ITT: movies Blade Runner 2049 and Annihilation fans can never understand

ITT: movies Blade Runner 2049 and Annihilation fans can never understand

Attached: dunkirk.jpg (1000x1325, 134K)

>liked BR2049
>liked Dunkirk
>opinion discarded

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>this movie, with most of it's dialog inaudible due to some droning noise in the background in classic Nolan style, won BOTH sound-related oscars

you some shitskin angry about not some hiphop soundtrack shit won?

Black Panther should have been nominated but that's another story

not enough women

Dunk(ed on)irk was shit and deserves to be forgotten. Just because it has 20 lines of dialogue in the entire film doesn't mean you're smart for liking it.

It was just boring.

>when you're so retarded you don't know how the Oscars work

BP is a 2018 movie, dipshit. The 2018 Oscars are for 2017 movies.

Black Panther came out in February you retard

wow 2 hours of brits running away from a fight

a remarkable achievenemnt for cinema!

I fell asleep. Glad i was in the bedroom.

Annihilation was pretty nonsense. If you actually liked it, you are a brainlet who is mesmerized by special effects.

Dunkirk was incredibly boring and dreary, nobody will remember it in a year. Hell, nobody remembers it now.

Why didn't they fight the Germans?

>incredibly boring and dreary,
That's every Nolan movie

Objectively wrong since OP is still talking about it.

My top 3 movies of 2018 are
1. The Last Jedi
2. Dunkino
3. Blade Runner 2049 minutes

Because they had to get home and defend their own country first.

It was peak Nolan, faggot

I liked BR2049 but disliked Annhishit

opinion disregarded

But both Dunkirk and BR2049 are great films?

Only one of them is honest

Batman Begins and Interstellar are the only good movies Nolan has ever made

oh you're a buzzword spewing retard, thanks for letting me know

The greatest British war film is just the bongs running home to mommy and stabbing each other in the back.