Attached: ISIS recruitment video.webm (1920x1080, 2.89M)

I remember when I was that muscular in high school

>"yeah I used to bench (1.25 of what you bench) in high school"

how do we save Cheryl?

You can't.

Feels bad man. I was more of a cardio guy.

>tfw used to have washboard abs due to tennis
>15 years later
>beach ball body
I miss the days when I was the fittest one in my group. I still am, but it's mostly cause everyone else is even worse than me.

When does Chic get ousted/killed?
Why does Chic have such bad dental health that his dental floss has enough blood on it for a proper samble?
Why is Chic such a shit character?

>beat up my GF's dad
>GF kisses Jughead in front of him

Could Archie be any more of a cuck?

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>beat up my GF's dad

Sounds pretty alpha.


>When does Chic get ousted/killed?
Next week, apparently.

>Why does Chic have such bad dental health that his dental floss has enough blood on it for a proper samble?
Well, he was a homeless rentboy.

>Why is Chic such a shit character?
No real purpose.

Would non fags like this show?

I am a breeder and I love this show unironically.

>Implying it isn't all leading up to a bare-knuckle fight between Archie and Hiram for the soul of Riverdale.

you tell me

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>top 10 anime battles

this. classic storytelling trope. I'm pretty sure getting into a sweaty wrestling match with your thicc latina gf's crime boss dad is one of the stages of the hero's journey

When are we going to see some Archie and Jug romance?

is watching your thicc latina GF makeout with your best friend also part of this journey?

Attached: Level_the_playing_field._Stream_the_latest_Riverdale_for_free_on_The_CW_App_-_...-1708666169212770.w (640x360, 2.59M)

>This archetypal nightmare of the ogre father is made actual in the ordeals of the primitive initiation. The boys of the Australian murngin tribe, as we have seen, are first frightened and sent running to their mothers. The Great Father Snake is calling for their foreskins. This places the women in the role of the protectresses. A prodigious horn is blown, named Yurlunggur, which is supposed to be the call of the Great Father Snake, who has emerged from his hole.
Straight from The Hero with a Thousand Faces

>The Twin Heroes of the Navaho has to pass not only the clashing rocks, but also the reeds that cut the traveler to pieces and the boiling sands that overwhelm him. The hero whose attachment to ego is already annihilate passes back and forth across the horizons of the world, in and out of the dragon, as readily as a king through all the rooms of his house. And therein lies his power to save; for his passing and returning demonstrate that through all the contraries of phenomenality the Uncreate-Imperishable remains, and there is nothing to fear.

That was oddly petty of Jughead, I'm surprised Archie forgave him so readily.

Imagine how much he'd whine if Archie made out with Betty in front of him.

That's why Jughead is worst boy.