Fatties should be banned from entering any theater.
Fatties should be banned from entering any theater
Why not climb out and sit in the row in front? If that was allocated seating I'd demand my money back.
Is that the Astor?
then how would Sup Forums watch movies?
>assigned seats
Fuck that shit.
But who was photo
These seats look small af
I hate fat people
hello america
Yeah, it's the seats that look small, not that the women look like hippos.
lmao fuck off fattie ยบ
>Actually going to the theatre
the poor guy squished between the two fatties
Based normiefag phoneposter.
What would Sup Forums do in that situation?
>Chubby chaser at the movies with both his girlfriends
Good for him I guess
>Fatties should be banned
Climb into the seats in front. If it was allocated seating and someone else came along and said they were their seats I'd go and demand a refund and kick up enough fuss to get something extra.
>excuse me sir, you're too tall to sit there. Please return to your allocated seat
That's not fat and you know it. You're fat when you're like 10kg overweight or at 40% bodyfat. She's clearly mentally ill and physically handicapped. She, and people like her, should be locked in a mental institution and treated for her illness, not out in public being a burden to everyone around her.
mfw this would probably happen
I was feeling bad for the guy on the 2nd row then I noticed there's an actual person stuck between the 2 elephants.
Could they do that legally or would they get sued for millions and be forced to install fat seats.
If manlets go to the manlet pit, where do fatties go at the kinoplex?
I feel quite naive in that at 25 years of age I don't think i've seen anyone quite on that level of fatassedness in person, presumably because I am in england and have lived in mostly low population areas. Is this a common thing in America? I see pictures of hamplanets posted a lot but don't know how representative of the overall population that is.
hey fattie i got a movie for ya
That's how big they were for 30 or so years up until mid 2000 on.
nightvision drone camera
>Is this a common thing in America?
Only in the south.
Climb on top of her and enjoy the movie
*gets embarrassed for being an invalid then quickly starts taking it out on you and everyone nearby*
Yes, 40% of Americans are obese. Not just overweight, obese.
>going to a german theater
Sorry mate couldn't hear you over all the pakis next door. Do you have a license for that post btw?
human ballistic gel testing area for the daily spree shooter
Look at its fucking back. This motherfucker is a full circle.
A small theatre in our town has folding chairs instead of actual comfy chairs and one time during star trek 2009, a fat guy ended up breaking his and falling down. To add insult to injury it happened when spocks mom died.