Did his shitty show kill him?
Did his shitty show kill him?
didn't a second season come out recently?
no I'm pretty sure science guy is still alive you're thinking of microsoft sam
I was just thinking about all the respect Hawking got yesterday and how little in comparison the sex junk guy will because he dragged his own name through shit doing dumbshit like "debating" creationists and all sorts of other faggotry for attention
Remember when he sent DMCAs the the youtube channels that showed his original Science Guy explanation of gender because it didn't match his sex junk shit. kek.
cut off your penis
I learned a valuable lesson from reading snippets of his AMA on reddit. Someone asked what the best way to teach someone something his, and his answer was 'repetition'. It dawned on me that this doesn't just apply to teaching the truth, but to 'teaching' someone anything at all. Brainwashing. Repeat something to someone, subtlety, across different forms of media, over a long enough period of time, and that thing will become the truth. I could ramble on but I think you get my point.
There's also the fact that Nye only has a bachelor's in engineering and has't contributed any important research/discoveries to any field.
Who will do his show now that he's dead?
He's a fake scientist but a good actor. He was much better in his 90s show as a goofy scientist instead of now as a bitter old man who hates everyone
>le funny bowtie science man
Haven't seen any highly upvoted reddit posts in favour of the man since his failed TV show, so yeah, I'm thinking he's dead.
Bill nye the soy guy
>everything is normal except being disgusted by degeneracy thats not normal
>There's also the fact that Nye only has a bachelor's in engineering and has't contributed any important research/discoveries to any field.
B-But he patented a bunch of stuff!!!!
I just saw his response to explaining electrons and was baffled at how he think he could get away with absolute lack of knowledge in the field.
That sex junk song is one of the greatest examples of Poe's Law I've ever seen. Was it made by pol or Bill Nye? Out of context who the fuck knows.
>oh he's not dead... not yet
Is he the most intelligent man alive now that Stephen Hawking is gone?
Are you saying he's supporting brainwashing? Because I don't think he does. What he said is true when it comes to learning something as a human. You learn by doing something repeatedly or have it repeated to you. Someone actually did a study and found that if you do something for 45 days in a row it becomes a subconscious habit. Why else does school have you do the same stuff over and over again? To make be second nature to you. Yes it can be used in brainwashing and mass media is the perfect tool for doing it. Advertisement has been doing it for centuries. 50% of all ads on US and Canadian TVs are fear based. Most soap ads use the fear of getting sick by germs to sell their product because it makes things the cleanest meaning they are less likely to have germs so you remain healthy. The Nazis used the radio to spread their propaganda, even going as far to make a cartoon about a group of radios putting themselves in German towns so that every German could have access to radio.
Nah there's still Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon
>plays a scientist on tv
>isn't actually a scientist irl
>thinks we should listen to him
Democrats are adorable. You literally know nothing but want to pretend you're experts. You're all a fucking plague on this planet.