Is this good? If I love pirates will it have all the aspects I should expect?

Is this good? If I love pirates will it have all the aspects I should expect?

(Please tell me it doesn't have SJW bullshit though)

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It's a amazing, yes. There's treasure, ship battles, pirate battles and more.

I guess there are like 2 gay characters as a subplot but it's actually a neat little story that ties into the history of the time and it's not shoved in your face like it has an agenda or anything.

the longer it goes the worse it gets and the more sjw, first 2 seasons are good last one is complete shit.

Lmao ignore this guy, Black sails is full to the brim of SJW shit and the gay subplot ruins the show entirely is completely hamfisted and retarded

lmao the gay subplot is barely in the show, only about 2-3 episodes actually touch on the gay relationship and that's it. There's no sex scenes or anything.

Its pretty bad one time I downloaded first two seasons then my sister found out somehow and I was legitimately embarassed

I'm between these two. It has an agenda for sure, but I don't mind it that much in the context of the show. It's worth watching anyway, generally engaging story which only a few dumb moments, fantastic set pieces, battles, costumes etc. and pretty natural dialogue. I thought it went downhill mid way through season 3 but its worth giving it a shot for sure

if you're homophobic and hate the literal concept of a gay relationship then you'll probably get annoyed

if you don't really give a shit as long as they don't parade it around like a parade, you'll be fine

? cuck


Season 1 is slow and you may be tempted to drop it but don't, it gets great

Nah I was just embarassed that I watched this piece of shit show.

The first 2 seasons are almost Spartacus tier of tits, gore and language but then all that almost completely goes away.

It starts off great and then it turns into buttpirates and grrl power.

yea, that's very cucky.

Watching the show is cucky yes. Exactly the reason I was embarrased about it.

Sounds more like you're just embarrassed about what a cuck you are

non-cucks don't get embarassed over watching a TV show. Especially because of their sister.

Well thank god I deleted that shit now then.

You just mad I didn't like your little buttpirate tv show

I don't really like it either. I watched the first episode with my sister and didn't get embarrassed though.

Well at least we can agree on one thing

It's really good but I just couldn't bring myself to keep watching after one of the main characters doesn't something really stupid in the last season for the sake of drama.


That bit where Flint gives himself up as a hostage.


Besides the unnecesary libtard gay subplot, it's a fantastic show.

Shit was pretty good. Flint, for all the shit he gets around here for a particular subplot, is some god tier acting. Rackham and Silver arent far behind him either.

I also dont think the ending he got on the plantation was real. The gunshot, combined with the fact that treasure island says Flint died drunk and alone and the general theme the show had about the power of the stories makes me think Silver was just lying to his negress to patch up their relationship

it worked bro

its gay as fuck. feminist shit, gays, nigs all over the shit.

Really really grew on me by the end.

The first season it was a bit weird getting into some of the characters and I heard about the gay sub plot but the more I watched the better it got.

The gay thing is really well done and out of left feel, all of the characters have good long arcs of character development, the battles are fun, the seasons and situations are interesting and some characters end up carrying the show like the captured guy at the start that becomes their cook and turns out to be Long John Silver and the 3rd best character on the show besides Vain & the main guy....and of course Billy, poor poor fuckin Billy

I even liked the little lore bit about how pirate crews work, what piracy is realistically like (like the retard doctor that tries to be a captain and fails miserably) and of course the political stuff is interesting. Spanish British Pirate triangle makes for a good 3way story.

The over-arching plot revolves around a faggit having a tantrum, becoming a pirate and then giving up being a pirate in order to have butt sex.

Fuck this gay shit and watch Sparticus instead.

Just watch it and form your own opinion.First season isn’t fantastic, it really serves as an introduction to the plots and characters but after that it becomes an amazing show.There is a gay subplot that is an important part of a main characters backstory but there aren’t too many gay scenes.

I mean that sounds like a pretty good story though

His wife is a cuck, how is that even possible. (and not a Sup Forums cuck, a literal definition of cuckolde, who enjoys the thought of their partner fucking someone else).

Realistically its a naval officer that becomes a pirate because of his gay lovers dream of a free world, becomes the most feared pirate in the world and is secretly leading the pirate world into a revolution against the british crown for independence.

It has a lot of sjw stuff. It becomes unbearable in season 4.

>becomes the most feared pirate

..and shits himself whenever Teach is mentioned.

As soon as a lady pirate gos to england to negotiate with the lady that secretly runs the entire Caribbean (lol), i was like 'oh, this is a female power fantasy. ok then'

should have guessed the moment the bitch that got raped suddenly became the most uber pirate, and killed men, starting with those that fucked her.

>there aren’t too many gay scenes.
There's literally only 2 scenes the entire series (both under a minute long): one midway through S2, and one in the finale.

Flint went toe to toe with Teach without flinching on the beach. He wasnt afraid of the guy, fuck Flint wasnt afraid of anything after Miranda died.

Yeah of course, he has a fleet.
His death was brutal as fuck though too.

Its nowhere near a female power fantasy, anne bonnie is great character and most of the girls are very flawed and get fucked up a lot. The one i didnt like was the prostitute that thinks she could run the world after her raping.

everything on the ship is good

everything on the island is shit

But Anne doesnt get raped? its Max, and she was never a pirate she was a whore who became a brothel owner who took advantage of the chaos on Nassau to take a position of importance on the island. She never fought.

for reference, here is a promotional picture of the show user recommends watching rather than "this gay shit"

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One of my favourite shows I've ever seen. Between Flint, Silver, Vane, Anne and Rackham, it has the most solid cast I've ever seen too. It's just Max and Elenore that are shitty (and even Max's character is redeemed in the end)

2nd from the left is hardcore gay.

Did you even watch it? Black sails is SJW bullshit, spartacus (especially s1) is genuine kino.

Spartacus? You mean the show that features graphic guy-on-guy gay sex? Not to mention that one slave who had the horse cock that the camera lingered on? That's somehow less gay than a handful of scenes of two guys kissing?

That was fine. The retarded bit was Blackbeard's capture and the crew's surrender from a Man-o-War to basically a rowboat.

It's literally filled with SJW bullshit. Its a show about women made for women.

Last I checked Flint and Silver werent women.

No, but they both report their women overlords. It's a show about women and low test males eat it up.

But Flint's 'woman overlord' died at the end of season 2?

savy m8y

it's a pretty fun show

easily the best pirate product available across the entertainment media.
it has flaws, pacing issues and some characters sometimes do something you can't understand.
but overall it is worth it.
visuals, actions, and atmosphere are really good.
the ost is god tier.

and the way they deal with real history and book lore is really good imo

Decent acting
Story has pretty good pace
Some really good episodes and scenes
But ya, some heavy handed sjw type elements, mainly the main pirate being a butt pirate, and a bunch of stronk female characters that are poorly/forcibly written at times.

It does have girl power, black power and even gay stuff but it´s all contextualized and organically blended with the story script for the most part.

Like, for example, blacks are fighting for freedom but on a context where they where slaves so it makes sense or at least doesn´t feel out of place.

Women look for power but as prostitutes trying to get by by selling information and stuff like that.

While the politics where there the show was well written enough so those things would look subtle organic and never above the script or characters.
Most current shows could learn a lot from it.

Not the fag shit and cuntbeard though.

This guy needed more seasons.

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Season 2>season 1 >season 3 >> max accent >>>>season 4


Even the fag shit was justified and made for an actually interesting character development. On most shows gay characters are never just gay and will act affeminate non stop or remark every 2 episodes that they like the dick.

It´s not the case here. The character is gay but he doesn´t go around looking for a fuck and only reveals it when it was absolutely necesary for dramatic effect.

Granted it was kind of out of the blue but as it acutally has weight story wise i would say it´s ok.

good piratekino, those who complain about sjw stuff are just triggered poltards. the only thing missing from the show is the based gentleman pirate

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Bonny did nothing wrong

it's good, expect for the first 4 episodes.

Pirate kino

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>waifus, the show

Max is so gorgeous

But... she .... talks.... so .... slow

I like the french accent, even if its fake

that ending 100% wasn't real and fuck anyone who says otherwise. Also I think the show kinda fucked up with the very last moment between Mardi and Silver, I thought they had a perfect opportunity to set up Treasure Island Silver: everything he did in that last season was for her because he saw a peaceful life with her, he more-or-less single handedly put an end to Flint's war and it cost him the treasure. He returns to Mardi, lies to her, she doesn't believe him and says she never wants to see him again. That would've been the perfect motivation for him spiraling into the cutthroat and evil (though charming and charismatic) man we see in Treasure Island. Instead there's a shot of her returning to Silver to imply they do live happily ever after: leaving his future motivations in Treasure Island unclear. Don't get me wrong, I loved Silver too and wanted to root for him but we also know he doesn't really have a happy ending.

It’s still worth watching despite the political correctness (stronk womyn, wise negros and fags).

Gay lovers was the real ending, so is silver condemning all of the blacks in caribbean to slavery instead of continuing the fight. He betrayed everyone.

Flint is literally in plantation slavery so he can be with his rich buttboy instead of trying to bring England down.

Max is secretly queen now? and..that was help of eleanor's grandmother(heh) Eleanor getting hers and Vane going out as only true pirate is about the only things of worth in seasons 3 and 4.

You're a delusional faggot. An apologist and most likely a cuckold since you're still defending this show long after it gave up on it's promise.

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All yall are plebs, season 1 is the best season, and it's also the most piraty of them all

I don't know who Mardi is but he had a negro wife in Treasure Island (the novel).

If you're interested in the golden age of piracy, you'll like black sails. It's as simple as that.

>Pinnacle age of faggotry

ancient greece?

>If you're interested in the golden age of piracy, you'll like black sail's first season



The white male characters are fantastic, you care about them, they run everything properly, they are the story.

The white women - Eleanor, is an annoying Mary Sue bitch

The black woman - Max, is an annoying Mary Sue bitch

There's loads of cliched prostitute stuff, unrealistic lesbianism, and It gets even more SJW by the end, and the best pirate dies.

The gay subplot is understandable, because every single female in this show is fucking hideous. None of the women can act either.

>there has to be a man on man scene for the gay subplot to be there
they made the character gay, everytime he appears the gay subplot is there

the gay thing wouldn't have bothered me if it was done right.
instead, it seemed like a last minute genius twist from the writers... like "how about if the girl he left back home was actually a dude!"
it didn't trigger my homophobia, it triggered my bullshit alert. After 2 seasons of never even hinting he was gay, then all of the sudden he's the biggest queen of the seven seas. fuck off, I quit after season 2.

It's good. The gay character subplot is this thing where you don't even know they're gay right up til like 2 or 3 literal throwaway scenes where it's revealed, and then basically never spoken of again. There's some prostitutes that lez out though, which is mildly entertaining.

>make it his solely mission and objective, reason to exist + final plot
>barely never spoken of again
Did you watch it while playing video games in the other room?

But you live in blissful ignorance for most of the show, thinking it's about the chick and not the dude. Then they reveal it's the dude with one scene where they make out and then since other matters are more important than him ablooblooing about his bottom bitch it's barely even mentioned until the end.

Granted it's been a couple of years since I watched it but that's what I remember. It didn't seem like they rubbed it in your face aside from the initial reveal shock.

would you broadcast any hints you were gay if you're the tenuous captain of a bunch of murderers?

>tfw no qt mixed pirate gf

Its great, hard to say if you will think its sjw or not, thats all on you

Last episode wasnt great but overall is a great show

Show would have been 10/10 if the female characters were removed.

>removing all the qts
Spotted the gay

They were terrible actors with plot armour and most pedantic unnecessary drama happened because of them. The damage was already done by the time they died off and interest in the last seasons were lowered already.

Jessica Parker Kennedy is top tier, wouldnt have known about her without this show.

>that thicc bush

but then there'd be no tits you retard

Being a pirate was a common way for gay people to just sort of “opt out” of society, it was all the worst kinds of people brought together because the only people that respected them were each other.

The fuck is this nonsense? The show took one of Robert Louis Stevenson's classic characters and not only made him gay, but made him being a gay one of the major plotpoints of the entire show and the character's driving motivation, despite none of that being in the novel.

And let's not forget that it rewrites history and turns real world pirate Calico Jack into a literal cuckold for no good damn reason.


People have been throwing fags overboard for centuries. Straight sailors don't like the temptation of knowing there's a queer aboard who'll suck their dick.