Is it wrong to dodge the draft?

What if you're scared and don't want to risk your life?

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Wtf is wrong with her tricep? It's hanging like a limp dick.

Looks like she used to be fat (ter)

What tricep?

don't be a pussy op, we all have to do it

>What if you're scared and don't want to risk your life?

Then why the fuck should someone else stand up and defend you and yours?

Register for the draft, and if you're that fucking scared about being conscripted (hint - that shit is never going to happen again) then join the Coast Guard or Navy in a support role where you are statistically safer than driving to a normal 9-5 job in your hometown, plus all the see the world and float on a boat bullshit too.

>we all have to do it

Except the men who decided declared war in the first place.

i dodge the draft for healt issues wen the army was recruiting, years later wen mi healt bether i try to enlist...cant for the age and mi apst of health troubles, alwais regret never get in the army of mi country, at least for the experience of shoot some comunist in the far mountains. :( ...all mi familly have officers and ex infantery veterans, i broke mi familly prud cause in mi generation the only men come out from 7 descendents. fking shame.

What if you have self respect and think for yourself? It's almost like you're wasting your life and dying as a disposable pawn for people who don't give a rats ass about you.

The military is a containment board and I'm glad when their kind die.

why would you want frail old men fighting in a war? sounds like a great way to lose