Did you ever see a movie so good you thought it was in my dream?

Did you ever see a movie so good you thought it was in my dream?

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In your dream? No.

Best ever opening titles
Best music
Best action

Times when "diversity" was not a thing.


You're not turning faggot on me, are you?

Best game too.
Fucking magic

i'm in your head every night op

Actually the gang was originally going to be all black. So diversity very much was a thing.

Fuck me, how could I forget. So may good times on that game

>tfw trying to jack a radio before the cops come

>playing split screen with my brother

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>those shitty new inserts in the "director's cut"

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Too bad the DVD/Blu Ray version has the shitty cartoon opening and transitions between scenes


Fucking love this movie, man. Always loved one-night movies, and this had so much cool style and worldbuilding I’d never really seen before.

nice trips

>Did you ever see a movie so good you thought it was in my dream?
first harry potter movie when i was a child. Not even kidding, went out of the cinema stunned and wanting more.


That one, Collateral and Mad Max: Fury Road

yeah could be, nut when i was a chield harry potter was amazing. New school, nice euroopean setting, magic, flying broom, of course, by the time i saw the last harry potter movie, to me it was sadly quite bad, but nonethe less then i was a child the firt ones were amazing to me.

What other movies take place in a single short time period? Dog Day Afternoon rules.

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The 25th Hour
Phone Booth
Man on a Ledge
The Inside Man

Also Training Day, The Hateful Eight, and Eyes Wide Shut.


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Most of those movies don't capture the single night Odyssey

Think pic related or Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist. You're welcome

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>The Warriors
Maybe when I was 10 years old

Also, New York is the kino city.


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Whats with the overrared praise this movie gets here? Its a average flick, nothing special only memorable for two lines in the whole movie

god damn it I love time loop movies. ever see that Kurtwood Smith episode?


Tits or gtfo

Can't say that i have user.

>Best ever opening titles
but thats not a bridge too far


Why was Ajax named Ajax?


Can you imagine a capeshit flick as simple and beautifully executed as The Warriors?
But NO. Everything has to fit under the bland umbrella of big budget production and fit together in the retarded EU model and appeal to the lowest common denominator.

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I'd rather just have no capeshit at all.

I didn't realize there was so many niggers in this movie, fucking forced diversity

>tfw see a hat on the ground
>tfw picking up a boombox

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Quint Quints
Bravo, user.

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That's pretty much impossible because an origin story is bound to already make the movie too convoluted, and skipping that just means bullshit exposition.

Jenna Haze x Lela Star in Seemen Sippers 5

Begone, Satan!

Warriors Quints is best Quints

Say whaaaaaat? An origin story is what everybody goes in knowing. We just want to see, like, a Superman movie about him beating a villain like Dr. Freeze or whoever, when the first act has to be about him coming from planet Crippleton and we see his Kansas adoptive parents, that only leave 60~ minutes for the actual story
a good way to have exposition is in the first 4 minutes

"I'm gonna shove that bat up your ass and turn you into a Popsicle "

Who /punks/ here?

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The roller skating chase was pure kino

>forced diversity
In the novel every gang was a different ethnicity

Best movie to video game adaption ?

>Not Eliminators

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The novel was sad

mario "brothas"

I remember reading the book years later after watching the movie, The Warriors in the book are all niggas and they do the most despicable shit imaginable, which makes you wish for their demise, like one roots for Jason in his movies. Also the ending was depressing as shit, the lad that manages to get home finds him pregnant mom getting fucked and his sibling crying, yet the mother doesn't care and sequels in the bed so he just goes to fire escape curls into a ball and cries

rewatched this a year or two ago

definitely not as good as I remember it being as a kid. also its really really gay

They're not all niggers, their gang is a hispanic/nigger mixed race gang.

The blackest dude in their squad ends up getting caught for the rape

that's why it's so fun, dudes disregarding women

5 vs 5 all hobo lineup king of the hill

> Be Swan Chad
> Acquire fucking girlfriend by literally just chad walking home
fuckign cunt

not enough woemen in that scene

5 5's are pretty cool

Great movie. Saw it at the drive-in when Alien debuted. That was a killer double billing and one of the few times I actually remember the two movies that had played.

groundhog day is the best though