What if you're scared and don't want to risk your life?
Is it wrong to dodge the draft?
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Wtf is wrong with her tricep? It's hanging like a limp dick.
Looks like she used to be fat (ter)
What tricep?
don't be a pussy op, we all have to do it
>What if you're scared and don't want to risk your life?
Then why the fuck should someone else stand up and defend you and yours?
Register for the draft, and if you're that fucking scared about being conscripted (hint - that shit is never going to happen again) then join the Coast Guard or Navy in a support role where you are statistically safer than driving to a normal 9-5 job in your hometown, plus all the see the world and float on a boat bullshit too.
>we all have to do it
Except the men who decided declared war in the first place.
i dodge the draft for healt issues wen the army was recruiting, years later wen mi healt bether i try to enlist...cant for the age and mi apst of health troubles, alwais regret never get in the army of mi country, at least for the experience of shoot some comunist in the far mountains. :( ...all mi familly have officers and ex infantery veterans, i broke mi familly prud cause in mi generation the only men come out from 7 descendents. fking shame.
What if you have self respect and think for yourself? It's almost like you're wasting your life and dying as a disposable pawn for people who don't give a rats ass about you.
The military is a containment board and I'm glad when their kind die.
why would you want frail old men fighting in a war? sounds like a great way to lose
Why do you have these pictures saved? Now I worry for you
>that pic
Anyway, we need to keep pushing for a female only draft, so the ladies can prove once and for all how strong and independent they are
it depends on who is drafting you
cunt killer hillary drafting you to go to war with other white males so that she can distract from her own crimes? nope refuse your draft and shoot the solider that shows up
getting drafter by a white man to go and cleanse europe of all the shitskins (and liberal cucks) to rightfully reclaim our land? sure thing where do i sign
Illegals and convicts don't have to.
I'm sure glad people that break the law get to stay home among the pussy
You are exempt from fighting only if you have blonde hair and blue eyes
Yes, don't be a vagina. However, if it's a war fighting to push Greater Israel then it's reasonable to dodge the draft. Go to Argentina or some shit.
Why would you have that saved?
Just do so bad in training you don't pass for the year? Would that work?
Slide thread
Announcing sage doesn't do anything, I hope you realize that you'd be better off ignoring slide threads.
Than your a coward if thats your reasoning. If you dodge due to you country being the aggressor based on arbitrary bullshit, then leave the country and never come back. If you are not willing to die for your country, you better damn well be on your way out.
It depends on the war and the cause.
As terrible as it sounds, we NEED the petrodollar to maintain the world hegemony.
You can protest Libya, Syria, and Iraq all you want, but the high standard of living you enjoy is at least partially attributed to the maintenance of this economic principle.
Saving for science
Can we stop with all this sage bullshit.
This is Sup Forums not /trump/. Fuck off and let us have some other fucking threads for a change. It's been like half a year of this crap.
sage this comment
Depends on what the war is about. If there is any real threat of my country being invaded then sure. If I'm just fighting some neverending war in towelheadtown then fuck that.
I'd like to see those cunts as meat shields for the young men they send off to die. Now that would actually increase the odds of winning, wouldn't it? Tie them to tank hulls, stuff bombs up their arseholes and drop them from planes, there's plenty of ways they could help with the war effort. You know, as opposed to just sending off kids to fight other fucking kids.
this. note the stretch marks. she must have been absolutely massive though.
Dodging the draft when Hillary inevitably declares war on Russia will be the patriotic thing to do.
Don't fight and die for the self-interest of our governing crime syndicate.
Muhammad Ali dodged the draft and he put his life on the line every time he got in the ring. I guess he was a coward then too, right?
Your exact reasoning is a part of why all nations eventually fail. When enough become like you, unwilling to die for what our nation is, then other nations that are willing to die will chip away at our prosperity until we are completely gone.
I've always been hard on those that dodge the draft but honestly the thought of Hilary wanting war with Russia, if she wins, makes me sure that I'll just go to Canada if this happens. I don't care if Obama does it or any other president. I just don't want to fucking kill / for for a corrupt faggot like Hilary.
What your nation is? You mean a corrupt, communist in all but name, police state?
Do dat b doodoo?
That is a direct result of a generation that was largely unwilling to fight or support fighting for the nation.
Look how much further we've fallen since once again showing our lack of spirit in the middle east.
>Blah blah I hate the establishment and old people
you do realize they weren't just born as 56 year old adults with government jobs right? many of them did serve and the ones that didn't were lucky enough to not get drafted.
Why is she holding a shower head?
Oldfags only.
When Trump dodged the draft, then it's OK
>put his life on the line every time he got in the ring
>literally famous in the boxing world for dancing and running away and dodging hits from his opponents, and dodging the draft.
>lived to be 80 something I believe
I love Ali a FUCK TON but don't be an overdramatic faggot
The only time Ali ever put his life on the line was when he was in his mid 40s and his doctor told him to stop boxing or else his shit was going to get fucked and Muhammad ignored him for more monies
Oh pull the other one mate, its got bells on! A generation unwilling to fight? Your draft offices are turning down young ignorant kids who see the military as the only escape from the Orwellian nightmare your society has become.
Stop blaming the youth. Its the fucking old and rich who did this.
Enlighten me bong, is that some old /new/ meme?
She's posing for a prom picture with her boyfriend. Easy mistake to make
Got to ask yourself if your country is worth dying for anymore OP
Honestly I saved it so long ago I can't remember.
Ain't no chink call me a shit cunt.
Nope, nothing wrong with it.
No it's not wrong. Why the fuck should I go and fight Russians just because some old cunt with pneumonia labeled them 'evil'? If they attack us then fine, defending my country and shit (BUT only my country I'd gladly let the establishment here get slaughtered).
>Not cloning bodies and putting the brains of old men into them so that only those with minds forged in fires of time and experience participate in wars.
>Wtf is wrong with her tricep? It's hanging like a limp dick.
It's an early case of Jigglypuff Syndrome.
PS. I've got the toy shown in OP's post. It sucks. My boyfriend doesn't like it near as much as my dick.
Ali was also a black supremacist and a mudslime.
>shower head
I'd have to guess the man in that photo is experiencing a powerful, powerful moment of clarity about his life.
Trump dodged the draft and he's doing pretty well for himself.
no I sage you
>hey your rich elite have decided to give you the designated status of warrior ant while they live in total safety and risk nothing
>their children will be fine don't worry. you can die because nobody gives a fuck about normal people
dodging the draft is a civil responsibility unless it's in response to a land invasion of your own country. i won't fight a war unless i see a billionaire volunteer first
I would run to another country if I have to go to the Middle East for Isael's expansion project. If war in Europe I will be one of the first to go there.
What if I disagree with the premise of the war and can't justify risking my life to defend the politicians who started the war for their own benefit?
>Women everywhere thinking twice about all their pro Hillary shit now that they are so equal they will be drafted.
>W-who's going to get drafted?
Better watch Hacksaw Ridge
it's the youth blaming all their troubles on rich people.
Why is she holding a door handle?
>unwilling to die for what our nation is
society as it is right now isn't even worth participating in let alone dying for and fighting a war won't magically fix that. it'll just mean you died like a bitch to defend people who hate you
Early onset lunch lady arms.
I wouldn't fight for Hillary. I just don't think she has our country's interests at heart.
Shes trying to get a hold of her life which is taking a dramatic drop. Just like her skin folds after the lipo.
But like all degenerates, the hand is attached to the solid foundation of their beliefs; Fuckin nothing.
That's not a tricep.
That's fat.
Look at her armpit, its an outpit.
Well, fuck it then. I guess the entire world should just submit to our Sino-Soviet overlords.
It really all feeds into the same thing, but you are ultimately arguing that problems can be solved without sacrifice, and that attitude is well documented as a common belief of dying nations.
You seem to think I'm blaming it on the youth, but the fact is its not just the youth of a generation, their parents are at fault for failing to instill in them the basic qualities required of civilized society.
>XX The inadequacy of intellect
>Perhaps the most dangerous by-product of the Age of Intellect is the unconscious growth of the idea that the human brain can solve the problems of the world. Even on the low level of practical affairs this is patently untrue. Any small human activity, the local bowls club or the ladies’ luncheon club, requires for its survival a measure of self-sacrifice and service on the part of the members. In a wider national sphere, the survival of the nation depends basically on the loyalty and self-sacrifice of the citizens. The impression that the situation can be saved by mental cleverness, without unselfishness or human self-dedication, can only lead to collapse.
>showing our lack of spirit in the middle east.
that was the most misguided thing ever. america invaded and tried to colonize a bunch of people they didn't understand at all.
total ignorance of how shitty tribal arabic culture works means that all those soldiers died for nothing. unless creating ISIS and popularizing terrorism in the middle east was the plan
you killed me with that webm, you bastard
>I guess the entire world should just submit to our Sino-Soviet overlords.
what constitutes submitting here?
A hundred times this
If Hungary or Poland ever decide to cleanse Europe and need some extra manpower I'll book the first flight over and I'll do it for free
the draft?... depends on the war and its subtext
tax?... no
debt?... no
rape allegations?... no
spousal abuse allegations?... no
accountability for lies?... no
consequences for sedition?... no
Hasn't there always been a cutoff age to be drafted? I'm 28, I'm probably ok if they reinstitute it right?
she got some nasty tuckshop lady arms
depends on what cause you die for
In my opinion, if one's country's people's existence is threatened by outside forces, it's immoral to dodge the draft. But that's not the case with america and won't be since they are the top dogs of the world.
Unless russia really goes pure evil and starts throwing nukes your way for no reason / conquest, dodging the draft will be the moral thing to do in the next few centuries, since noone else can threaten you in a way that you should need to defend yourself.
Meanwhile, vote for Trump and let him and Putin mend US and russian relations.
You two are destined to work together and make science and space exploration great again. Plus the whole world would feel better if there were no more cold wars.
Move somewhere where you don't have to, then.
What the fuck was the cause to die for in the middle east? To make some cool background story for the next shooter game? Make some cool movies out of it? Maybe popularize terrorism and send a whole region to hell? Leave some broken families back home?
What the fuck did all those people die for?
I don't think it's wrong, since you're dealing with the repercussions if you lose. Also, morality is obviously subjective. How would it be "right" for me to drone strike my family who live in another country?
Or more specifically, to install governments who would cooperate with us and trade their oil exclusively for the US dollar, propping our worthless currency up with a commodity everyone needs
Nah jk we went there to give them freedom :^)
i think dictators are actually necessary sometimes. they might even be a stepping stone in becoming an eventual democracy or other better system. killing gaddafi and sadam was a terrible idea even though sadam just wouldn't stop starting shit. they were the keystone keeping the whole shitshow from imploding
too late now though we're seeing the bloodbath before new dictators arrive and we start at square 1 again.
i actually think dictators are the first step in becoming a more democratic and free nation at times. they centralize the power and as they get old and die you MIGHT get a 'magna carta' effect
but yeah too late to think about all that
we didn't do a nation wide draft for the middle east lol. those people signed up to be in the military so don't go crying about how they didn't get to live their lives when they made the choice to serve.
Not at all, just as long as you don't dodge because you have moral or political objections.
Join the chair force as a medic, go to college and be more useful as anything other than a bullet stopper. I did 4 years right out of high school to get it over with (83-87). It was just what men in my family did.
If it's killing Muslims or any slant eye dog eating shit, i'm in, if it's fellow Slavs and Russians, the army can go fuck itself.
Nice meme.
If you're a male in Murica it's a requirement of being a U.S. citizen.
If they find out you dodged the draft you better be a politician or something. They can get draft waivers and shit...
250k dollar fine or 5 years in jail, loss of voting rights, drivers license, etc.
Only medical discharge or mental illness can get you out if you're a normie.
Yes you should pay the fine for avoiding a draft.
Drafts shouldn't exist for things like the vietnam conflicts, but in some cases (say war against russia because muh nukes) you should be forced to fight. That is life and death of everything we hold dear.
However i've done all 8 years of service and i'm not draft able so whatevs.
Hillary wants war with Russia
If feminists and idiots actually vote for her, causing the war,
They should give their lives for the problem they caused. You have a say in your own life, you have no obligation to die, to give up your one and only existence, for a cause you do not believe in.
Furthermore, its the idiot left that have been telling us since the day we were born that we don't have an identity, we don't have a culture, and we don't have a country. That OUR land belongs to everyone, even the people that haven't even moved here yet.
No tell me, does that sound like you have been given a reason to fight? To die for nothing?
Doesn't sound like it to me.
I would wreck his boipucci
>dying for Israel
>signing up just for a free handout
>come back from war and act like a fucking idiot
vets are the ultimate welfare queens and should honestly just have their fucking benefits cut off
It's perfectly fine to refuse illegal wars, especially when criminals like obama and clinton are waging them for profit.