Attached: ISIS recruitment video.webm (1920x1080, 2.89M)
Jose Flores
Jack Green
I remember when I was that muscular in high school
Oliver Morales
>"yeah I used to bench (1.25 of what you bench) in high school"
William Russell
how do we save Cheryl?
Oliver Evans
You can't.
Jordan Collins
Feels bad man. I was more of a cardio guy.
Aiden Gutierrez
>tfw used to have washboard abs due to tennis
>15 years later
>beach ball body
I miss the days when I was the fittest one in my group. I still am, but it's mostly cause everyone else is even worse than me.
Luis King
When does Chic get ousted/killed?
Why does Chic have such bad dental health that his dental floss has enough blood on it for a proper samble?
Why is Chic such a shit character?
Luke Clark
>beat up my GF's dad
>GF kisses Jughead in front of him
Could Archie be any more of a cuck?
Ayden Turner
>beat up my GF's dad
Sounds pretty alpha.