Anyone afraid that there might be riots where they live on the off chance that trump wins??? I'm in portland Oregon and I think all the libs here would chimp the fuck out and start burning shit down
How would your town react
Anyone afraid that there might be riots where they live on the off chance that trump wins??? I'm in portland Oregon and I think all the libs here would chimp the fuck out and start burning shit down
How would your town react
There will be massive violent riots no matter who wins.
All you will get is social media shit posting
Maybe enough of it to crash the internet for an hour
Let them crawl out of their dens. And then, kill them.
>I'm in portland Oregon
godspeed my northern brother
Southwest is surprisingly conservative. Corvallis seemed pretty conservative also
There will be riots regardless of who wins. If Clinton wins, then most of America will be pissed which will turn into widespread riots, (and niggers will join in on the riots for free looting,) whereas if Trump wins, there will be a shit ton of SJWs complaining about it, but the riots [probably] won't be as bad, (and if Trump wins, then niggers will also loot.)
Listen up autism boy,there will parties,not riots.
Americans have had enough.we are going to put all these freaks back in the shadows,where they belong.
I live in Boulder. If riots start, I'll just have to get out and back quickly after stocking up on popcorn.
Will there be a condition that Googles will NOT loot?
there won't be. normies are dumb. MSM would just have to run a story the day after the election about Hilldog and a puppy or about how trump at a black baby and they'd just go back to posting minion pics on facebook. democracy was a mistake
libshits are severely outgunned. It will be a party for the ages.
>mfw Hollywoodfag
I don't think you understand. This is THE place to be if Trump wins. I'll try to periscope Hollywood Blvd and see what goes down.
Portland lol!!! What are 110lb hipsters going to do? They can't even lift 50lbs
I'm like 20 minutes away from Baltimore
I have a 12 gauge and a 5.56 AR15
I'm good
A bunch of useless Hollywood actors and SJW's are going to riot and destroy their own cities?
What are they rioting for? "Wahh, democracy is broken because I lost and couldn't censor everything"
Sure. Not my loss.
>Mfw no one would have the balls to riot where I live
If Trump wins there will illegals rioting all over the South West.
Liberals are submissive pussies. They want to hand our country over to muslims just like europe has. Theyre violent and emotional but nothing to be afraid of.
>eugene, OR
People would riot if they weren't all high
>Being afraid of libcucks
They don't believe in guns and have to get niggers to do their dirty work.
Either way I get to blow away cucks or shitskins.
Win win
Kek demands the footage.
President Trump feels your fear...
now stop being a pussy and STFU
>Illegals start rioting all over
>President Trump classifies them as foreign invaders
>Makes it legal to shoot illegals because they are now classified as a threat to national security
>Mfw open season on illegals
Pretty sure nothing's gonna happen where I live unless there is some deliberate campaign to bring a bunch of people here.
>be riots where they live on the off chance that trump wins???
it's inevitable, Mr. Austism
There will undoubtedly be riots in Milwaukee. So. Many. Niggers. But I'll be ready.
/k/ has been dreaming of that very day.
No. If Trump wins liberals will simply cry into their lowfat soy Lattes and spark another doob.
If Hillary" wins" Repubs and independent Patriots will converge on DC in an unstoppable wave of at least a couple million.That is if there is serious evidence she cheated.The wave would be enlarged by all the cops and military as they pass thru.It would most likely be over in just a day or two.The tens of millions of gun owners know what will happen if she steals it.
I can't wait. Riots no matter who wins. I'm so ready to die you don't even know
But then they win
Are you high? I'm in PDX too and I see way more Trump signs and flags than Hillary OR bernie. PSU kids might flip out but that's it.
I live near Pittsburgh and it doesn't really have a history of rioting, Even when trump hold a rally their it wasn't that bad.
I live in Portland as well. Don't worry man. Trump supporters will protect private property and restore order.
I'm in Sacramento, I'd expect to see a lot of protests and maybe some antifa shit downtown. Given their pathetic showing against the white nationalists I'm not particularly worried.
Why not, you can write "Winners" on their mass grave
Portland bro, I'm in Eugene. Dunno, probably not much. Hippies mostly. Cry for a few weeks, then be hippies again.
ill be sitting on my porch ready to kill any commies who trespass
Most libs are hipster faggots that don't exceed 140lbs, I would encourage the chance to purge neighbor, hell I'd even come down to help.
wow there are two of us in pollywood
if trump wins meet me at steve guttenberg's star at midnight
Liberals won't do shit.
They'll bitch about it on Twitter for a few hours then go back to their lives of Instagram and Netflix.
They're only into politics when it's fashionable. The second the election is over, they are gone.
Liberals have already been protesting since the primaries.
There will be people who reach for their guns and try to do something drastic if Hillary wins but it will be a single digit percentage of Trump's supporters that actually do this. Most will probably stay at home and yell at their tvs.
>Trump wins
some leftists get butthurt, block roadways, burn some shit, smear their shit on some posters, go back to posting shit on the internet
>Trump wins but election is stolen
2nd American Revolution
>Hillary wins because election is stolen
war with Russia
And OP is worried about some lolbrul butthurt
>implying niggers and spics won't chimp out like never before
Nigs won't do shit.
Spics maybe, but it will be over quick.