
This is the only MCU movie other than the first Iron Man were the jokes have context and actually make sense instead of being a mindless quipfest like the other Marvel movies.

Attached: Ant-Man_Poster.png (600x889, 798K)

>inb4 Thor: Ragnarok or the two GoTG movies are funny

Nobody cares about your movies made for public day care retards


C'mon, first Iron Man and Avengers. Even Cap 1.

They didn't overdo them back then. Or TIH, which is almost straight serious. One sex joke I can remember it was slightly funny.

i honestly wonder what kind of person find those films funny. little kids i assume


Well superhero movies are made for children

but it seems like a lot of adults watch them and think they are good

This feels like one of the marvel movies that never really gets talked about
It's fallen to the wayside like the first 2 Thors or Hulk


a rather eerie amount of reddit spacing in this thread

Attached: DB6375D5-3553-4D75-93BE-CE0509783D4B.jpg (855x960, 41K)


People with a sense of humor who aren't jaded faggots.

It's called double spacing, you dumb cunt, and it existed long before reddit. Now shut your cock hole and fuck off.

woooo spooky

I'm still upset that Edgar Wright was taken off directing, you can see scenes in the movie that he clearly directed, along with a lot of the humor's pacing. Having him throughout the production would have made the movie great. It's the only capeshit I ever enjoyed except for early 2000s X-men.


That's wrong, though. He didn't direct any of the movie, and they threw out most of his concepts. They're online, his ideas were all much worse and more mean-spirited.

those trips don't lie. That's disappointing to read.

They have the best joke in the entire MCU.

"I have a masters degree in electrical engineering, how hard can it be to find a job?"

"Welcome to Baskin Robbins!"