Sup Forums has to unanimously accept Zack Snyder is better than the following directors

Tarantino, Wes Anderson, Christopher Nolan, Alex Garland, Paul Thomas Anderson, Nicholas Refn, Alfonso Cuaron, Edgar Wright, Denis Vilenueve, James Franco, Steve McQueen,Coen Bros, Wachowsky siblings, James Cameron, Werner Herzog, Mike Leigh, George Miller, Steven Spielberg, Clint Eastwood, Mel Gibson, Terrance Malick, David Lynch, David Fincher, Guillermo Del Toro, Damien Chazelle, Martin Mcdonagh, John Hughes, Richard Donner,Robert Zemeckis, Alejandro Innaritu, Hayao Miyazaki, Isao Takahata, Bong Joon ho, Richard Linklater, Ridley Scott,Darren Aronofsky and John Lassiter.

Anyone with taste and intelligence has to accept Zack is unironically better than these hacks.

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he lost his directing credibility when he made his first capeshit

Snack Zyder has produced only 2 kinos in his entire career. What are they?

300 and Sucker Punch.

Zack Lost credibility with 300. He was a meme director from then onwards. A studio yes man that is marketed as an auteur.

300 was his first capeshit

dawn of the dead

Fair enough.

>a capeshit buff men in spandex director has any value at all
nice meme

300 is /fit/ bait

>shirtless swole men
>wielding phallic objects
>always talking about how great their community is
>always have their plans ruined by retards

I mean, granted in their case it's self sabotage but whatever.

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sucker punch and owl movie

300 is good to watch with friends who can make jokes out of the movie's shit dialogue.

He is unironically better than everyone on that list except for Fincher and Lynch.

Fincher and Lynch are the bottom tier directors in that list, so obviously your taste must be pretty shit.

Yeah nah.

Dawn of the Dead and Watchmen, the rest is mostly garbage


>300 was bad

I bet you are a marveldrone

He’s certainly better than De Toro, Chazelle, Refn, Miyazaki, Zemeckis, McDonagh, Linklater Aronofsky, Fincher, and post-crisis Scott at any rate

John Hughes probably has a better oeuvre though and I’m a sucker for Bong and Innaritu’s gimmicks

I unironically like all his movies. Yes, even Sucker Punch.

>you don't like thing I like
>I bet you like the MCU
Why is this always a reddit spacer's first line of defense?

David Lynch on list with these leddit hacks, hehe HI LEDDIT. Original auteur who makes thought provoking cinema literally all the time, creating discussion always around the internet, affecting people on emotional level positively or negatively, and literally always making cinema which are discussed very heavily 10-20-30 years after release vs literally hacks which are creatively bankrupt, unoriginal and predictable filmmakers.

newfag alert. Fincher is decent but heavily overrated by mainstream, so he fits in that list. Lynch on the other hands doesnt fit that list with others. There is nothing similar in his directing style to other people in that list.

I would put him above everyone other then refn, fincher, Gibson, old zemeckis, and miyazaki.
>James Franco

refn, fincher, gibson, miyazaki, zemeckis are the ultimate reddit filmmakers. U must be kidding.

how can you even compare zack snyder to werner herzog, regardless of how much you like either of them? it just seems like a retarded and pointless comparison

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Very shitty bait here is your (you)

Me too. I think he’s an actual artist and that people who think he’s a yes-man are moronic children.



Haters need to repent.

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