>What do you mean "costume"? I already got clothes.
>O-okay Mr Ford... A-action!
>What do you mean "costume"? I already got clothes.
>O-okay Mr Ford... A-action!
This is the only relevant criticism of the movie.
It was very distracting seeing Deckard in old guy gardening clothes...he should have worn some sort of retro outfit, similar to pic related, to underscore that he came from a previous "age" dissimilar to K's.
Why did people like this movie?
It's beautiful to look at and taps into the need for any intelligent person to seek meaning and relevance in their life, with an element of poignancy brought about by K's artificial nature.
The most embarrassing promo pic
Because it's good, especially compared to these awful promo pics
why would he dress in a suit when he was the only guy living in the ruins of a nuked city. as pathetic as it looks the combo he wore in the film was probably the most realistic.
yeah i don't understand why they even made it lol like they coulda made a superhero movie instead???
Ironically, Dennis V actually had Deckard wearing clothes they would wear in the future, while Ridley has him wearing clothes that look like something they'd wear in the 70's.
the coats not very 70s. couldn't have both k and deckard rocking the bold collar tho i guess
They are addicted to videogames
That cinematography is godly.
Gosling is great in his role too.
What did he mean by this?
Deckard is an alcoholic depressed hermit who has spent more than 25 years living in a ghost town.
He has probably already given up on all hope and is wishing he'd just die.
Why would he put effort into his look ?
>Woah... he's just like me
based Harry
>immediately BTFO
>samefag more
oh boy
Well he is an old guy. Was he suppose to change into more appropriate clothing for a sci-fi movie when he barely had any time to prepare for K's drop in? He was dressed comfortable, and actually fairly well put together considering he doesn't get much guests if any. Lucky he wasn't in his underwear, unshaven, with a bunch of piss bottles and semen jars all over the place.
theres literally NOTHING wrong with reddit, star wars battlefront or playstation.
Theyre signs of good taste, unlike Villeneuve.
Only manchildren enjoy his flicks.
But the pants, shirt and shoe combo is VERY 70s.
>tfw Deckard is actually closer to r9k than K/Joe
>beautiful to look at
Fair, but, only beautiful in the same fake way his a.i. waifu was beautiful; ergo mass produced, illusionary, shallow. I missed the meaning since I am not an android I guess?
It pretty much is a superhero movie
Gooslinger is never good, he just abides in the axiom that if you say very little people might confuse you for wise. Godly is overstating it.
I was actually ignoring the thread for awhile