time, puts dinner on the table and washes your shit. Son to carry on your name and to have that unique father-son bond. Daughter is the most expendable.
>not killing the wife and remarrying and upgrading to a younger, hotter model better for breeding
>a younger, hotter model better for breeding
You mean the daughter
The daughter excelled in more useful subjects than the son and the daughter can bear children which gives her more value.
>a girl better than a boy
Yes, user. ;)
Every sane person would shoot the daughter before the son.
But it was evident the guy loves his wife and she's not just his fucktoy. Not to mention that even if he didn't, finding one who puts up with his weird fetishes the same way while at the same time being a mother to the children and doing house chores would be pretty fucking hard.
Are you a woman?
This is why women are winning the fight.
What fight? I earn more than my wife, no woman could ever beat me up and I handcuff her during sex. fucking betas
pusy pics?
They left the diner out of awe and respect of this god (in the mythology a god cursed a man and his family for killing one of their holy deer).
It took me a while too to find a satisfying meaning in the diner ending scene but this is it. Awe, respect and disgust.
That makes sense. What's your read on the use of the music in that scene?
In the Iliad, in which the tale of Iphegenia is told, Gods are both cunts and saviors, and everything hangs on that balance, whether a character lives or dies etc.
The last scene was basically what user guessed. God being both a cunt and a savior and the acceptance of that fact.
Not an argument.
This does not rectify the flaws of the film. Try again.
Not an argument.
>i know you are but what am i
Expect nothing more from fans of Sacred Deer.
Not an argument.
Keep embarrassing yourself, kiddo.
Not an argument.
What are the flaws in, enlighten us with your pleb opinions.
Yorgos did exceptional work in all fronts. That you're unable to understand it speaks volumes.
I already pointed out the flaws, read the thread, retard.
>the ass blasted response of a 13 year old yorgos fan
Not an argument.
Reinforced by how they got up and left without finishing their meal.
I can't remember fortunately the exact music in this scene but the kind of dramatic I think I remember suited this really well. Like when the hero of an epic falls to his knees, accepting his inferiority compared to his foe
cunt Gods are the best
Kill myself for being in such an awful film
Not an argument.
If that's you user, you're objectively a brainlet and likely underage, at least in the mental development sense.
Hey Sup Forums
I'd have shot that kid right then and there
Imagine being so ass blasted by someone criticizing a film you pretended to enjoy because it's minimalist, a film that you convince yourself has a deeper message despite the fact it's an empty shell, so ass blasted all you can do is repeat not an argument through your salty tears.
So you cant counter my arguments? Poor little child.
Not an argument.
I feel like they should have explored the father's backstory more
I wanted him to have been more culpable in the other father's death
Then it would have fit the myth better because in the story the mythical man intentionally kills the mythical deer
Imagine still playing video games
Killed the daughter.
Also why does everyone speak so strangely in this directors movies? It was the same way of speaking in the lobster
It was kino indeed
Ironically those posts were not made by me, it's almost as if multiple people have that reviewbrah reaction image. Secondly, yes, I do play videogames. You're either a fag, or a woman, thinking your opponent gives a fuck about social shaming, especially on an anonymous message board. Trying to shift the focus to something unrelated because you cant refute your opponent's bulletproof argument.
I can feel the rage through your posts.
Not an argument.
Kill the psycho daughter and not the innocent son
I can't help but feel that the disgust on her face is real. That guy's actor is so ugly.
>This movie is 100% fedora, monotone,
What was particularly annoying was the loud, discordant music played to increase tension and introduce a sense of unease when none would have been present otherwise due to the one dimensional characters and uninspired
>Secondly, yes, I do play videogames.
Some advice: you should say that at the beginning of every post to let people know that you are a child.
try killing the dog at least
>Also why does everyone speak so strangely in this directors movies?
Because the movie has no substance, the director does this so trick 13 year old boys into thinking the movie has some hidden deep genius, when it's because he's incapable of crafting real characters.
>So it's a metaphor for a greek story told through fedora vision?
It's not a "metaphor", it's literally that story told in the modern setting. And saying "fedora" in every other sentence is a bit pathetic user
>The movie wasn't uncomfortable. It wasn't absurd. It was literally nothing
You literally say "It was awkward" in your OP post of that time, make up your mind.
>There was no point to anything. No attachment to the story or the characters.
Now do you really think so? Really? 100% sure about that? The director just made it randomly, the critics randomly all loved it, a lot of people on this board loved it, but we are all just pretending and you know the absolute truth that there was nothing there right?
Some day user, maybe when you finish high school, you will grow out of this.
>it's almost as if multiple people have that reviewbrah reaction image.
Except the filename is the same you blithering retard. You don't even know how to hide the filename so it's even easier to call you out. What a fucking idiot you are.
>Secondly, yes, I do play videogames
>one word response
Busy playing video games?
There's no point in arguing with him, he's probably thinks video games are art.
Also how can this movie have such a young girl in underwear like that. Thought she was qt then i looked up her age and felt weird about myself.
>Also why does everyone speak so strangely in this directors movies? It was the same way of speaking in the lobster
From what I read, the script was originally written in Greek then translated to English. So that may have something to do with it.
>Secondly, yes, I do play videogames.
Stick to that, you obviously don't know anything about film beyond listing cliches.
Can't say how accurately it transfers to the translation but all of his films feel like they have the same stilted dialogue.
Why is she trying to steal his wallet?
Translations do tend to sound stilted if they don't go through an editor and that's probably what happened here.
nice sticker mate
But what about the lobster?
You clearly never watched a Yorgos film before.
Well Dogtooth is about an autistic family, and that was apparent in the translated dialogue. There's also how he directs his actors to deliver them in a deadpan style that makes the words awkward, no matter what they actually are.
>The movie wasn't uncomfortable. It wasn't absurd. It was literally nothing. There was no point to anything. No attachment to the story or the characters
If you think that, then that's fine. You're entitled to your own opinion. To me it was clearly meant to be absurd. This movies universe didn't make sense, Martins powers weren't explained. They weren't meant to on purpose. All of it was almost a figurative guilt trip put on by Martin on the main character. The color palette, acting, framing almost makes it seem like a nightmare or fantasy world -> just like the actual mythology the movie is based on. They are both fiction and don't make sense.
> I remember there being many shots where the characters are barely in frame or sometimes only half in frame. The director is trying so hard to show he's a filmmaker and be unconventional but he's just outting himself as an autistic faggot
I can't believe you are trying to be this "instance" to judge movies like this and not realize the framing with the camera leaving lots of space above the main characters heads at times, even during closer ups, is meant to symbolize their helplessness, tons of ideas going through their heads because they are detached from the events in a way that leaves them unable to cope with the situations at hand. You can even see it on the film poster (pic related) in a very exaggerated way. It's as if what you can't see above the main character is this giant entity that's pulling the strings, leaving Martin to stand there alone without anyone left if he doesn't take action.
>Thing is, I'm copy pasting a bulletproof criticism of this film.
Except you are not because you just got BTFO Embarassing.