Aging like milk

ITT: Actors and actresses that look way older than they are

>45 years old

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Obesity makes you look much older. This guy doesn't even have to lose that much weight. If he lost like 30 pounds he would immediately look 4-5 years younger.

>50 years old

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It's the being grey and bald too.

Frank Miller is 61 but looks like he's 161.

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Who's that?

Jesus christ, he looks like he's been through a couple of world wars.

He had cancer didn't he?

yeah, cant imagine seeing that much of achange when you wake up in the morning

Most revolting picture ever

Even after he left the shimmer he was never the same

>13 years old

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Tara Reid

39 when picture was taken

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going from young Amidala to older Princess Leia in record time

he hath become inconceivable man

And that picture is a few years old now. Wonder what he looks like now.

Why white gloves?

If she had just left herself alone I bet you she'd still look decent now, even the drugs and booze couldn't impact her appearance as much as the unnecessary surgery did.

The fuckers really thot'd her up. In a few years we'll probably be reading Amanda Bynes-tier shit about Millie

>Aging like milk

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He's turning into Tony Clifton.

Leave Chaz Bono alone.

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Emma Stone
Claire Danes
both look like 10 years older than they are

and the teacher from Glee


Good. She was fucking annoying as hell and couldn't act.

also fat people arent people

Aged like milk that a diabetic pissed in.

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Literally would not schlup ScarJo or Herschlag even though they're not 40. Wha happen

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Based Jackie looks the same as ever

Nobody knows who that is

On a diet of hotdogs and doughnuts, remarkable.

Doesn’t she have some rare skin/medical condition?

Do women become ugly because they’re lesbians, or become lesbians because they’re ugly? Who can say.

if you cover the bald head he looks his age, he should just shave

...aside from being black

He's got a semi-decent beard so if he shaved his head he'd look closer to his age. Can't help the manlet status though.