Best marvel movie

>Best villain
>Best hero
>Best plot
>Best fight scenes
Inb4 ironmancucks try to argue this

Attached: Captain_America_The_Winter_Soldier.jpg (220x326, 104K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Best marvel movie
>still a mediocre flick

deserved an Oscar tbqvhwy

>Best marvel movie
No. You can argue it's place within the MCU flicks, but it's not even in consideration for best Marvel movie.

Name 7 capekinos better

>Best villain
Top kek

>it's a Black Widow teases Captain America for being a 95 year old virgin scene

me in the future

Attached: black widow.jpg (689x793, 50K)

Batman Returns
Spiderman 2
The Dark Knight

>best marvel movie
>its a B- at best

>The Dark Knight
The only good movie in your list

it definitely is.
i wish they made more like this, instead of quipfests

Then enlighten me with better capekinos sensei

Agree. Winter Soldier, Iron Man 1, and Civil War are the three best MCU films. Raimiman 2 and TDK both better though still.

Anything but the crap you listed

>Best villain
Redford: I want to experience doing a superhero movie before I die, but I don't want to actually do fight choreography, spend time putting on make up, or wear a funny I'm just going to show up in my own business suit and you guys work around that


for a company that releases so many superhero films they yet have to release one that's considered one of the best, the first Iron man is the only one that qualifies

Civil War is better, can only be topped by Infinity War. Now fuck of OP

You'll never make a girl look at you the way Widow looks at Cap when he tells her to take her feet off that cars dashboard

what is your favorite then?

not him, but Watchmen maybe


Yeah, it was. I could see how someone could prefer Iron Man though.

One thing that's certain is that only a retard would name a movie different than those two.

Daily reminder Black Widow is a Size queen.

First she was with Hawkeye until she met Tony.
Then Tony couldn't match up to Super Soldier Steve.
Then She went for Green and because of her addiction to Monster Cocks, Hulk's D aged her 15 years, as you can see in the new Avengers movie.

>Civil War
Fucking lol. At least AoU and Thor:DW were forgettable. Civil War was just trash

Anyone else absolutely hate black widow/scarjo? She consistently does the most unbelievable stuff in every movie. It is so goddamn annoying.

i was talking about marvel specifically
jokes are not necessarily bad, but there needs to be some balance. how can you take any of it seriously when there's a quip every 2 minutes. It's especially bad when they quip in a middle of what is supposed to be a serious moment.

name 3 times when that happened. Seriously, I dont remember

Despite 1 billion cuts in 10 seconds, cap vs ws fight was kino.
The rest of marvel shit can't even reach that.

AoU and Raganarok were both absolute quipfests

Just from Thor Ragnarok:

>Villain kills his prisoner cousin -> nihilistic quipfest ensues
>Ominous music plays, Hulk appears -> He's a friend from work!
>That's what heroes d- (ball bounces)
>Rock alien quipping while Asgard is destroyed forever

Cap running through hallways was the most kinetic superhero moment in all the MCU.

doctor doom is the answer to all of OP's questions

yes, he is the best plot and fight scene

doom is so awesome they haven't been able to imprint his majesty on film yet--all the previous versions were defective doombots

>not liking Tim Burton

You can fuck off back to /m/ you have no taste at all.

Sexiest black widow too

Attached: 069ec61f1dac1b9132004ef01e69aca4.jpg (1280x1920, 367K)

>you're my mission
>then finish it...cause i'm with you.. till the end of the line

Attached: 7823992.jpg (748x354, 38K)

There's no argument from me. It's the best thing the MCU ever made.

Take out all the capeshit, make it just a spy thriller with same story and no superheroes and its still a great movie. That's why it's so good.

A scene women will never understand

Russo's understand Cap a million times better than Whedon did but they also got Widow better than anyone too, it's the only movie she's actually good in.

Although I totally forget Iron Man 2, so maybe she was good back then as well. She just isn't good in Avengers/AOU where he role is THE GIRL

Best trilogy.

>inb4 CW haters

>people actually like the ferry scene

CW is the lesser of the three, though. Too many MCU tie-ins throw in.

Cap 4 will be kino... once he dies in Infinity War and they bring him and Red Skull back for late Phase 4.

I'd like to see an adaptation of this on the screen. Just a standalone time travel flick.

Attached: Ad-Cap-and-Deathlok.jpg (1000x1496, 653K)

Black Panther is better than Civil War.

Not really.

>Best villain
>Best plot
Are you retarded?

>Best villain
By Marvel standards yes, at least he was a bit different from the usual
>Best hero
>Best plot
eh, I guess
>Best fight scenes
Hell frickin yeah dude the way cpt just front kicks fuckers off the ship YEAH BOY

This seems eerily accurate.

>first avenger = B-
>Winter Solider = B
>civil war= C-
this is the official non-capeshit scaling list

Black Panther, Civil War, Homecoming, Ant-Man, Iron Man 2/3 and GOTG 2 have the same lv

homecoming is pretty underrated desu

I'm a man and I don't understand this gay shit either

Is it really? Because when it came out everyone was saying it was the best MCU movie yet, with the best villain and everything. Now everyone's pretty much forgotten it ever happened. I feel the same's probably going to happen to Black Panther eventually

More like WS is overrated as hell.

Superman (1978)
Batman Begins
Hellboy 1 & 2
Spider-Man 2
The Mask

It's okay. Nothing really happens in the movie. Seriously, half the movie is cap and scarjo driving to the next plot point.

I'd agree with 3/4, the fight scenes are actually terrible if you ever rewatch it. The edits are youtube levels of shit.

>Piss off ghost!
Rockman was the best part of ragnarok.

every Marvel movie is "the best one yet" and "they finally have a great villain"
its just DisneyMom's posting hoping to trick people into seeing the movie

Tim Burton is tricky to mail down. Hes directed several movies I would call my favorites (PeeWee, Juice Ghost, mars attacks, etc), but he's been coasting on those for decades making some real trash that does absolutely nothing for me.

He was a great villain. Love the scene where shoots his maid in cold blood.

>Sexiest black widow too
Thats iron man 2 widow for me.

yeah but undoubtetly black panther has the best villain in the mcu

Wrong, that would be either Kingpin or Kilgrave

My nigga


Attached: dqwDQ-d569c_large.jpg (250x362, 23K)

Shit when compared with shit remains being shitty

Captain America 1 is superior!!!FACT!!!

Black Panther is only better than thor 2 and the iron man sequels. Literally every other Marvel movie is better. You should go away, black person.


>black man kills his brother, another black man
>that black man's kid somehow blames white people
>wants a global race war and for blacks to rule all others

If you think he's a 'good villain,' you're either retarded and black, or a cuck.

>you're either retarded and black


Also best Metal Gear adaptation

Except it even stays good after the Tanker section!

>Best villain
>Best Hero
>Best plot
Black Panther
>Best fight scenes
Civil War
I guess Black Panther is the best Marvel Movie.

Not too hard to argue that most Marvel movies are stronger than the Iron Man trilogy. Iron Man is hugely overrated and honestly 3 of the weakest in the whole MCU.

I thought the standouts as the stronger movies were:
>Thor Ragnorok
>Dr Strange
>Both Guardians of the Galaxy
>Both Captain Americas

Weakest were:
>All 3 Iron Mans
>First 2 Thors

I know with the Disney buy out it doesn't matter now, but what franchises rights does Shuma Gorath come under?

Comprehensive list of MCU movies that are actually good movies

>Iron Man
>Winter Soldier
>Guardians of the Galaxy

Attached: Iron.Man.BluRay.1080p.x264.5.1.Judas_3.webm (1000x416, 2.65M)

>Best Villain
>Best Hero
>Best Plot
>Best Fight scenes
Punisher Warzone

What is interesting about niggers fighting in CGI?

Low quality cgi

Pretty crazy that they peaked with their first film and people are still tuning in 20 films later

>fighting in CGI
I like CG though.

Attached: avengers 2-full-poster.jpg (1000x562, 153K)

CGI that costs literal millions and looks worse than The Thing (2011) I don’t know what was worse, the transition between the female diaglogue to the suit or the subway fight scene.

I stopped watching Marvel movies a bit before this came out, but I was a little interested in this because it seemed to be universally considered one of the better Marvel movies, so I thought it must have set itself apart from the other MCU movies in some way. Having actually seen the movie, I have no clue what lead so many people to think this was a cut above the rest of them, it's just the same thing as the MCU movies that came before it, which is fine if that's what you like, but I don't see what lead so many to act like it was one of the better MCU movies when it was about the same quality as the others.

Definitely had the best Widow

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>>Best villain
The guy in the computer?

Doom's a little bitch who always sneaks out during major events.

I agree that Ego was the best by a wide margin.

>Doom's a little bitch
I hope you enjoy what we've done to the Latvian rape dungeons.

Attached: dr-doom.jpg (1600x1200, 267K)

Go get Maestro'd again.

He's gonna shoot him with a scope


This is the best one. They haven't beat it yet.

I thought Robert Redford was an awesome villain in this.

doctor strange was the only one that i enjoyed t b h f a m

havent watched a lot though

>Alexander "I wish you would have knocked" Pierce,

I liked everything except all the Avengers being present. They kinda took away instead of added.

I love the winter soldier theme song.

>That fleetwood mac song comes on the radio right as I reply
I think its more that Kurt Russel is just a big greasy ball of charisma and great hair, and he makes anything better just by proximity.

Black Widow is cute!
>tfw you'll never get any selfies by Natasha

Attached: black_widow_selfie_by_falconartstudio-dbsjftq.png (398x546, 264K)

Top 3 mcu with GotG 1 and... i dont know.