Could ff7 be made into a series/movie? Who would you cast as Tifa?
Could ff7 be made into a series/movie? Who would you cast as Tifa?
That's a hentai where at one scene she suck the person's cock so deep his pubic was in her mouth
Ben Shapiro’s sister
Alicia Vikander. Big, beautiful tits are so 90s.
What an original thread OP, it's not like this very topic has been discussed on the internet ad nauseum for twenty fucking years or anything.
Fuck off roastie
This was great. Better than any final fantasy film adaptation could ever hope to be. The titfuck scene to this day is a nostalgia fap that rivals the zone teen titans animations and that jap 3d animation with the big tittied milf and asian nurses. Porn kino for sure
The young actors now are different today.
Baba Fumika or Honda Tsubasa for Japanese
No idea on anyone good looking in hollywood anymore, because the west hates beauty these days.
Alicia Vikander
There isn't anyone on the planet that could satisfy the perfect body as well as the perfect face need for Tifa. It would all have to be done with CG
90s jennifer love huwitt
Don't you mean 90s Jennifer Connelly? She's literally the origin of the character design.
women being attractive is a tenant of toxic masculinity and begets rape culture
alicia vikander must be cast in all future films
No she is not.
Agreed there
What did Frank Whaley do to hobble his career? He seemed destined to take the next step but it just never happened and he became relegated to playing sleazy characters. What did he do?
Honestly perfect. Pity big breasts aren't allowed for actresses any more.
good webm
It's called deepthroating
who is this semen demon?
Roberta Paulson
so its agreed then; tifa is best girl?