What are some essential petrolhead kino?
I am in the mood for car and/or racing films but fast and furious is too dumb
What are some essential petrolhead kino?
I am in the mood for car and/or racing films but fast and furious is too dumb
Other urls found in this thread:
Italian Job
Unfortunately, there's few intelligent car kinos. Bullit is one
Senna (2010)
Worlds Fastest Indian
Italian Job
Gone in 60 Seconds
I've heard feed the beast is worth a watch.
The fuck is a petrol
F&F 1 and 2 unironically
The driving bits of Grand Prix (1966)
how's senna compared to the other movies?
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
why do all wrx's have gold mags?
is this a lebo thing
Death Proof
Death Race
Vanishing Point
what are birds?
Subaru was sponsored by a cigarette company that had the blue/gold color scheme
French Connection
The Driver
The Wraith
Smoky and the Bandit
We just don't know.
Rallye footage.
the rock
I'm sure everyone involved in rally is a fucking nutter
Not just the drivers, the spectators who just stand right next to the track too.
Is fucking impressive driving though.
Jesus christ
I remember that one video, the codriver was anouncing all the turns as happy as can be despite being just the smallest fuckup away from taking a hike into the woods at 100mp/h.
You get the shits just by watching a video with low quality, imagine sitting in the fucking car.
love the beast (its a doco, but still)
Both Italian Job films.
I just realized the protagonist looks a lot like chris chan
I've been wondering this myself. Fast and Furious 1 is a classic movie in my book. Dumb sure, but it prominently features the cool car culture of the era and works as a movie. The later movies feature much more dumb bullshit and much fewer cars. Mad Max 2 + Fury Road and Drive are the best "Car Movies" I can think of.
Mad Max 1 and Death Race 2000 are good too if you're patient with older movies. I see a lot of people praising the remake but the original is completely insane and totally worth seeing. Has young Stallone surprisingly. Cool movies.
How is this film not given a criterion collection release?
I unironically think this 8/10 film. Its dumb, its cheesy, but its comfy as fuck. Its the breathless of a modern age. A homage to the beginning of a new generation.
>comfy as fuck
This is the line to describe that film.
you gotta have some sort of a death wish to keep doing this
Highly recommend Love the Beast. Its a documentary about Eric Bana's Ford Falcon targa racecar.
Is there a good rally film
So this is like sin city but with more cgi
here you go, pure driving kino
One of the best docs I’ve ever seen, unironically
a man of taste, i see.
this and also pic related
Came here to post Ronin. Best car chases put to film.
I'd say baby driver, but that only had the one car chase. Such a disappointment. Could have been kino car chases set to a beat and just plain fun. Instead they tried and failed at the pathos angle. *waWAAAAA*
paints Prost like a pantomime villain
i saw wheelman the other day. it was a very good getaway driver movie, it had good driving in it.
With vin diesel or the film that has a two sentence wikipedia page?
very few people can appreciate this kino
the netflix movie with frank grillo. the vin diesel title is a video game.
>not the frog version
wait dude did you seriously just post the remake with queen latifah
Days of Thunder
Fast & Furious (the 4th movie) had the best car lineup of the series
Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry
Two-Lane Blacktop
Vanishing Point
Smokey and the Bandit
initial d first stage
its unironically superior. Jimmy Fallon is great in it
Fury Road
Vanishing Point
The Driver
Two Lane Blacktop
Fast Company
Le Mans
There was one with Jackie Chan, it's from 90s. It's like pra-pra Fast and Furious.