She's back, lads
She's back, lads
Not even the hottest British nerd actress in a hit 2017 film.
she's so done it isn't even funny
Times up Emma.
>multi-millionaire white woman from a wealthy nation complains that women have life tough and have no rights
I understand that women are disadvantaged in certain situations. The same is true for me. But that doesn't mean their lives are impossible, yet she acts that way. I just can't fathom it. And everyone lets her act like she knows what she's on about because they don't wanna offend her since she's basically royalty in their eyes. It makes me sad. She's not even that attractive. Karen, on the other hand...
>those legs
Not with that "Whore's Gonna Get Ya" tat on her arm.
Shut up, bitch. Men are talking.
Never got the Emma appeal, but I'd kill a man if it'd mean Karen Gillian would be my bitchy gf for like 6 months.
Nice mind controlled expression she has on her face. She also looks like she's on the brink of falling to the ground. Drugged little sex slave.
Perfect. She still has the power to enlarge my wand.
>muh feminism blablabla
>poses like a docile little whore
what did she mean by this?
Time're up.
Times's up
What is that expression supposed to convey?
Time's is up
Pay your fucking taxes you worthless fucking twat
>Opening the buttons on her shirt in a SEXUAL way
Times're up
Rosemary and thyme's up
When is this little cunt going to get naked? Until that time she can FUCK OFF AND DIE!!!!?FACT!!!
>What is that expression supposed to convey?
Time up
Why can't I...hold all these Jimes ya
>She's back, lads
>Highly modified photoshop image removing all flaws.
This picture was taking a short while ago
just needs a little purple dye and a piercing
It was merely a bad hair day.
Damn, she got to meet OJ
It her pet monkey she brought with her to the golden globes. A stunning creature
On Weinsteins casting couch?
>enabled weinstein
>it's everyone elses fault
What do you think of the recent photoshoot? Is she recovering or will the feminist mind virus metastasize until the moment she won't be able to unJUST herself anymore?
they're all talk
>dress like shit and talk about opposing gender norms and stereotypes
>go to church or meet grandma or some scumfuck politician
>cover up from ankle to neck and speak when spoken to
they know their shit won't fly and they're too weak/cowardly to stand up for themselves, it's the little white girl version of rebellion
This picture is 6 years old.
Why do women and the testosterone impaired enjoy empty consumerism?
Hello. I come on Sup Forums every so often and usually don't enjoy my time here. I assume, since this is a thread about my favorite series, I will have a better time here than being called a cuck in Sup Forums. My name is Hunter, and I'm a huge fan of anything DW-related. I have all the Faction Paradox stories as well, and a bunch of miscellaneous books, comics, audios, and DVDs that seemed interesting. I hope I can feel more acquainted with you all than in the other sections of this God-forsaken website.
fucking kek
You should leave and go to reddit. You'll fit right into that place like a muslim immigrant fits into europe.
Just imagine, in the Victorian era she would be famous from bringing such creature from the depths of Congo. She would unironically be a feminist icon, a renowned female anthropologist.
She mostly complains about the life of women in third world nations, though.
More like she's blacked
You think she used that ape's teeth as an exotic can opener?
She's far more removed form that reality, then. We mexicans can't even get a sense of what our poverty entails. Academics think one thing and politicians another. Rich people believe it's all about suffering while poor people live life the happiest because fuck the police gib me gibs. It's all a circus. First world people should focus on their problems while we thirld worlders should focus on making life bearable for the middle classes, IMHO.
Your countries poverty stems from the unwillingness to work and hold a job, the cartels control over the lower class through drugs and force, the corruption that follows it and I admit, through the US influence in your domestic affairs. Then there is the brain drain problem which destroys your middle class because everyone with the necessary skills to form industries flees the country in hope for a lucrative job in 1st world nations.
it was made by the calloused fingertips of slaves in india and china
if you didnt buy it theyd starve unless you donated money to them specifically
She has such an unbearably perfect face that even with a hideous haircut she looks better than 99.99% of all women
If you're fortunate enough to be one of the people who didn't grow up watching Harry Potter you'd have no affinity towards her and recognise she looks like shit.
she looks fucking terrible and I was an emmafag for years
and I loved her in HP but she has hit the wall hard
Fuck me.
>People make fun of her tattoo
>Posts almost lewds in an attempt to stay likable
>(Is FULLY aware this is the only thing she's good for)
>(face looks like a drug addicted hooker)
her legs are so skinnyfat
It's perfection my friend. You wouldn't know.
imagine pusy
>The MK Ultra stare
I hope there exists a timeline in which emma didn't become a feminist and always stays in her prime.
Times Up
I old enough, but didn't watch harry potter growing up. She's stunning without the retarded haircut.
What a lewd object of fully justified sexual desire. Time's up? It's not as up as my dick right now.
God she is so punchable.
I only watched the first movie when I was like 12, never seen her in anything else.
She used to have a really pretty face, but her age is starting to catch up now.